Jul 19, 2023
It was a very thorough course. I learned quite a bit from it. I am now using this knowledge in my everyday life. Thank you for providing this course content. I recommend taking this class.
Jun 9, 2020
The instructor described the lessons nicely. This is an important course for the HR professionals. I learnt and enjoyed this course much . This course will help me build career in life .
By sangram d
•Jun 10, 2020
The instructor described the lessons nicely. This is an important course for the HR professionals. I learnt and enjoyed this course much . This course will help me build career in life .
By Mayssa S
•Jan 6, 2021
The course is too theoretical, focusing on authors and their writings without actually expanding to real life applications. Overall, it was dry and not engaging.
•Sep 2, 2020
I really loved the course it opened my mind in everything that i will do in terms of negotiating and conflict resolution . Thank you very much for bringing this program to me .
By necmettin m d
•Jun 3, 2020
great delivery of great content. I was not happy only with one point; the structure was hard to follow. Titles subtitles are vague to track. Sometimes it was hard to understand where we are and in which context we are talking about.
By Muhammad I R
•Mar 5, 2020
Great Learning!
By Marleen S
•May 5, 2021
I was disappointed to find this course was of a much lower quality than Leading Transformations, which I enjoyed very much. It comes across too much like an advertisement for the Global MBA, which is frustrating because I've paid for a course, not for an ad! Please check if the materials, videos and the course objectives are aligned, it feels like they aren't. Finally, there's no monitoring of the forum, as someone has asked for the conflict style questionnaire months ago and this has not been addressed.
Would have liked to give it 3,5 stars but compared to other courses on Coursera, 3 stars felt too low - it's still a very decent course!
By Адель Н
•Dec 6, 2020
a bit too theoretical
By Thandeka M
•Jun 12, 2020
Excellent course that will really help me as an HR professional. The instructor is very easy to understand and he described the lessons in a superbly clear manner.
By Petra
•Jul 25, 2020
Having a background in communications the course broadened my horizons. Dr Andrew has sparked my curiosity and I’m going to follow up on some of the literature he recommended. I agree with N. M D in that on rare occasions I lost orientation. My concrete example is the section on the attribution error. I found that one hard to understand – one or two scenarios would have helped me getting to grips with the material. But again, these are minor improvements on an otherwise great course!
By shraddha
•Aug 27, 2020
It was good and given us thoughts while dealing in multi cultural team specially working in MNC or working accross country
By Tasneem B
•Jun 23, 2020
Great course! I wish everyone would learn from it.
By Danish J
•Jul 31, 2020
This course was more theoretical than practical. All models used are very helpful but less practical examples were given
By Cuauhtémoc G C
•May 13, 2022
Nice course. It reviews basic negotiating theories, schools, and types of negotiation. If anything, it is too optimistic. I would like to see more practical techniques and advice for negotiating from a lesser power position, or at a disadvantage (which is typically the case).
By Seva B
•Feb 1, 2023
The majority of information is theoretical without real-world examples which makes it close to useless. There are some interesting insights but they are rare.
By Napoleon A
•Dec 17, 2020
Many thanks to the team and Dr. Andrew Heys for the excellent course provided. A very insightful course for people that lack theory and expertise in negotiation. Willing to raise a concern or add a constructive (a term often used within the course) comment, epigrammatic slides would also be a great assistance to the attendees.
•Oct 31, 2020
The lessons were very informative, attractive and easily understood. I would be much grateful to the lecturer and all the supporting staff for their endless efforts to make this course a success. Thank you very much.
By Luís M B d M
•Feb 10, 2021
I find the course very useful as my first comprehensive approach to negotiation. Nevertheless, I think it lacks some organised material to help the student get a set of tools to take to their daily life.
By Shubham P B
•Jun 22, 2020
Dr Andrew mentioned and explained the lesson in the best way . I learned and enjoyed the course. These course will help the candidate from all backgrounds
By Reynolds D
•May 31, 2020
One of the best courses I took on the Coursera platform. Induced a lot of learning. Special thanks to the wonderful instructor and Coursera.
By Lisa-Marie C
•Dec 3, 2020
This course was very insightful and gave me insights on how to handle conflict and negations in my personal life as well as in business.
By Franziska R
•Feb 27, 2021
very informative, well explained and well structured with videos, reading material and sometimes some short entertaining TED talks etc.
By Georges M
•Nov 18, 2020
I appreciated this course and consider it to be a reference on negotiations process and in my on-going learning practice. Thank you
By Chiranth G
•Sep 18, 2020
I learned some new aspects in Negotiations. A new experience in my learning life, Thanks to Maaquaire University & Andrew Heys Sir.
By marvin e e
•Oct 25, 2020
I love the practical application through the exam by using scenario... Definitely will go back to the concepts from time to time.