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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques by University of Minnesota

186 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn a variety of matrix factorization and hybrid machine learning techniques for recommender systems. Starting with basic matrix factorization, you will understand both the intuition and the practical details of building recommender systems based on reducing the dimensionality of the user-product preference space. Then you will learn about techniques that combine the strengths of different algorithms into powerful hybrid recommenders....

Top reviews


Jan 2, 2021

Really enjoyed the course!One suggestion I have is to blend in even more advanced techniques such as using neural networks (e.g. NCF)


Jul 18, 2017

great courses! They invite a lot of interviews to let me understand the sea of recommend system!

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26 - 27 of 27 Reviews for Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques

By Moustafa M

Apr 18, 2020

The HWs for the Honor track had mistakes


Jun 9, 2020

Could have been better