Jul 7, 2020
Well thought out well presented. I feel I have gained a very knowledgeable and thorough understanding of both Greek and Roman mythology and their historical gods and goddesses from taking this course.
Aug 19, 2020
I loved this course. It covers material that is generally available to those who can afford an expensive private education. It was a great way to keep myself occupied during the coronavirus lockdown.
By Щербовских И Г
•Sep 25, 2024
Очень содержательный и интересный курс, преподнесённый живо и увлекательно! Несмотря на то, что я уже ранее читала произведения античной литературы, иногда было достаточно сложно, и я с удовольствием повторно смотрела видео-лекции и перечитывала отдельные произведения или их главы. Спасибо большое за это удивительное путешествие в мир греческой и римской мифологии!
By José A J H
•Sep 10, 2019
Beatiful course !! I have enjoyed it and I hope to continue by my own or with other courses trying to understand the meaning of myths. In any case, whatever the meaning, they are exciting and entertaining stories that help us understand that few things have really changed. Congratulations to Prof. Struck and rest of the team. The course is informative and esthetic.
By Анастасия-Николь Д
•Jun 4, 2022
The course is really great, I`ve learned so much in this short period and I see that there`s much more ahead! I`m really happy I took this course because it made me understand some aspects of the Greek and Roman culture I`ve never known about before, thank you so much for informative lectures, I feel that my itch will grow with time and I`m ready to scratch on )))
By Miguel C
•Jun 10, 2020
This course was a gateway to the ancient cultures and allowed me to have a wider vision about myths and a bigger picture of the Greek and Roman Society. I had the chance to review all the subjects I took at School and at the University but with a deeper and sharper approach. I truly enjoyed all the lessons and I highly recommend this course for all History lovers.
By Raha P
•Sep 26, 2021
My experience in learning Greek and Roman mythology via Coursera was one of a kind.
I learned countless things and challenged myself with each exam, also absolutely enjoyed every second I spent on online classes and I treasure them deeply in my heart.
It was the greatest privilege for me to learn from Professor Peter Struck and be able to attend his classes.
By Julie S
•Dec 9, 2016
The professor was an absolute joy to learn from. His humor, candor, attention to detail, review of information from previous units, and intelligence made me eager to get to my coursework every evening once the kids were in bed. This was everything I never learned in my own Greek and Roman Mythology course in college many years ago. Thank you!
By Kate R
•Jul 25, 2021
excellent. no other word for it. Prof. Struck is clearly passionate about the subject and that allows those engaging in the material for the first time to feel the same awe that he does. using this course to fill my enthusiasm before studying ancient history at university and couldnt think of any better way to fuel that, so thank you very much!
By Laurent G
•Apr 26, 2019
Outstanding course. Pr. Struck gives a thorough overview of not just the "stories" but also the tools with which they can be understood and analyzed. I've found that after this course I was equipped to read -- and understand!-- some of the scholarly research into Greek mythology (eg. Vernant or Vidal-Naquet). This is a very illuminating course.
By Igor F T d S
•Mar 24, 2020
Maravilhoso. Uma das melhores experiencias que já tive como estudante. O conteúdo é rico e me proporcionou insights incríveis. Muito me será útil -- não só profissionalmente. Obrigado ao professor Peter Struck e à equipe da Penn University. Agradeço grandemente também ao Coursera, por ter me proporcionado magníficos aprendizados neste curso.
By Maria P P
•Jan 26, 2020
Como uma apaixonada por Mitologia, tenho apenas a agradecer ao professor e a toda a equipe pois o curso é maravilhoso. Tem um linguagem simples apesar de se tratar de um tema tão complexo e tem uma ótima fluidez.
Com certeza se trata de um curso obrigatório para quem tem interesse em mitologia, historia antiga e estudo de grandes autores.
By Tetiana B
•May 20, 2020
This course has fulfilled my knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology and ancient literature. It has become a great start in my journey of learning about ancient civilizations. For a history geek like me, it is one of the best ways to spend your free time. Thank all the team and lecturers, who put this course together, for their hard work!
