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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Model Thinking by University of Michigan

2,231 ratings

About the Course

We live in a complex world with diverse people, firms, and governments whose behaviors aggregate to produce novel, unexpected phenomena. We see political uprisings, market crashes, and a never ending array of social trends. How do we make sense of it? Models. Evidence shows that people who think with models consistently outperform those who don't. And, moreover people who think with lots of models outperform people who use only one. Why do models make us better thinkers? Models help us to better organize information - to make sense of that fire hose or hairball of data (choose your metaphor) available on the Internet. Models improve our abilities to make accurate forecasts. They help us make better decisions and adopt more effective strategies. They even can improve our ability to design institutions and procedures. In this class, I present a starter kit of models: I start with models of tipping points. I move on to cover models explain the wisdom of crowds, models that show why some countries are rich and some are poor, and models that help unpack the strategic decisions of firm and politicians. The models covered in this class provide a foundation for future social science classes, whether they be in economics, political science, business, or sociology. Mastering this material will give you a huge leg up in advanced courses. They also help you in life. Here's how the course will work. For each model, I present a short, easily digestible overview lecture. Then, I'll dig deeper. I'll go into the technical details of the model. Those technical lectures won't require calculus but be prepared for some algebra. For all the lectures, I'll offer some questions and we'll have quizzes and even a final exam. If you decide to do the deep dive, and take all the quizzes and the exam, you'll receive a Course Certificate. If you just decide to follow along for the introductory lectures to gain some exposure that's fine too. It's all free. And it's all here to help make you a better thinker!...

Top reviews


Feb 24, 2017

Great content and lectures, that possibly provides new dimensions to look/explain the situation in context, I guess I will comeback for references to continue with this journey in to 'Model Thinking'


Nov 23, 2020

very informative and insightful on how to use the various models at our disposal to take optimal decision. Also, was nostalgic to go back in time where these models were part of my university degree.

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176 - 200 of 502 Reviews for Model Thinking

By Vusi M

Oct 7, 2021

I would suggest this course to anyone who wants to have a clearer and methodical approach to complexities.

By Maharaja P S

Dec 14, 2020

One of the best courses I've come across. Really looking forward to seeing advanced courses on the topic.

By Черепанов Г М

Apr 5, 2022

Very useful course that provides a great introduction to many concepts from game theory and statistics.

By Konstantinos D

Oct 19, 2021

Amazing work. I have seen many videos in youtube of that course before get it here. Recommended for sure

By Alexander L

Oct 27, 2015

Scott E is wonderful to learn from! Very exciting and interesting material, worth taking the deep dive!

By shazz

Feb 19, 2017

The instructor does a very good job in explaining difficult concepts and is amazing in his teaching ..

By Zina P

Jun 26, 2018

This course is changing the way I looked at analytics and modeling for businesses. Great experience.

By Кондрашова Н А

Apr 26, 2022

прекрасно разработанный курс, структурированно выданные знания , я буду пользоваться ими в будущем

By Andrzej S

Sep 16, 2021

Great introduction to model thinking / mental models! It was a pleasure to listen do Prof. Scott :)

By Lawrence L

Jun 3, 2017

Very interesting course, gives useful insights into different phenomena observed in the real world.

By Reza

Jun 13, 2018

Excellent introduction to the world of models - lots of insights and new ways to look at the world

By Willem P

Jun 14, 2024

Scott E. Page is a very good instructor. Interesting course, an introduction to a lot of models.

By Shakhawat U B

May 14, 2020

Truly something great! Learnt a lot from this course, and would apply these to my personal life!

By Changwoo K

Sep 4, 2016

this course keeps the basic line for thinking on platform. And the You can get the Idea of resol

By Eduardo H M

Jun 9, 2020

Unfolds different way to understand and approach great diversity of problems , awesome course!

By Sarvesh S

Apr 4, 2020

Excellent course which enhances critical thinking and helps in decision making based on models.

By Olesia S

Feb 5, 2016

Very srtuctored, informative course. Is definitly useful for students from diverse specalties.

By Derek R

Sep 2, 2018

I learned a variety of models that are applicable to work and real-world situational problems.

By Hongru D

Aug 31, 2018

Very interesting course, after learning these method, it helps me to view the world different.

By Sani U

May 9, 2018

Lots of interesting and practical models were taught. Definitely gonna take this course again.

By D M C

Sep 20, 2017

No course helped me in understanding complex systems like this one take the time to learn this

By Sukran C

Feb 16, 2018

I certainly advise everyone this course. Thank you for such a good and informative lessons.

By Nomthandazo M

Aug 31, 2020

I really enjoyed doing model thinking, one gets to view problems in different perspectives

By Marco Z

Apr 22, 2018

Very interesting. Especially the part about the game of life and cellular automata models!

By Susan S

May 24, 2021

Extremely challenging, but I did like the way it was set out. Thank you Professor Scott.