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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 2) by Wesleyan University

360 ratings

About the Course

This course examines how the idea of "the modern" develops at the end of the 18th century in European philosophy and literature, and how being modern (or progressive, or hip) became one of the crucial criteria for understanding and evaluating cultural change. Are we still in modernity, or have we moved beyond the modern to the postmodern?...

Top reviews


Mar 11, 2016

Sad to see it end. I loved this course. I thought Professor Roth was a great guide. As I've completed Part 2 I am tempted to go listen to the lectures all over again. This hooked me on MOOCs. 6 stars.


Sep 2, 2019

It was a wonderful experience to know about modern and post modern developments in European world. This has developed in me curiosity to dwell in to Indian Philosophical concepts and doctrines.

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1 - 25 of 107 Reviews for The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 2)

By Remington C


Mar 29, 2016

Phenomenal instructor, great material, and I loved the reading. This was a challenging course, and that's needed more in online courses like this. Changed the way I look at the world.

By Mamoon H


Aug 29, 2017

It is one of the best courses in Liberal Arts that I have ever taken. Not only did it offer me the opportunity to catch up with what I hadn`t studied in my student days, but offered me the opportunity to see the world from different perspectives. Thanks to the clear, well-explained and sometimes humorous lectures by Professor Michael Roth, I was able to grasp every bit of the course. Thank you Professor Roth. I was also fortunate to have met classmates from different strata of the society and nationalities whose contributions, through the various assignments we did, have tremendously helped me go through the course with accolades.

I would like to recommend this course to anyone who really wants to understand what Modernism and Postmodernism is about

I would, however, like to suggest that the certificate awarded by Wesleyan University have the university`s original crest on it like the one issued by university of London for Teaching EFL/ESL Reading etc. Though what matters is the substance of the course, I also believe that making the certificate more appealing to employers` eyes will enhance the certificate holders` chance of employment.

By Bhramari S


Sep 2, 2019

It was a wonderful experience to know about modern and post modern developments in European world. This has developed in me curiosity to dwell in to Indian Philosophical concepts and doctrines.

By Emily S


May 19, 2020

An excellent follow-up to Part 1. The range of thinkers considered invites interesting connections in the development of intellectual history in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The lectures draw out some of these connections explicitly, but others are left for you to wonder about and discover (with delight) for yourself, in particular through the assignments.

The only challenge is accessing the texts for Part 2 - unlike in Part 1, not all the texts are either available online or in print, buying some of the texts is expensive, or requires much searching to find out-or-print copies. However, this is not a reflection on the course material itself, which is beautifully presented, stimulating, and thought-provoking long afterwards.

By Martin P


Jun 15, 2016

A five-star rating for a five-star course. I've actually completed parts 1 and 2 and I cannot praise both parts too highly. Professor Roth, President of Wesleyan College was an excellent lecturer and imparted his knowledge with great enthusiasm. I learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

One negative point on the Coursera side: I'm still waiting for my first and fifth assignments to be assessed. In the case of the first assignment, that goes back to April.

By Wendy M


Oct 15, 2016

The course for you If you want to find out how philosophy is relevant to the way we live in this complex and ever changing world. A brilliant on-line course. I got to the end of it with lots of regret; Michael Roth is such an engaging guide. I chose not to complete the written assignments which is why this will show I didn't complete the course. But I did in fact study all the material and it was great.

By Cynthia M


Mar 11, 2016

Sad to see it end. I loved this course. I thought Professor Roth was a great guide. As I've completed Part 2 I am tempted to go listen to the lectures all over again. This hooked me on MOOCs. 6 stars.

By Warren C


May 30, 2019

A challenging and insightful course from which I learned and experienced many new ideas

By Sang Y D


Mar 25, 2016

I advice NOT to take this course.

Why: the professor is never there to read your assignments. He leaves that totally to other students like yourself, to grade your written assignments, and, they do not read and give you a RANDOM grade in 2 seconds.

Don't take it, you will waste sooo much time on this one.

By Katie F


Oct 29, 2020

This has been my first time back in the academic world after a long hiatus and my first ever experience of philosophy and I have really loved the journey. I have learned so much (and also now "know what I do not know"), but I have also taken away an enriched knowledge of philosophical principles and thinkers and some new concepts to embed into my life... wide ranging new goals from Kant's "dare to know" to Emerson's "joyful presentness"; Baudelaire's call to "make life beautiful" and Woolf's guide to find beauty and intimacy in the everyday. I have loved Professor Roth's passionate lectures and entertaining delivery; his concepts of the "really real" and the lens of his space-time glasses; loved the wide-ranging reading and being introduced to new writers; and also loved the way that the different strands were combined at the end of the course, through the contemporary thinkers and concepts and the eclectic and positive messages for the future ending with Appiah's "happy globalism". A huge thank you to Professor Roth for being so generous with his time and putting so much of his own personality and enthusiasm into this excellent learning journey.

