May 30, 2020
Great course .. being an Indian Negotiation is very natural to me. It starts with street vendors in India. I would like you to upload more case studies industry based .. I loved the way you teach ...
May 16, 2020
Professor Nalebuff does an excellent job of keeping the student engaged through his own examples of negotiations as well as guest speakers. I've learned so much from the Intro course to use at work.
By Cyril R
•May 6, 2020
This is the best course I've done on Coursera so far. All the lectures are amazingly well-designed and Professor Nalebuff is a superb teacher. I started learning this course with the intention of developing my people skills and making me better at negotiations, and I must say that it has paid off.
Once I get my stipend, I am certainly going to buy the certificate for this course. I think that would be the best way to show my admiration for this course, the lecturers and the sheer amount of knowledge that I learned over the past 8 weeks.
By Pedro P
•Aug 12, 2019
Like the course very much. Among other things, it gives a complementary framework for negotiators, especially for the smaller players under the perspective that even though they might be smaller, a potentially positive agreement for all involved can only be reached if the smaller player also agrees.
This concept allows smaller players to pursue equal parts of the total benefit instead of pre-agreement weight proportionality, under the argument that if the smaller does not agree, the projected benefit will actually not take place.
By Anuroop G
•May 2, 2020
I started this course because I believe that negotiation is a very important skill in today's world and after finishing this course I think I have a better outlook on how to approach a negotiation. This course clears all the basic, one needs to know in order to prepare for a negotiation. The exercises were practical which helped a lot. And we even got some different insights from other professional negotiators. Overall I believe this course is really beneficial for someone who really wants to learn about negotiation.
By Emiel S
•Mar 4, 2021
Great course and big cimplements to Barry. He knows what he is talking about and brings it with so much enthousiasm which keeps you going. The course has the right balance between listening, watching videos with actors, role playing and quizzes. I was not a big fan of coursera becasue it is too much top down information but this cours shows online courses can be exiting. I did the caes with a fellow student from vietnam and it is really nice to meet people witht he same interest from all over the world. Thank you!
By Yuriy K
•Apr 16, 2017
Absolutely an amazing course. This course is educational , entertaining with clever videos and an incredible lecturer and so so practical with skype negotiations and so much amazing material. I can not recommend this course enough it is priceless. I am already applying what I learned and it is fantastic. I think even if you did half of the course you would learn so much applicable life changing material.Thank you to Barry Nalebuff and Yale University and every one who helped put this course together! Thank you.
By Suhaimi C
•Aug 25, 2020
Great course to be a principled negotiator. The course has 3 cases to negotiate with other students. A great opportunity to practice what we just learned. Highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to be a better negotiator in life. Thanks much Professor Barry Nalebuff and his team, as well as to Yale University and Coursera to bring such an awesome course for us to learn and practice so we can be a better negotiator and fair person in life as well as better contribute to our community and society.
By Wojciech B
•May 24, 2024
This course was unquestionably worth its price, presenting a meticulously structured program filled with enlightening case studies and hands-on assignments that deeply elucidated critical negotiation concepts. The interactive component, allowing for engaging negotiations with my online peers, introduced a dynamic and enjoyable aspect to the learning process. Overall, it was an exceptional opportunity to refine my negotiation skills, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking to excel in this domain.
By Oscar E S
•Aug 30, 2017
This was the best negotiation course I ever took in my 32 years of business career. Professor Barry Nalebuff really did a great job in compiling experiences in business, and in didactically presenting this in a Distance Training Internet Course. A note to all young people starting a career: I am convinced, that if I had taken this course earlier in my career and in life, many things would have been much better--I suggest you take this opportunity right now and be surprised on how simple it is!
By Tanya R
•May 30, 2020
It is a very interesintg, useful and effective course, which after finishing it will help both at work and in life. It might be felt that it is quite complicated for those, who are not native speakers, but with time when you go dipper and dipper, you become more and more engaged into it and you can't stop doing it. The Professor is remarkable! The tasks are creative and aspirational. Highly recommend to those, who wants to get more practical and professional knowledge in the negotitations art.
By Dwarkanath P
•Feb 25, 2016
Absolutely loved the course! Watched every lecture. Professor Barry Nalebuff is a great teacher. His enthusiasm towards the subject matter is noteworthy. Didn't feel like a 11 hours course at all. Maybe because I played it on 1.5x ;).
The course helped me understand a great deal of theory on negotiation. I compared the course content to my experience in negotiations and found the mistakes I was making. I'll try to correct those in future negotiations.
I'd recommend the course to everyone!
By Ali h
•Mar 21, 2023
i recommend it to anyone, where this course will help you even in your daily life not just at work and will change the way of thinking about (business deals, job offers, buying house, etc..)
finally i would like to thanks professor Barry Nalebuff, i loved the way he explained the course and also for giving us real examples and always he is making sure that we should think about the second party in order to have win win situation and have good deal for both parties
Thanks you !!
By Sandeep V
•Jul 4, 2020
One of the best course on Negotiation strategies. Though this being my very 1st course, the course content was well covered & all the concepts were explained in detail with animations and diagrams where ever necessary.That helped in easy explanation & understanding of even some difficult content. The case studies were excellent in the way they were carried out with anonymous peers. We had exchanged ideas & helped provide inputs which made the course even more interacting & interesting.
