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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part1 by Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

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About the Course

Nanotechnology and nanosensors are broad, interdisciplinary areas that encompass (bio)chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, electrical engineering and more. The present course will provide a survey on some of the fundamental principles behind nanotechnology and nanomaterials and their vital role in novel sensing properties and applications. The course will discuss interesting interdisciplinary scientific and engineering knowledge at the nanoscale to understand fundamental physical differences at the nanosensors. By the end of the course, students will understand the fabrication, characterization, and manipulation of nanomaterials, nanosensors, and how they can be exploited for new applications. Also, students will apply their knowledge of nanotechnology and nanosensors to a topic of personal interest in this course. ---------------- COURSE OBJECTIVES The course main objective is to enhance critical, creative, and innovative thinking. The course encourages multicultural group work, constructing international 'thinking tanks' for the creation of new ideas. Throughout the course, you will be asked to reflect upon your learning, think "out of the box", and suggest creative ideas. The course is set to encourage the understanding of: 1. The importance of nanoscale materials for sensing applications. 2. Approaches used for characterizing sensors based nanomaterials. 3. Approaches used for tailoring nanomaterials for a specific sensing application. 4. Metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles. 5. Organic and inorganic nanotubes and nanowires. 6. Optical, mechanical and chemical sensors based on nanomaterials. 7. Hybrid nanomaterial-based sensors. ---------------- We recommend that you read the following supplementary reading materials: -Jiří Janata, Principles of Chemical Sensors, Springer, 2d Edition (1989). -Roger George Jackson, Novel Sensors and Sensing, CRC Press (2004). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Teaching Team About Professor Haick Hossam Professor Hossam Haick is an expert in the field of nanotechnology, nanosensors, and non-invasive disease diagnosis. Prof. Haick is the recipient of the prestigious Marie Curie Excellence Award, ERC Award, and the FP-7 Health Award. He is also the recipient of more than 42 international honors and prizes for his achievements, including a Knight of the Order of Academic Palms (conferred by the French Government) and the “List of the World’s Top 35 Young Scientists”, and the Discovery Award of the Bill & Melinda Gates. Prof. Haick is the founder and the leader of a European consortium of eight universities and companies for the development of advanced generation of nanosensors for disease diagnosis. He also serves as an associate editor of the two journals and serves as an advisory consultant to the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) – the world's authority for chemical information - a senior scientific advisory member of several national and international companies and institutes, and as a scientific evaluator in the European Commission. Email: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Course Staff Meital Bar-Segev, Teaching Assistant: Received her B.A. (Cum Laude) in Chemistry and B.Sc (Cum Laude) in Materials Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (both in 2010). During her studies, she worked in a student position at Tower Semiconductors Ltd. After graduation she worked at Alfred Mann Institute in the Technion (AMIT) as a process development engineer. Currently, she performs her Ph.D. degree (direct track) in the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) of the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Hossam Haick. The research of Meital focuses is the development of electronic skin based on nanoparticles. Abeer Watted, Teaching Assistant: Received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Transportation and Highways Engineering from the Technion. She is a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion, under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Miri Barak. She received a second master degree in Educatu in Science and Technology from the Technion in 2013. Her research focuses on science education and inquiry-based laboratories. Currently, Abeer works as a lecturer at Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, where she serves also as the head of Civil Engineering Department. Maya Usher, Teaching Assistant: Received her B.A. and M.A. (Cum Laude) in Communication Studies from Sapir Academic College and Ben Gurion University- Israel (2009; 2013 respectively). Currently, Maya is a PhD. candidate at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion, under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Miri Barak. Her research focuses on examining online collaborative learning in small multicultural groups. Muhammad Khatib, Teaching Assistant: Received his B.Sc in Biochemical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2015). His final research project, conducted with Prof. Avi Schroeder, dealt with harnessing liposome-based drug delivery systems to applications in precise agriculture. Currently, he performs his Ph.D. (special track) in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Hossam Haick, and his research focuses on self-healing devices for monitoring infectious diseases. Miri Barak, Pedagogical Advisor: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology. She is the Head of the Science and Learning Technologies group and the advisor of graduate students. Her academic activities focus on developing, integrating, and evaluating science education curricula at school and higher education levels. Her studies involve the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), with emphasis on emerging web-2.0 and cloud applications, to foster meaningful learning and high-order thinking....

