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Learner Reviews & Feedback for How Music Can Change Your Life by The University of Melbourne

175 ratings

About the Course

Did you ever wonder how music works? This course provides free video, audio and journal resources that explain six basic principles about how music can influence individual and community health and wellbeing. From biology and neuroscience, to psychotherapy and politics, the ways we engage with music can make all the difference. Music has always played an integral role in the lives of individuals and communities all around the globe. This course explores the ways that music can be used to achieve positive changes with a particular emphasis on the most vulnerable persons. Six different understandings will be explored, each with their own set of values and assumptions. The greatest thinkers in each approach believe that their way of explaining the power of music is right, but we will show that understanding music in its entirety delivers the best results in each unique circumstance. Once we understand the various ways that music can change the world, we can make informed decisions about how best to employ its extraordinary power. Learners who engage in this MOOC can expect to both deepen and broaden their understanding of how music can be used with individuals, groups and communities. Specifically: • To distinguish between how music works on the body, in the brain, through the unconscious, for bonding, as political action and in reflecting culture, • To design practical programs that utilise music to support individuals, groups and communities based on examples shared in the ‘on-site’ case studies. View the MOOC promotional video here:

Top reviews


May 25, 2020

This course was well structured, informative and very interesting. As a music teacher, who works with special needs children and adults, I found it very helpful.


Feb 3, 2018

wonderfully insightful and completely inspiring! I gained so much from the course and am excited to apply why I have learned in my work context!

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1 - 25 of 60 Reviews for How Music Can Change Your Life

By Anna M

Feb 1, 2018

Can we follow this up with a degree in Music Therapy online?

By Lisa P

May 25, 2020

This course was well structured, informative and very interesting. As a music teacher, who works with special needs children and adults, I found it very helpful.

By Lim Z Y

Feb 4, 2018

wonderfully insightful and completely inspiring! I gained so much from the course and am excited to apply why I have learned in my work context!

By Rosalinde K

Jan 31, 2018

A broad view on how music can benefit the wellbeing of people, through different angles. Clearly, professional, enthousiastic and inspiring!

By Hannah A

Dec 11, 2018

The course was the perfect way to get introduced to the many ways music therapy can impact our lives. Absolutely inspired. (:

By Elizabeth H

Sep 10, 2016

It is well researched, wide in application and easy to follow. I am enjoying it tremendously

By Michelle S

Feb 7, 2017

This was a wonderfully developed overview of music therapy. The instructors were knowledgeable and their interviews engaging to watch. The plethora of information between the videos, writings and articles were second to none. Well done! Clearly a lot of effort on the part of the instructors. My only difficulty was that for the final assignment, I had so many things running through my head that I had to narrow down and focus what I wanted to present. I could have written a dozen different scenarios with all the information I gathered from this course. It was well worth my time and money for the certificate. I would love to take a followup course.

By Stefania C

Apr 12, 2018

This course is extremely interesting, complete and deepens so many aspects of music and musicking!

it provides a lot of extremely accurate and recent literature and testimonies, and opens your mind to so many aspects and possibilities for applying care through music, both individually and collectively. Every dimension, from the psychoanalytic to the socio-political one, is integrated and presented with seriousness and completeness. It also invites you to deepen the topics and combine them with your personal experience.

For not native speaker it's maybe a bit challenging but it is a challenge worth dealing with.

By Edwardo V

Sep 11, 2018

I really enjoyed reading and listening to the articles about music. Some of them, to me, seem as common sense, but the extensive readings showed me about a world that I have yet to see. I listen to music from different cultures, but now I have a better understanding about the music and its meaning and form. The music of other culture's diversity contributed to the making of the world. That is, a jig saw puzzle of different communities joined together to form on great world. Thank you.

By Shreeti P

Oct 16, 2016

What an amazing course and very productive study materials. Thank you, this really added a lot to my professional development skills.