By Ghadeer N
•Apr 19, 2020
I'm not a mythology scholar, but I really REALLY enjoyed this course. The instructor is very passionate about the content, which makes his telling much more enjoyable than usual. I learned a lot about the Greek's cultural background, and a bit more about the Roman's. It was a great choice, and I'd definitely join more courses like this.
By Marc B C
•Apr 2, 2020
Nice first approach to Greek and Roman mithology, I think the way the course is covered is pretty handy and easy-going. However, I would add additional online resources related to the course, apart from the books that must be read. It would make it a little bit more interactive. Anyway, it was very very interesting overall, thank you!!!
By Yudhanjaya W
•Mar 7, 2017
This is one of the most useful courses on mythology I've ever come across. Peter Struck is an extremely thorough lecturer, and journeying through the Odyssey and the Aenied (among others) with him is a fascinating journey - not just into Greek and Roman mythology, but literature, culture, their psychologies, and their social structures.
By Christine
•Jul 8, 2020
I loved this course. It was both enjoyable and instructive. Professor Struck offers a unique way of teaching this course with interesting views and lively explanations. It felt like I was having coffee with a friend who had something exciting to say. Thank you Professor, I truly hope you will teach more of these courses in the future.
By Kristine A M
•Nov 20, 2016
This is a very entertaining course. There is a lot of reading, but the readings are so enjoyable that it doesn't seem like too much. I was able to obtain the books at my local library. This course refreshed and added a great deal to my understanding of the greek and roman mythology I studied years ago in high school and at university.
•May 30, 2020
It is a very interesting course for beginners like me who want to know more about Greek and Roman Mythology. It was very systematic and made me read Greek and Roman Epics. I would like to thank Prof.Peter Stuck and the University of Penn for this course and last but not the least, to Coursera for making this course available.
By Anastasia S A
•Aug 23, 2021
"Greek and Roman Mythology" is one of the best courses I have ever attended. I was pleasantly surprised by some new perspectives on the carefully selected topics. I enjoyed every moment of it and I highly recommend it. The narration is enchanting and it is obvious that the instructor is a born teacher and loves what he does.
By Lori B
•Feb 2, 2024
I loved this course. It was definitely a lot of information and really necessary to do the reading in order to get the best benefit from the course materials. I loved Professor Stuck and his lecture personality and presentation skills. I will definitely be taking further courses he has available. Truly enjoyable! Thank you!
By Kathleen M
•May 4, 2020
This course was excellent--both in content and method. Professor Struck offered a deeply satisfying presentation of content about Greek and Roman Mythology in a context of delight and wonderment. I can imagine this is a wildly popular course at Penn and Struck a very popular professor. Thank you for a great experience!
By David H
•Sep 22, 2024
I have thoroughly enjoyed this course and Professor Struck has a particularly engaging style which enhances its appeal. I would have liked to have seen a little more illustration, but I whole heartedly recommend this course to anyone with a curiosity for the classics, and already know you shall enjoy it too. Many thanks.
By Charlotte M
•Jun 27, 2020
I really enjoyed this course and it has, without a doubt, improved my knowledge vastly. I found Dr Struck's lectures interesting and engaging and the ability to learn online at my own pace over the week fitted in well with working at home. I highly recommend this course and wouldn't hesitate to embark on a further one.
By Cynthia W
•May 6, 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and it will enrich my upcoming trip to Greece. It has more than whetted my appetite to further studies of mythology which is something I was not particularly interested in before. I enjoyed Professor Struck's lecture style which was scholarly and organised yet informal and often humorous.
By Neha T
•Mar 6, 2021
A really good course for anyone interested in mythology. The presentation is very clear and logical and Professor Struck keeps the flame of playful wit, humour, and curiosity burning throughout the course. One is truly blessed when one finds a teacher truly and deeply interested and passionate about what they teach.
By Valeria F
•Nov 29, 2021
Informado, culto, entretenido, bien organizado, multidimensional. Hace pensar y avanzar con cada clase. La síntesis perfecta entre dar herramientas teóricas y regalar sonrisas. Definitivamente no sos la misma persona que cuando lo empezaste. El profesor Struck es digno de admiración. ¡Ansío que ofrezca más cursos!