Jan 14, 2018
It has been a very wonderful course. I love the museum as a cultural space and now I love it more for its commitment to online education and giving us the opportunity to learn in different countries.
Jun 7, 2020
Really enjoyed this course! Well organized/developed, and even for a museum buff, like me, offered great ideas, and perspectives in ‘looking’ and ‘understanding’ art, and particular artist’s process.
By Karen W
•Aug 20, 2020
Very enjoyable course especially appreciated at this time of lockdown. I really enjoyed the live conference and the creative element in the course. It made me think and challenged me and my art practice.
By Juan A G
•Jul 11, 2020
El curso es agradable, sencillo e interesante. Mi única queja es la metodología de examen final, habría que filtrar a las personas que no están dispuestas a tomarse el curso y las correcciones en serio.
By Denise K
•Dec 6, 2023
I missed the training of courating art by myslef a bit. there were options to courate and describe art but I would like to see another subject in the program that goes a bit deeper on courating art.
By Kelly
•Oct 17, 2015
I enjoyed this course, but am still trying to catch up on the reading! :) I would have loved to see a few more weeks, with perhaps longer and more in-depth videos and more themes and examples. I
By Eugênia P
•Jun 27, 2020
Achei que teve muitos textos, mas, de modo geral, o curso é muito bom para iniciantes. Poderia ter mais legendas para português nos vídeos e possibilidade de tradução automática do navegador.
By Yan C
•Aug 17, 2016
Ithink this course is unbelievably usefuland exciting but there weren't much information about educational method which was essentual,in my opinion. Thank you for your gripping course!!!
By Richard O
•Feb 21, 2022
No interaction with people, no professional, no students (except the final revision and grading). Forum is nothing.
No interaction is very bad. Online can be substituted by a good book.
By j. s
•Nov 11, 2019
I wasn't sure what to expect from this course. It served a a good introductory course and I'd like to see more courses that delve sections of it and focus on that particular content.
By Karla B V
•Apr 12, 2018
It is good but I thought of it too short. I would have loved to see more artworks for every theme.
It was good, not a must but good enough to use your time on if you are an art lover.
By Куркин Е Д
•Apr 30, 2020
Красиво обо всём рассказано, множество дополнительной информации, которую при желании можно изучить. После прохождения курса заражаешься энергией творчества. Хочется создать шедевр!
By François G
•Oct 18, 2017
What you'll provide will be the mirror of what you'll get as global result. The course is a fine way to become connected to the modern art, especially into american modern art.
By Filip
•Aug 15, 2017
LOTS of content if one have a lot of time, one can dig really deep into the subject. Very enjoyable videos. Also the themes by which the images are sorted is quite unique.
By Stacy N
•Nov 14, 2018
This course was enjoyable. Content was good. It was a pretty easy pace, and most of the content was for thought provocation and reflection rather than "busy work."
By Dalia E P R
•Oct 19, 2020
I enjoyed taking this course, it’s great to start learning more about art history and it’s not hard at all. A lot of videos to see though, but it’s worth it!
By Nehwoen L
•Jan 30, 2020
I had so much fun taking this course. I learned much more about how to think and view art and appreciated how digestible the learning modules were. Thanks!
By Non A
•Apr 6, 2019
I really like this course. I just have one comment: The learners are so few that there're not anyone to grade my assignments to help me pass the class.
By Patricio S R Q
•Apr 16, 2019
Nice easy going way of learning something interesting and new for non-art professionals. Easy and short lectures, good exercices if you have the time.
By Geraldine K
•Jul 26, 2017
Introduction course to be guided through curators to appreciate and interpret contemporary works of artists in their historical and personal context.
By Dhriti H
•Jun 13, 2020
The course was an amazing experience that really changed my perspective on a lot of things but I would've preferred if it was a bit more interactive
By Victor M B M
•Oct 11, 2020
Muy bueno en general, muy interesante y agradables los videos. Quizá un poco más de presencia humana, como las entrevistas, me hubiese gustado más.
By Amit K
•Jun 20, 2020
Assignment submission is difficult and certificate is not available although I got an email but don't know how to download or receive certificate.
By Mathilde F
•Oct 30, 2015
As a total new beginner, this course is really great and interesting. I've learn a lot about modern art in general and work of art in particular.
By Leslie H
•Aug 6, 2020
I resisted the peer review at first but embraced the concept and now truly value applying what I learned and sharing my thoughts and expression.
•Jan 19, 2017
By Heather K
•Oct 2, 2021
Course was fascinating but technology instructions could be clearer. Wasted a lot of time dealing with tech when I could have been learning.