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Learner Reviews & Feedback for English for Media Literacy by University of Pennsylvania

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About the Course

Welcome to English for Media Literacy, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. To enroll in this course for free, click on “Enroll now” and then select "Full Course. No certificate." This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in learning more about U.S. media literacy. In this course, you will explore different types of mass media, such as newspapers, magazines, television, and social media. This course will also give you the opportunity to develop a broader understanding of the role media plays in our lives, while building your vocabulary and giving you the language skills needed to analyze what you read and watch. The first unit in this course will provide an introduction to media literacy and give you an opportunity to evaluate your own media literacy level. In unit 2, you will learn how to identify facts versus opinions in the media. The next unit in the course will focus on the differences between social media and traditional media, while unit 4 will look at how gender and identity are covered in the media. In the final unit of the course, you will demonstrate your increased media literacy by through a culminating final project on social media. Development of this course was funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Office of English Language Programs. Unless otherwise noted, all course materials are available for re-use, repurposing and free distribution under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution license....

Top reviews


Jan 26, 2019

I learned a lot from this online course especially the skills in media literacy. Thank you very much University of Pennsylvania. God bless to all staff and the people behind this program. More power!


Feb 8, 2019

This course helps people to b knowledgeable in a very accessible way. Through Coursra you can study even in different places. Also you will get a Certificate that will be valubale to every learner.

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26 - 50 of 589 Reviews for English for Media Literacy

By Monico R A

Mar 22, 2020

I love this course as I have now the knowledge of the difference between the traditional media such as radio, television, print media such as the newspaper, magazine, among others; and the other type of media - the social media which is growing in the number of followers. People are fond of social media and in fact, almost all people have not only one social media account: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. I was interested at first to take this course as I thought of this as one of the subjects in the senior high school but it turned out that this is different and I can say that this helped us to be vigilant now in the information posted as some are just fake news. This course made me realize that we should not always believe in the things posted in social media, check them before we believe in them.

By Ana C

Feb 7, 2020

The course is very well structured and the activities are interesting. I enjoyed learning more technical terms, categories and concepts of bias and media, so it was very relevant to introduce me and now I will study further. But the course is more useful for intermediate or upper-intermediate English learners. I will recommend this course for people in this situation. For fluent English students interested more on the Media Literacy content or expecting advanced uses of language, the grammar activities might seem repetitive and not challenging. It was a great experience overall!

By Juliet M M

Dec 3, 2019

Coursera has really benefited my knowledge. I am well equipped and this course has broaden and expanded my Horizon. with all that i have learned, I am certain that I will pursue other courses. I love the structure and method of lecturing.

By Iuliia M

Dec 22, 2020

I started thinking deeply in the different types of media. Also, my English grammar is better now. There were so fascinating lectures (videos), quizzes and reading. Teachers were funny too. It's so informative!

By Nedyu Y

Jun 1, 2019

A bit simplistic without a clear scope and target audience.

By Carlianne C

Feb 10, 2019

My week 3 and 4 was finished and all the tasks have a check mark but the overview of the course shows that im not yet done it confuses me

By Гученкова Т А

Apr 5, 2022

I really enjoyed taking the English for Media Literacy course. Throughout this course, I learned something new about media, learned what types of biases are, got acquainted with the methods of advertising impact on a person. The most interesting for me were videos that are understandable and accessible explained this or that information to me.I was also pleased that interactive tests could be taken several times.However, the only thing that caused me difficulties was a large number of tasks with deadlines.Sometimes I simply did not have time to pass them on time. I can safely recommend this course for studying, because here you will really get new knowledge and improve your level of English.

By Алия С

Nov 21, 2022

English for Media Literacy is really informative and unique project. The course gave me a great opportunuty to improve my language skills and my knowledge of media and media literacy at the same time. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the media these days. The media, especially social media, has become an essential part of our daily lives. This course teaches us how to apply critical thinking and self expression in social media, how it is important to deal with any message in a proper way, also be aware of the advertisement and its peculiarities , about bias and diversity in media. I relly enjoyed the unique journey through language and media literacy !

By Huỳnh T

Aug 31, 2022

Very practical and easy for beginners to learn. I have grasped a lot of understanding about Media Literacy and it's very useful. The lecturers are enthusiastic, many activities in each lesson, all of them help me enjoy the course and not feel overwhelmed. I love this course and highly recommend it to those who study in communication major like me as well as who would love to have media literacy skill, which is extremely important in this digital age when we are surrounded by a huge volume of news and advertising.

By Amari T

Jun 6, 2022

I liked this course a lot, because it helped me to see more clearly the things that I need to watch out for. Such as ads, social media posts, and others. But more importantly, it has helped me to think lots more critically about the things I see. Obviously in the media---No matter what kind---but also in everyday things, such as people, and even myself. So thank you, Instructors. You've done a wonderful job of creating this course, and I believe it helps a whole lot. :)

--- Sincerely,

Amari Thompson.

By I'annatun N

Jun 19, 2023

This course is very good and help me learn more about English for media literacy. The videos used in the course are also very good and the explanations are very easy to understand. The reading text used in this course is also very good and interesting to discuss. Moreover, this course is equipped with quizzes that can make us better understand the material that has been discussed. The material used is also in accordance with current conditions related to media literacy, both traditional and mass.