Top reviews


Jun 28, 2017

The course was very good and interesting and very much informative i like to have some more courses in terms of IOT devices, web based program development and industrial automations


Jun 12, 2022

This informative course helps me to understand the fundamentals of the recent nanotechnology and their various applications. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this course.

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1 - 25 of 357 Reviews for Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part1

By Mridul P

Aug 26, 2016

The professor teaches by reading the slides and does not even bother to explain the concepts. The course contents might be interesting, but now I'm dropping this course because they are not explaining any concepts but are just giving facts to memorize.

By Luis A

Mar 26, 2016

Course is overwhelming. How can you put a 30 minute video for a class? Can you divide it or make it simpler? Tutor is not explaning, he only reads; he reads sort of teleprompter and that's it. Boring. Very disappointed. And this is not my first course in Coursera. I feel I'm about to quit, and this is the second week...

By Saleh A

May 1, 2018

Prof Hossam seems to be reading what he is saying, he talks in a steady tone. did not like it.

By Maha R

Feb 13, 2018

The lecturer is just reading and it's really annoying and confusing the way he reads word by word plus most of his pieces of information are not at the slides at all.

By Roy S

Oct 3, 2016

The material is OK but the grading is terrible. Most of the grades are for peer reviews which depending on other students may never be completed particularly if your first try isn't perfect and you need to resubmit. I would not pay for the course until I had passed peer review as odds are you never will.

By Matt B

Apr 14, 2019

Thank you for reading my review. I am dropping this course after a short while. Despite the instructors magnificent and rare track record... I've falling asleep here with him reading off the slides in an incongruent manner (not to mention an accent for those who may be foreign to English). Some others have complained about the same. He simply reads off the slides with no explaining, no further examples, no reiteration or analogies, the slides do not always follow his messages either (which may be cool, more info the better, but some concepts are difficult that are just spoken over). It's a very interesting subject matter but even though it's quite early I'm confident that this course will NOT help me in the future and will do as much good as some lengthy Google searches. I haven't gotten that far, but many complain about the chaotic marking scheme as well [don't expect your certificate so soon]... Would Not Recommend. (MSc student opinion)

By Dr V B

Mar 3, 2020

I have earned a lot of knowledge after this course. I strongly recommend this course to Master students of the Material Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Electronics branch.

By Vamsee R

Aug 7, 2016

I find it very difficult to understand what the professor is saying.

By mp

May 6, 2020

1. NO peer-reviewed / group assignments

If, in theory, the intention is to create a community, this is not the way to do it. First of all, each student joins on their own schedule, which makes the timing quite unreliable. Second, this is NOT a university setting--how would I be confident that anyone grading my work has any inkling of what they are doing? Same goes for vice versa. Even in a university setting, people within the SAME cohort would operate at different levels. Surely, this sort of collaboration is impossible in a MOOC, open-access format with zero prerequisite qualifications......

2. Hire an actor

If the current lecturer is simply reading off a script with zero engagement with the slides, surely it would've been more effective to find someone with a clearer articulation of English. There are certain words that are not pronounced properly, and the frequent pauses in the middle of sentences is incredibly difficult to follow. Yes, I have turned on subtitles. It is also pointless to show a video of the speaker, since he does nothing; no eye contact, no hand gestures, absolutely nothing.

3. Provide slide resources

It would be more effective if the slides used during the videos were available as a PDF download. Especially as the pass grade for the quizzes are so high, it would enable better study material; or even to reference specific areas in the textbook to review.

4. Quiz review

For your reference, I have received 100% on my quiz grades. But there are still problems with them, for example, in this Week 1 thread; some information must be searched outside of the course. If this NOT intentional, you should review your own lecture material, that it is not sufficient. What is especially not helpful, are passive-aggressive mentor replies that does not assist the initial issue any way possible.

