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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding the Music Business: What is Music Worth? by Vanderbilt University

146 ratings

About the Course

This course will examine the music industry in the United States, with the unique perspective gained by Vanderbilt University’s location in Nashville, TN. Nashville is a major center of music in the United States, and the music created here has a global reach, particularly in the country, rock, pop, singer-songwriter, and Americana genres. However, students will learn that the basic principles of recording, marketing, copyright, licensing, and live performance are the same, regardless of musical style or genre. The music business is one of the most rapidly changing industries in the US today. It is also an industry filled with contradiction, and media headlines and anecdotal stories often add to the confusion. Here are just a few statements paraphrased from recent news stories: * The music business has collapsed * Demand for music is expanding at the greatest rate in history * Historic recording studios are closing at an alarming rate * More people are making recordings than ever before * Musicians usually lose money touring * Musicians usually make money touring * Major artist pulls songs off streaming services because they don’t pay fairly * Major artist makes a fortune from streaming services * People won’t buy records anymore * Vinyl record sales are soaring This course will attempt to make sense of these seemingly contradictory trends and data, outline the basic structure and mechanisms of today’s music industry, and encourage students to think critically and entrepreneurially about the future of music. Leaders from various areas of the music business will lend their perspectives through in-depth interviews, and footage from a recording session will give learners a behind the scenes look at how a song goes from the spark of an idea hummed into a cell phone to a finished recording. Participants will grapple with questions about art and commerce which are both timeless and crucially important today, and will emerge from this course with tools allowing them to make more informed decisions as creators, promoters, and consumers of music. Course launches February 19, 2016....

Top reviews


Oct 10, 2022

I​t was a great learning experience for me.T​he course modules is concise and straight to the point.


Mar 5, 2016

Really interesting course even for someone who's kids begged me not to sing a lullaby to them.

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26 - 36 of 36 Reviews for Understanding the Music Business: What is Music Worth?

By Juan E G N

Jul 26, 2017

I really enjoyed the course

By Evan B

May 11, 2016

supah nice

By shantanu v

Jun 20, 2016

love it.


Mar 29, 2016


By Chamodi F

Sep 13, 2020

Thank you giving this opportunity to learn the and understand about how music business is going through this community, before learning this course I had no idea how a quality music is wrapped, how important the music to our lives, and the hard work of musicians behind a great music or a song.

By Andre G

Jul 18, 2016

This class featured valuable interviews of industry professionals and provided an up-to-date and realistic view of many aspects of the popular music business in the USA today

By Diego F

Jun 29, 2016

Interesting. Good for beginners but some info is a little bit out of date. Overall, good course.

By Greg T

Mar 19, 2019

Good content - videos are very helpful. Enjoyed the written assignment. But the peer-review pro

By knvg r

Jun 13, 2016

Great Course !!!!!!! (:

By Miguel A V

Mar 20, 2016

great course

By Deleted A

Jul 26, 2016

Good intro course, but that's all it is - an intro course. Expect great interviews and lecture videos, but don't expect too in-depth of a course. My review is biased because I already took Music Business Foundations from Berklee on Coursera and the material w