By Pat A


Nov 7, 2022

This course (Part 1 and 2) provides an in-depth review of different ways of thinking about the world as described in literature and media arts. As such, it is valuable as a check on the certainty we all want to feel about our ideas and notions. It allows us to recognize that there are many facets to each life, that each life is an experiment. Sometimes the ideas discussed are way out there and possibly part of the lunatic fringe. The course closes the loop back to reality with discussion of pragmatism, the anchor that checks bad ideas.

I was impressed with the range of class reading and writing assignments that enabled the students to express their ideas in written form.

By Peter E


Nov 5, 2020

Finding Coursera has literally transformed my existence as a retiree, no less, and this course has been fascinating with Michael Roth as course leader excellent throughout. What a Pandora's Box of delights now awaits me here in the future - I've just started on my second course!! Many thanks to whomsoever put this organisation together. Just Brilliant.

By Zebun N A


Jun 17, 2021

Excellent learning opportunity. Dr. Roth can certainly capture the attention. I loved his particular way of interpreting the readings and giving new meaning to them. I would love to take further courses on this. As an Architect, I would especially be interested in the ways in which he can throw light on the effects of these worldviews on Architecture.

By Mohammad A


Mar 12, 2019

It was a pleasure completing this course and listening to Mr. Roth. It is beautifully structured and perfectly intertwined with applications in Literature and Arts. To summarize, I'd say it is easy enough for a non-philosopher like me to embark and yet intellectually challenging to keep you excited.



Aug 16, 2015

The course does a wonderful job of tracing modernity, postmodernity and pragmatism thought over the years. Loved how Michael weaves together literature and art into the course of explaining how these ideas have shaped our world. I wish I could have taken this course in person. Highly recommended.

By ella m


Mar 24, 2024

The materials presented in this course can be a way to know more about thinkers. Basic familiarity helps us to use some of the theories that are suitable for comparative study. I am grateful to the dear professor who presented the material in a comprehensible manner and with excellent examples.

By Richard M H


Nov 7, 2020

This course is superb! It's suitable for people who are new to this area of study, but because it takes the material in original areas, it is very useful for people who are familiar already. Professor Roth is an engaging and enthusiastic presenter who really draws you in.

By Hamzeh A


Jun 14, 2016

Amazing lectures! Just one comment which is I saw the first part of the lectures and when I first registered to the second lecture I was hoping for different and new material and although there were new videos the rest were the same as the first part of the lectures.

By Sakura C


Jan 7, 2022

very interesting course. however, what ultimately counts for the successful completion of the assignments and for the comprehension of the curriculum is the ability to interpret, contrast and abstract different arguments that the thinkers and writers articulate.

By jorge i g m


Apr 8, 2020

Es un excelente curso que ayuda a formar un pensamiento crítico y reflexivo, sobre todo, permite la libertad de expresión a través de los ensayos y la buena participación con los pares.

Felicidades al Dr. Roth por sus dos cursos.

Saludos y Dios los bendiga

By J H B v d M


Mar 6, 2021

It was a pleasure for me to listen to the lectures and the explanations by the texts used each week.

I have learned a lot about the modern and postmodern philosophers and culture. Thanks for these wonderful weeks. Joke van der Meer, The Netherlands

By emre a


Feb 23, 2021

Best course I had in coursera (after 10+ humanities courses). Great flow from enlightenment to post modern thinkers/ideas with delightful explanation of topics, themes. Instructor did a great job to make the course & materials fit for the medium.

By afshin n


Jan 11, 2020

Very interesting and rich course about the subject. The Professor has explained everything very well creating a great enthusiasm despite being an online course. Thank you very much Sir. Looking forward for the part 3, part 4.

By David H


Jul 3, 2021

Quite simply the best on-line course I have taken - vibrant, engaging and challenging me to learn about new thinkers and new (to me!) ways of thinking. A million really real thanks to Michael and the course team

David Herring

By Didi L


Nov 23, 2015

Follows a fascinating line of inquiry linking major cultural viewpoints over more than two hundred years of western culture. Well paced, great video component and interesting assignment. This is one of the best courses yet.