I have also noticed for Week 3, the quiz is much more easily accomplished by reviewing the eBook, and NOT the lectures... because the content actually exists in Week 4 lectures!

5. Quiz bugs

After completing the quizzes, the answer content disappears so viewing feedback is impossible. Only the question and score is visible. Somehow, the week 5 quiz is functioning normally, as expected.


There is interesting content, most especially, the featured videos within the lectures. However, the methodology used to transmit material to us, the students, is simply not effective. This feels quite disorganised. I would go elsewhere to learn.

By Artem O

May 6, 2020

The information given is good, but methodology and the way course is made is really strange and not effective. Many questions that are not covered or explained in video appear in tests. Very big influence of project work. I would only recommend for watching, testing is useless, test yourself during watching time.

By Tim R

Jul 25, 2019

I passed everything quite fast. But at the end you have to make a mini project, what I did. Unfortunately I got evaluated by two instead of three referees, which means one person can block you completely to pass. Additionally you need to have 80% (32 points), which also means if they give you 3 points in all categories you're not gonna pass. This is not well thought at all.

In particular if I only get comments from the referees like "good" or "nicely written".

So I got 60% in the end and should redo the mini project? That's not gonna happen! What a waste of time if untrained people evaluate you!


Jun 29, 2017

The course was very good and interesting and very much informative i like to have some more courses in terms of IOT devices, web based program development and industrial automations

By Adrien L

Jun 12, 2016

I really enjoyed the assignments! And I was impressed by the teacher's track record.

But the lectures were difficult to follow, and I still have no idea how to get started with nanotechnologies after this course. Wish there were more details on where/how to get started and practical examples to support it.

By Sam T

Nov 3, 2019

The teacher reads from a screen and not efficiently. The course has some interesting content, but it is not presented in a good or learner-friendly way. Towards the end of the course, the subtitles do not match what he is saying, which can make it very hard to follow what is being said. The quizzes feel like they are poorly worded occasionally. The assignments were interesting but poorly designed. I say this as my final assignment was plagiarized by someone else word for word, and there is no system to prevent this from happening before it is too late.

By Achintya D

Feb 20, 2020

It is a great course for someone who wants to dive into the field of nanomaterials. Moreover helped me a lot in my research work too.

By Makars Š

Apr 4, 2016

One of the best courses I did on coursera. Well structured, nicely presented and reasonably scientifically challenging!

By Dinesh R

Nov 30, 2018

This a good course for people who want to explore the field nanotechnology and do their work in nanosensor field.

By Dipayon K S

May 7, 2020

This course is informative but mostly non interactive.And the last peer assignment just a complete mess.Because all of your grade is depending on peer and there is no way that you can review it .

By Riccardo D C

Feb 22, 2018

Interesting content.

Quizzes are tricky; answers, slippery.

The second peer-graded assignment is totally out of sync with a Coursera course.

By Daria O

Oct 19, 2017

I would be nice if reader would read the text before lecture...

By Fabián C G

Jun 30, 2020

A complete and well explained course. It covers important up-to-date topics on Nanotechnology. It is a challenging course, I think it is suitable for students with previous knowledge in science or engineering. Congratulations for the great course.

By namal d

Sep 1, 2021

This course is the one of the best course i have participated and learn lot of things related to nanotechnology.Also professor explained all the lessons in comprehensive way.

By P S B

Apr 26, 2020

The way Dr. Hossam has explained was so nice and his command over the subject is too good. I look forward to hearing various lectures, of course on the coursera platform, from Dr. Hossam. If possible I am also planning to work with him in his laboratory in Israel, if he considers my candidature.

By Lusia K

Jun 18, 2019

Thank you so much, it has been a long journey especially with the essay on IoT, peer grading is very tricky issue, I submitted the same project of (IoT) over a long time but I have been getting different grades. The course is very extensive and very rich in nanotechnology field.

By Uwe H

Sep 27, 2018

This is not an easy course. There are many disciplines covered specially chemistry. If your chemistry background is weak you may have to put in the extra effort. But at the same time since it covers so many areas it makes the course fun and everyone will learn something new.