Sep 10, 2016
I really like the professor and his narration, quite engaging and interesting course. The only suggestion I have is to improve the quizzes with more analytical rather than fact-based questions.
Apr 29, 2016
An excellent introduction to the formation of what we know as the Middle East. This course offers great insight and context into this area, its peoples, cultures, economy, and politics.
By Miriam C G R
•Sep 28, 2016
Es un curso que se ve muy interesante y me gustaría poder continuarlo. Desgraciadamente mi obstáculo para esto es el idioma. Aunque los vídeos están subtitulados las lecturas que dejan son en inglés. Mi conocimiento de inglés es muy bajo y tardaría muchísimo en leer los documentos. Espero pronto mejorar este aspecto y para entonces siga este curso para poderlo tomar.
Muchas gracias.
By Ying X
•Sep 27, 2017
this course covered a lot of Middle east history in such a compact and concise and clear way(compare to reading books on amazon by yourself.....) .Highly recommended.....I never know about the French influence in Syria, and British advocacy for Arab nationalism before...also the Turkish reform....this course is easy to understand with lots of resources and you learn a lot~
•Apr 11, 2016
Course was thorough and informative. I entered with no knowledge about the History of the Middle East and now have a solid base of understanding to further delve into the subject. Professor is clear and the lectures are well organized. I'm honestly surprised at how much information I was able to retain on the taught subjects. Take this course! You'll be glad you did.
By Bárbara M
•Feb 12, 2018
It is an interesting, entertaining course that manages to stimulate interest in research about different elements that make up the history of the Middle East. I suggest that in future revisions the number of specialized readings to study in contrast to the videos be increased. Thank you very much for the opportunity. Excellent the effort of the creators of the course.
By Linda H
•Feb 18, 2021
Excellent introduction - wonderfully stretching, particularly for someone like me who had no previous knowledge or familiarity with the history, religions or languages of the area, and I imagine plenty enough too for others who might gain from this excellent overview of the developments across such a wide and diverse area, and how they fit together.
By Jamilya A
•Oct 14, 2020
I took this course because I wanted to have a better understanding of the issues the middle east has been facing. I learned a lot!! This was awesome. Gives you a new life perspective. However, I wonder if it was too detailed for me? Because I still (in normal daily life) won't recall all the names of sultans and so on...
By Kayleigh S
•Feb 18, 2023
This is very informative because this course has explained the very core problems in the Middle East. The Middle East to this day is still fighting with modernity vs Islamic tradition. Another part that this course also said was that the Middle Eastern countries have always been together under certain empires.
By Dagmara G
•May 30, 2021
The course is conducted in a very simple and interesing way, encouraging to learn more about the Middle East. Questions popping up during the class help student to consolidate knowledge from the last videos. Opportunity to save notes, and also downloading the transcript helps a lot to revise material.
By Filipa M
•Oct 29, 2016
This course is a great beginning for those that are interested in the situation of the Middle East or curious about what happened with the Ottoman Empire. The professor was very informative! While the information was a lot, it was presented in an accessible way and it did not feel overwhelming.
By Leo K
•Mar 8, 2016
Professor Asher Susser is a very good speaker, and the course is very well organized. The subjects he discuss are very interesting; I enjoyed listening to him for hours. I will absolutely participate in the second part of this course as well as the course about the modern history of Israel.
By Kunal S
•Jun 4, 2020
A brilliant course for someone who wants to learn about the origins of States in Middle East During the Ottoman era. Brilliant instructor with deep knowledge and simple lectures, helps students to understand better. Strongly recommended to undergo both the Parts for complete understanding.
By Sergio d l R
•May 21, 2020
Excelent course! A very clear outline and explanation of the context and series of events that led to the creation of the modern Middle East, focusing on each region to extract very interesting details. I took the course for personal interest in the matter, and found it to be very useful!
By Mary E
•Jan 3, 2021
The material was presented in an easy to understand format. I found the entire course very enlightening about how the complicated Middle East was formed. I recommend it to everyone to gain a better understanding of the formation of the Middle East and how it relates to current politics.
By Song W (
•May 8, 2018
A very informative course on the state building in the middle east. Would be great preparatory course if someone would like to have a deeper understanding for the current political unrest in the region. Very clear and succinct lectures, and I enjoyed this course a lot! Thank you, prof!
By Emilie E
•Sep 20, 2020
Excellent insightful course which explains very thoroughly the history of Middle East starting from the Ottoman empire until the foreign creation of the modern states. I would highly recommend this course and I am looking forward to start the second chapter about the Modern Era.
By Miriam l
•Dec 27, 2016
I strongly recommend this course to all those who are curios about Modern Middle East history or simply love Arab culture. To me, this is a very in-depth course which need to be accompanied by extra readings to have a more complete picture in mind. I'm going to take the secon
By Alejandro J
•Aug 8, 2018
A very good course to understand the beginning of the modern Middle East. This course allows a novice to understand the important players that would shape future events and we can see the impact of the actions taken by the key figures in this course in the present day.
By Hannah L
•Jun 28, 2016
Very informative and fascinating. I knew some of the history in very vague lines, but this really brings clarity to how that area of the world developed into what it is today.
The professor is very interesting and obviously extremely knowledgeable about this topic.
By Terry T
•May 20, 2021
Brilliant course with excellent teachers to help full understanding of complex relations between different countries and various philosophies. I would fully recommend this course to anyone who wants to understand the complexities of the modern Middle East.
By Melissa J H
•Jan 9, 2017
This course was a wealth of information. I was a history major in college, yet not much of this information was ever presented to me. I am so happy to finally be able to understand some of the reasons behind the current difficulties in the Middle East.
By Swathi (
•Nov 16, 2017
Really well structured course that does a solid job at laying out the messiness that is the history of the Middle East. Really good professor who has pragmatic interpretations and makes intellectual connections without losing the student's attention.
By Mike H
•Oct 18, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed the course, and I most appreciated the parallel processes in multiple areas of the Middle East.I appreciate the structure and pace of the lecturer, who went into just enough - but not too much! - detail to illustrate his point.
•May 31, 2020
Trata-se de um Curso de excelente relevancia para aquisição de conhecimento notório a cerca da geopolítica do Oriente Médio, desde o domínio Otomano até a criação do Estado de Israel e o advento do Sionismo patriota judaico na região.
•Aug 21, 2017
Very informative course which discusses the historical developments that lead to the creation of the current middle eastern states. The PDF lecture notes are very useful. Great for anyone looking to understand middle eastern politics.
By Rodrigo S M M
•Aug 21, 2017
Wonderfully taught - a delight to experience. The instructor knew the syllabus by heart, and was able to convey the sheer quantity of information with such a precise, striking ease, that it made the ordeal a captivating thing to do.