Oct 14, 2023
I gained a lot of knowledge on musical terms in the course. However, it was challenging yet rewarding. Suitable for those with little experience and maybe basic music theory knowledge.
Apr 15, 2020
Thank you for making the course as fun and relatable as possible! You really gave me a bigger picture idea of things and I can't wait to go deeper into the concepts we learned here!
By Παύλος Κ
•Jan 12, 2022
Phenomenal teacher. Nice class!
By Héctor H T F
•Sep 20, 2020
You are going to love this one.
By Paula C A A
•Mar 26, 2022
great, i enjoyed too much
By Myriam E
•Aug 11, 2024
Fantástico curso!
By wadjao b
•Mar 28, 2022
very very good
By Jose S V
•Jun 30, 2021
•Jul 22, 2023
Very Good
By Franco C R
•Jun 1, 2022
By henry j c g
•Feb 2, 2022
is great
By andres b
•Dec 21, 2019
By Robert B
•Nov 18, 2023
It was a challenging and knowledge-packed course that significantly improved my music appreciation. I learned so much about intervals, tonal and harmonic functions, the different forms of cadences, and the intricate rules of writing multi-part melodies. I now have a keen sense of the relationship between horizontal and vertical melodies and appreciate every leap I hear in songs on the radio and elsewhere. I would have loved for the course's final week to be extended and the lecture slowed down a bit because it contained critical information that those of us without prior music theory background could not keep up with. Yet since I consider the information valuable, I would have made the time to gain a good understanding of it. I appreciate the discussions of various types of cadences and consider that part very important, but it seemed rushed.
By Armando M
•Jul 13, 2020
Este curso hace un buen trabajo explicando las características principales de la música de distintas épocas, desde los cantos medievales hasta el Siglo XXI. El profesor trata de hacerlo muy ameno y con el mínimo de teoría posible. Sin embargo, para aprovechar el curso es necesario saber un poco de teoría musical. Por lo menos saber escribir y leer música y poder tocar algún instrumento y/o cantar una partitura. Esto es por los trabajos a realizar (en caso uno quiera el certificado). Igual si no piensas hacer los trabajos, el curso no vale tanto la pena. Vas a componer música, escribir en distintos estilos y evaluar las composiciones de otros compañeros del curso.
By kk K
•May 28, 2022
This course enchance my knowledge of music harmony which surely help me in my future career as a piano teacher.
By Jia-ying K L
•Jan 25, 2021
Very engaging lessons and exercises! However, waiting on peer feedback may take some time.
By Kartik N
•Jan 10, 2022
I think the content is good, at least initially. I love the fact that the instructor makes us compose music. But the two biggest failings are that there doesnt seem to be an end goal to this course and that finding peers who are capable of giving proper feedback is difficult.
By Pedro L A D
•Jun 27, 2020
Very difficult, explanation are not clear, much talk and many slang language...
By nm
•Jun 23, 2024
please unenroll me. there is no unenroll option in the drop down. tired of seeing this class in my learning
By Volkan A
•Apr 12, 2021
I cannot unenroll. I have mistakenly enrolled. Please help.