By sulafah b
•Aug 19, 2017
I love this course. the professor is amazing. the material is really simple and easy to understand although some cases took me lon time to comprehend all the details but as what is says" if it dose not challenge you, it wont change you" . this course gave me the confidence to engage in negotiation and how to argue and what to do when its get tough. I strongly recommend this course for those who looking to learn the basic and principles on how to make the best out come of any deal.
By Jonathan G
•Sep 25, 2020
The only word that come to mind is thanks. Thanks for all the work in putting this course together. It is packed of wisdom and hardly acquired experience on Negotiation. The peer to peer negotiation are an amazing way to train and meet interesting people. I am from the UK and partnered with people in Nigeria, Brazil, and Thailand. And the acting of the negotiation from students is very valuable too. I say it once more, thanks for all the work in preparing and sharing this material.
By Johnatan S
•Sep 26, 2021
This was the first course I took on coursera, and I can say that it was a very positive experience. Professor Barry Nalebuff and the other organizers and experts in negotiations, as well as Yale University, have made a brilliant course in negotiation. The way the topics are presented helps a lot to have a better understanding. It is also very interactive. There are tips, advice and principles that we can use during important negotiations, as well as in everyday life. Thank you all
By Adam Ł
•Mar 30, 2017
[Going through Week 8 now] Mr Nalebuff is a great teacher, he introduces advanced concepts basing on the most understandable day-to-day examples. The course material covers a wide range of topics, but every single one of them is taught thoroughly and professionally.
Great cases to get some hands-on experience with negotiation.
Beautiful animations by Mr Dan Ashwood, hats off for you sir.
I am definitely going to recommend the course to some of my friends keen on the matter.
Thank you!
By Shane I E
•Oct 8, 2019
Outstanding course that Barry and his team have put together. You will be hard-pressed to find a more fun and engaging learning program. The content is interesting and challenging. The exercises are fun, testing and really help solidify concepts and practices, as well as introducing you to some remarkable individuals around the world. I ended up negotiating with a magistrate in Ghana and a lawyer in Poland. Highly recommend this course to novice and experienced negotiators alike.
By Maria C
•Oct 7, 2021
Excellent course especially the part where you learn how much money you left on the table as a woman..for not negotiating even your first wage. Once I graduated from this program, I have successfully negotiatied a couple of excellent deals for my personal and professional life!
I strongly reccommend this course to anyone who doesn't have the confidence to ask what you diserve or you think you're worth, wether it's your career or your personal life you need help elevating.
By Sebastian S
•Dec 2, 2019
Have you ever heard the saying, "there are things you know you don't know. And there are things you don't know that you don't know." This course had so much material that I would have never pursued to learn because I never knew it was a thing. I think everyone in life needs to take this course. It is applicable to the day to day life we all live. Thank you so much Professor for taking the time to put this together. I wish there was a part 2 after this introduction class.
By Colin P
•Aug 6, 2018
This course opened up a new way of thinking for me about negotiation and value creation, and got me thinking about applying game theory to real world applications (my mental pie is expanded!). The format is different from any other online course I've taken: you start at 60, go to 100, then cruise at 40 for the rest of the course. Finding a negotiating partner, and the coordinating the logistics, can be challenging, but is worthwhile. Persistence in this course pays offs.
By Sabir A
•Jun 2, 2023
this is the first course i learned through coursera, it was really an awesome experience. The way of teaching, course contents, design of the course, assessments, everything was made to keep us excited all the time through out the course. teaching concepts through story telling, real life examples helped a llot to understand the concepts clearly. so am simply saying this course is really awesome. Hats off to Professor Bare & the whole team behind this wonderful course
By Dóra B
•May 29, 2020
Very interesting, informative and well structured material by Barry Nalebuff. I was eager to learn and always pleased to take one more video every das. I also appreciated that the mastery quiz was hard enough to test knowledge, yet possible to pass, leaving a "successful taste in mouth". As working on the IT field, it was good to learn about negotiation. Something that is not specially determined by rules, so it taught me to think out of the box. Excellent course! :)
By Dospinescu N
•Aug 23, 2020
This course is very useful. It mattered to me because I found out how to calculate the bargaining pie, how to share it, what the bargaining power is, what BATNA is and the added value. I appreciate the fact that this course combines technical, mathematical aspects of negotiation with information related to the psychological perception of the power of the negotiating partner. It is a practical course that challenged me to understand negotiation on another level.
By Gary K
•May 28, 2020
Fantastic course and really mind opening. Starts off numbers heavy which in the end provides logical reasoning behind negotiations and takes us away from the go to negotiation practice of proportional division. Good quality video and content and it's enjoyable and a great learning curve to have both online face to face and email negotiations with other students around the world. I am already putting lessons into practice and had some great results.
By Marco L
•Apr 8, 2020
This course was really excellent, one of the best I took on this platform. The lessons are clear and rich in interesting notions, short stories help put the concepts into reality and make them more clear. The professor a great talker and following the lessons was easy and pleasant. Little math involved and a lot of arguments more than rhetoric devices. Also, the exercises are useful because they show different possible frames for a negotiation