By Pankaj B

Mar 30, 2017

Very informative and put it across very well, covered almost every aspects of music as a tool and can be apply to heal anything, i think this course will be more successful if people like me and us who all participating and learning about How music change life, and not only limiting this knowledge to us but share and spread awareness about How music actually can change life in real, I would be glade to conduct workshop explaining and share everything i learn from this course.

By Sanjeevani J

Jan 8, 2019

True to it's title, the course comprehensively covers all the possible ways music affects us. Studying it became one of the reasons that triggered me into Musicology. I not only went on to graduate with a master's degree in Musicology, now my professional life revolves around music in education and wellbeing. An excellent course; strongly recommend it to anyone who's exploring ways to delve deeper into music beyond performance.

By Shehzad A

Oct 22, 2020

This course has changed my life perspective , I shall be revisiting the content studied again to reinforce and learn more out of this course . Thank you so much for this course , I am a Pakistani in developing country, can never go abroad to study nor I can afford to do so , and this kind of course are revolutionary as well as changing lives of all with a rippling effect from an individual to the whole community.

By Roberto B

Aug 3, 2017

Superb!!!! Great material. I´ve done several course on ¨Coursera¨and this is by far the top one.The

information and resource provided was such interesting as revealing. Tools you can use from day one! All the course is well structured: videos, audios, pdfs, extra material online... you get so far as you want. Great interviews with currently leaders on Topic. Just Thanks!!!

By Montserrat C B

Mar 28, 2019

Este curso me ha parecido sensacional. Muy útil para tener una idea global sobre los beneficios que puede tener la música sobre nosotros. Aporta una selección de recursos de gran valor, tales como artículos, vídeos... Sus creadores se han esmerado en la confección de este curso estructurando muy bien los contenidos, preparando con esmero las actividades, etc.

By Liza C A

Jan 22, 2024

If I was ever in doubt about how music can help my clients, this course erased my doubts. While I am still drawn toward neuroscience, this course was a beautiful introduction to how expressive art therapy fits into everyday life. If it had an online master's degree, I would have enrolled immediately. This is still one of my favourite online courses so far.

By Gu W

Aug 30, 2016

The course is inspiring :-) The topics are interesting, and the learning materials are well designed by questions and answers, I like the part of Pause & Reflect. The part of quiz is sooooo good, when you submit your answers, you can read a detailed analysis of the correct solutions, that is very helpful.

By Kristine F C M

Aug 20, 2021

I appreciate how organized the course is, the comprehensiveness of the topics covered, and the variety of the materials. Having several guest speakers, as well as podcast hosts, also offered different voices in the discussion of the topic.

By Rodrigo L

Oct 15, 2016

Complete and extensive, with a great quality of materials. I liked the fact that we had to work on research articles, and the variety of approaches to different ways to use music in social contexts. I consider I have learned a lot.

By Jean-René B

Aug 5, 2020

Very intuitively prepared. This course has been very enriching and refreshing for me. BRAVO!!! for the Wonderful and Noble initiative of ''Coursera''. I was very happy to have been able face the challenges. Thumb Up and Hats Off

By Sheryl C R

Jan 20, 2017

The information was very valuable. It's a very interesting field. I could related after having art therapy. If I would have to do anything in that field and psychology, music therapist is top of the list.

By Taí C

Dec 17, 2019

Conpleto, rico, capacitador, exelente, revelador, reflexivo, lindo o trabalho, conduz o indivíduo ao lugar certo, incentiva buscar a verdade por trás das ações

By Kravchenko E V

May 2, 2021

Узнал много нового. Я понял, насколько важна тема, которую учителя поднимают в ходе курса. Я продолжу осваивать эту и подобные темы. Я рекомендую это!

By Rashmi S

Oct 7, 2020

Its very nice.

I am from India. I am trying to purchase the course certificate but after OTP input and submit page remains blank.

By Linda t B

Sep 14, 2016

Very interesting course about the healing and helping capacities of music in different personal and cultural perspectives.