Jun 13, 2021
Andrew Ng is one of the best teachers out there to learn NNs and DL. His deep insight into the math of the subject gives us motivation to learn more, amazing course to learn the basics of the subject.
Oct 20, 2017
Andrew Ng's presenting style is excellent. Makes the course easy to follow as it gradually moves from the basics to more advanced topics, building gradually. Very good starter course on deep learning.
•Apr 6, 2022
Great learning Experiance , The course builds all the concepts from ground upto train and testing a basic Deep L-layered neural network. All you need to know beforehand is basic python programming knowledge.
By Diego T F
•Feb 21, 2022
although is step-by-step implementation it challenges me to think about implementation and reasons for each exercise. I felt challenged to search for additional info in the field and start my career in AI/ML.
By Роман П
•Jun 18, 2021
Indeed qualitative eye-opening course on one of the most mysterious things nowadays, Deep Learning (and, even scarier, Neural Networks). Feeling much more confident about my knowledge of this topic right now
By Advitya P
•Feb 10, 2021
Beautifully taught course. Loved the organization of the notebooks, I could focus on the over-arching steps of building the networks rather than minutiae of writing the helper functions. Highly recommended !!
•Jan 18, 2021
The lecturer will take you step by step through the implementation of a deep neural network. The content is accessible if the student has some familiarity with Python and a bit of Calculus and Matrix Algebra.
By K R
•Oct 21, 2020
This is an amazing course with an amazing teacher. Everything is explained clearly from the beginning to the end. Thanks a lot Professor Andrew Ng. I intend to go further in learning the whole specialization.
By Pablo G G
•Sep 10, 2020
Very nice introduction to deep learning, also programming exercises are well guided. In IT there is a said, "The IT is not teached, is it learned" and Andrew Ng does a remarkable guiding through this courses.
By Masum
•Aug 10, 2020
Nice compact course to learn the basics of deep learning, backpropagation, and many other important application on the python Numpy platform. Needless to say, the teaching technique of Andrew Ng is marvelous.
By Nuwan M
•Jul 11, 2020
A great course. Can highly be recommended to anyone need to learn deep learning without excellent programming knowledge. High-quality course materials and programming assignments. I hope to learn furthermore.
By Suraj M
•Jul 2, 2020
Brilliant course by Professor Andrew NG and the Mentors. The videos and assignments are structured in a brilliant manner so that you get a satisfying intuition and understanding about how deep learning works.
By Shveta S
•May 23, 2020
this is a great self-paced course. Really well structured videos, quiz, programming assignments with great faculty. I am a beginner in neural networks. If I can do it, anyone with interest and diligence can.
By Ali n
•May 16, 2020
Best course I have ever seen in online classes. During my master classes my teacher teach your slide and now I am studying you content and also making projects now Allhamdulliah. Thanks Andrw NG. Love you sir
By Kees v d T
•Feb 2, 2020
Duidelijke en overzichtelijke cursus, hele goede uitleg van Andrew Ng, De programmeervoorbeelden in Jupyter zijn erg fijn, en leerzaam. De stap om nu zelf aan de slag te gaan met een eigen voorbeeld is klein.
By Apolo T A B
•Sep 2, 2019
Curso muito bom, porém BASTANTE técnico, requer entendimento de matrizes e algebra linear. Interessante sobre o ponto de vista de modelagem de problemas de Redes neurais e como ganhar performance dentre estes
By Christopher W
•Aug 27, 2019
A highly engaging course to get started with Neural Networks. In particular I appreciate how Prof. Ng takes the time to cover off several of the important mathematical fundamentals - excited to push forward!
By -Sakura-
•Jul 26, 2019
This class will introduce you the basic knowledge required in the neural networks and deep learning. Personally, I think if you study carefully and consistently, the quizzes and assignments are not very hard.
By Sheldon G W
•Dec 31, 2018
The course does an awesome job to keep the heavy mathematical background to the most fundamental and important parts. Videos were really painless. The practicality of the assignments was at the perfect level.
By Krishna V R M
•Aug 5, 2018
Prof. Andrew Ng; yet again a big thank you for this wonderful course on Deep Learning. This is my second course after the flagship course on Machine Learning. Amazing insights and a great methodology. Thanks!
By Dan L
•Jun 6, 2018
Even without the knowledge of Machine Learning, the course is so considerate for the beginner of Deep Learning. And the homework is specific enough for the learners to know what is happening in Deep Learning.
By Hasan g
•Feb 26, 2018
Very well designed course. A very basic knowledge in python will be very helpful. But the course is designed in a very helpful way. Even a very little knowledge you can make deep learning model. It is awesome
By Jakub B
•Feb 12, 2018
The course is very useful. I learnt basics of deep learning. I finally know how it works and what kind of math is behind AI. I really appreciate programming exercises which let me fully understand the theory.
By afshin m
•Jan 31, 2018
An excellent course. Highly recommended. Must know some fundamentals about Machine Learning to get the maximum benefit from this course. I took this course after I took Machine Learning taught by Andrew Ng
By Sinan G
•Nov 28, 2017
Near zero chance not to understand the basics of neural networks in this course, it is extremely well prepared and thought through. A course like this should be mandatory in business schools and universities.
By Charles F
•Nov 3, 2017
Gets across the underpinning neural network algorithm without going into unnecessary mathematical detail, instead focussing on building intuitions that will be useful when applying the algorithms in practice.
By Matthew Y
•Oct 23, 2017
Professor Andrew Ng is the best teacher I ever had! Andrew is able to explain, wisely (make me understand), that complex topics become intuitive and simple. It’s essential and practical in industrial R&D.