By Gulzhauhar Y

Mar 7, 2023

Media literacy is extremely important for a modern person: it makes critical thinking possible. A media literate individual is able to distinguish reliable sources of information, determine the role of media in culture, and be responsible for their understanding of the influence of mass media, switching between different media platforms.While studying on the course, I received a lot of new and useful information for myself, new practical skills that I plan to apply in my educational activities.

By Sevda A

Apr 10, 2022

This is really good course. I' ve gained so much amazing things about not just reading the media, but also watching the news and looking at the photo. There are so many ways of presenting the news and usually they can be not true. therefore readers and viewers have to be attentive, check everything they read and see, not to trust the only media, but find another sources and compare.

Moreover, a good grammar was presented in the couse. So I am very happy of being its participant.

By Zulya A

Nov 10, 2022

Thanks a lot to developers, such an amazing course now I am sharing learnt things with my students and colleagues. The course is developed that guarantees smooth pass from one task to another, every time you can find something new and thought provoking. This course is not for educational aim only but for life, being media literate is a skill that is must have in today's incontrollable info flow world. Huge thanks as well for decision making board for financial aid.


Jun 26, 2023

I greatly benefited from this course as it equipped me with the skills of skimming, scanning, identifying bias, and many others related to media literacy. This course has enabled me to determine effective strategies for combating the dissemination of hoax news in this era of rapid technological advancement, where news spreads swiftly. I have come to understand the paramount significance of media literacy in terms of comprehending context and other related aspects.

By Devita A R

Jun 25, 2023

learning through makes it easy for me to get to know media literacy both traditional and online. opened my mind about media bias, advertising in the media, and so on. all the teaching taught by the tutor has a language that is easy to understand. as well as the type of reading presented in the quiz every day is very interesting to read so that it gives me a broader insight. overall, this course helped me a lot. thank you!!!!

By Albina P

May 5, 2018

English for Media Literacy is very interesting and useful course. It gives better understanding of what is media. Also course help to determine bias in the media source, some ways how to avoid misunderstanding and besides it give the practical skills to analyze all information that we receive from the media. English for Media Literacy help to evolve critical thinking, teaches how to filter information you need from fake and distorted.

By Bekmambetova M S

Nov 14, 2022

This course was very informative and full of useful information. I knew about bias in media, stereotypes,use of connotations to express opinions,and loads of amazing videos with great lectures. The excellent job our facilitator Nuriya Nazipova helped us to improve our speaking skills on the topic if media, she used different activities which made us feel free during the discussions. Thanks to Coursera for such a great course.

By Maria K M

Nov 27, 2022

I've Learned a lot more about using my social networks and improve my knowledge about it. The week one to five in this weeks they challenge to improve my critical thinking as a user of the media. I don't read the entire weeks i only understand the question,task and video questions. To make me more understand and use my critical thinking on how i create my projects for the entire activities i have froom week one to five .

By Kaliakbarova Y

Mar 10, 2020

Helloi!Starting the English for Media literature course, I doubted how I could learn the language online, but now my attitude to It has clearly changed. The excellent course, the methodology of writing tasks , a selection of texts ,videos, teachers with whom I studied this course became very nice to me .thanks to this, I learned how to edit videos, analyze articles and messages.

With respect Kaliakbarova Elmira

By Jo A M G

Feb 10, 2019

I am really grateful being able to have the opportunity to be in this course. I have learned a lot. I can now say that I am fully media literate now because of all the learning I have acquired in this course. I have gained a lot of knowledge through Coursera. Thank you to the University of Pennsylvania for giving us the opportunity to finish this course. Thank you so much and may you always be blessed!

By Дарина С Ф

Jun 14, 2022

I want to thank the University of Pennsylvania for such a wonderful opportunity to participate in this course. This is really important. I was able to repeat some facts that I already know and learn new interesting information that I will use every day.

P. S. The course is suitable for people with impaired concentration. I didn't feel any discomfort while watching short videos or reading texts.

By 洪詩茜

Dec 2, 2018

I'm so glad to have the chance to get involved in this course from the University of Pennsylvania. Through the online lessons, I've learned a lot and been more aware of all the media in our lives. The learning materials are various enough for me to acquire different skills and knowledge. After all, I believe Media Literacy is an important issue for modern citizens around the world. Thanks again!

By Lena B

Mar 24, 2017

Очень интересный и безусловно полезный курс! Грамотно и последовательно подобранный материал и заинтересованные в его изложении преподаватели. Несложные тестовые и практические задания. Приобретенные знания и навыки пригодятся как для профессиональной деятельности, так и для использования в повседневной жизни. Спасибо создателям курса за возможность пройти его на бесплатной основе.

By Benedict M P A

Nov 17, 2017

I am taking this opportunity to thank my professors in the name of Lauren Fiori and Ian Nichols for such a good course I have completed. The course materials can be used in my classroom instructions and my superiors will be highly impressed of the materials I took from the course. With this, I am endlessly extending my gratitude for this opportunity of graduating this course.