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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Economics of Money and Banking by Columbia University

1,644 ratings

About the Course

The last three or four decades have seen a remarkable evolution in the institutions that comprise the modern monetary system. The financial crisis of 2007-2009 is a wakeup call that we need a similar evolution in the analytical apparatus and theories that we use to understand that system. Produced and sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, this course is an attempt to begin the process of new economic thinking by reviving and updating some forgotten traditions in monetary thought that have become newly relevant. Three features of the new system are central. Most important, the intertwining of previously separate capital markets and money markets has produced a system with new dynamics as well as new vulnerabilities. The financial crisis revealed those vulnerabilities for all to see. The result was two years of desperate innovation by central banking authorities as they tried first this, and then that, in an effort to stem the collapse. Second, the global character of the crisis has revealed the global character of the system, which is something new in postwar history but not at all new from a longer time perspective. Central bank cooperation was key to stemming the collapse, and the details of that cooperation hint at the outlines of an emerging new international monetary order. Third, absolutely central to the crisis was the operation of key derivative contracts, most importantly credit default swaps and foreign exchange swaps. Modern money cannot be understood separately from modern finance, nor can modern monetary theory be constructed separately from modern financial theory. That's the reason this course places dealers, in both capital markets and money markets, at the very center of the picture, as profit-seeking suppliers of market liquidity to the new system of market-based credit....

Top reviews


Jul 16, 2017

An intellectually engaging course opening a debate about how we think about markets and how we should tackle the current challenges. Accessible to non-economists. I warmly recommend it to everyone.


Jan 24, 2019

Excellent explanation of the way money moves the world we live in today. Brilliant professor who's passion and depth of understanding adds to the fascination of the world of money & banking.

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151 - 175 of 437 Reviews for Economics of Money and Banking

By Thoshitha


Jan 2, 2017

The basics were well taught and understandable in 1 time view of video and the standards of the university are great! Thanks coursera!

By خالد س ا


Jul 1, 2022

I learned and benefited greatly from this course that it teaches you very important interests in the economy and in the banking field

By Alexandros G


Apr 26, 2022

An excellent course from a most inspiring professor. Building slowly from the basics and leading to understanding of today's economy.

By Sushant G


Jun 8, 2020

Excellent course by Professor Perry G Mehrliing. Learned a lot on money and banking. I can read FT now.

Thanks to Columbia University.

By Atulya S


Jun 11, 2017

Amazing insights into the evolution and working of money markets.Last chapters tying to economic theory could have been more detailed

By Ilias M


Jan 10, 2018

Professor Mehrling will make you connect the dots. Masterfully conceived and delivered. Many thanks and much appreciation Professor.

By Juho V


Aug 2, 2020

Enlightening stuff and really well presented! The second half was occasionally hard to follow without without economics background.

By Ian J M G


Jul 14, 2020

Fantastic work by Dr. Mehrling, this course should be a priority for anyone looking to develop a profound macro view of the world.

By Pablo S


Oct 6, 2018

Incredible teacher. A lot of useful information that provides you with an eagle view of monetary and financial markets as a whole.

By Doruk O


Sep 28, 2022

It is indeed a great educational course for people who have knowledge about the basic structure of Economy and Banking systems.  

By M. L G


Apr 1, 2020

Very progressive, interesting, maybe too complex for my goals in the last weeks. Highly recommended to understand today's world.

By Parth G


Sep 20, 2017

Mind Blowing approach to teach. Got the new angles of the economy and banking. Expanded the vision significantly on the subject.

By Erik M


Sep 6, 2018

Really interesting. Sometimes a bit difficult to follow and vague, but yes, certainly a pleasant and worthwhile experience.

By Jiao S


Apr 7, 2018

Probably the most amazing course I have ever taken in economics and finance. I would definitely recommend to every student!

By Salmina A


Jan 10, 2021

Brilliantly paced, explained and integrated lessons all throughout the course. I am an absolute fan of Professor Mehrling!

By Pavlo L


Oct 19, 2020

Great course overall

It gives you insight into what is banking about as well as what is considered to be money and credit

By sarah a m a a r


Jun 7, 2019

An amazing course that show the light on many economic monetary polices and banking and many more overall very usefull

By Yiannis B


Aug 27, 2017

One of the best courses I have followed!

I am expecting an update on the course.

Thank you for this wonderful experience.

By Bernardo R S


May 24, 2020

Amazing course. Thanks Coursera and teacher for this fantastic classes. I´m Brazilian and enjoy this opportunity a lot.



Mar 2, 2021



By Jack W


Apr 18, 2020

Teacher is really great and the content is amazing. really opened my eyes to the economy from a financial perspective

By Matthew L


Jul 10, 2020

This is an excellent course and very helpful for anyone who wishes to learn about the 21st century financial system.

By Borja P O


Jun 5, 2019

he content of the course is very complete and rigorous and the teacher is excellent. Very good additional resources.

By Abdallah M


May 6, 2023

it was very great educational and valuable course from great lecturer and think you Coursera thank you professor

By tomer z


Oct 5, 2017

Excellent professor and intersting topic. the reading material is unique and expands on the material in the course