Dec 10, 2018
It is very useful and very interesting course i learned a lot of skills from this course and these skills which i learned from this course will help me in my whole life regarding my studies
Sep 22, 2021
I would like to say thank you to the teachers who taught me and help me to complete this course. Now I know that note-taking is not too difficult and my listening skiill is better.Thank you.
By Paula A M A
•Mar 17, 2022
Muy bueno, además de enseñarte tecnicas para tomar apuntes de forma más efectiva, tambien practicas la audicion y redaccion (para aquellos que no son hablantes nativos del inglés). Lo que si podría mejorar es que todos los videos tengan subtitulos, aunque sean en ingles, ya que la calidad de algunos no es muy buena, o no se le entiende a los exponedores.
By Ana F B V
•Aug 2, 2020
Thank you very much! I´m very bad in listening, this course helped me to listenng and note-taking.
By Lina T A A
•Feb 6, 2021
It is really helpful for improving your listening skills.
By Aparnaa B G
•Jul 20, 2020
The course is very useful and very helpful i gave 3 stars only because i finished the course 1 week back but could not get my certificate because of not reviewing others work but people who started after me could complete the course.
By Joy L
•Jun 25, 2020
A bit too theoretical.
By Rafay A
•Jun 16, 2017
Most of it is common knowledge part of it is what I am taking the course for.
By Laaraj s
•May 28, 2020
It was not as i expected.
By Youssef a
•Jul 6, 2022
i didnt like it
By Faiber A M G
•Aug 6, 2020
By Károly N
•Aug 28, 2020
The worst course I took on Coursera. 90% of this content is a waste of time. These concepts could be easily explained in 20 minutes. The lectures are artificially bloated, the assignments are redundant and boring (watch videos, take notes, rinse, and repeat).
By Ricardo S D D
•Apr 23, 2018
This course features amateur videos, often hard to hear. There is no one to give information and there are never any teachers available. If you ask a question, no one answers.
Completely disappointed in the course.
I do not recommend it.
By Barry F P
•Dec 4, 2021
This course is hopelessly broken. In the first assignment, there are no boxes to enter your answers. I clicked on "first peer review" and then the help link, but the help link is broken. Published course materials should be tested!
By Emad A M M G
•Aug 5, 2018
I did not like the idea to get my grades by other students. I got disappointed and depressed by the way they did the evaluation (Assignments).
By Nada
•Aug 15, 2017
lot of time wasted trying to load the course. my internet connection is fine - often causing 404.
By Clau L S
•Aug 20, 2019
By Evronia N Z
•Aug 19, 2021
this course is very difficult to a bigginner like me
By Okelola F D
•Jun 15, 2020
I want to unroll from course but I can't
By Kamran R
•Jul 10, 2022
A huge waste of time
By Alihan Ç
•Nov 11, 2021
Not good...
By ~~~Abundant~~~
•Jan 24, 2023
First, I doubt any gains from this course. But, I decided to give it a try. Note-taking is an important skill to me as an interpreter. We don't write notes. We use universal symbols. Furthermore, we create our own just to ease our flow of listening and interpreting simultaneously. Dictating a speech or a lecture means you are not focusing on what is being said. The more you write, the more you get lost, the more your dictation is useless, the more you are wasting your time, the more you are doubling your efforts, the worst the result would be. In this course, especially in peer reviewing assignments' sections, I discovered how hard it is for some students to take notes skillfully. I have assessed only one assignment Excellent for one reason: writing down the main point of the lecture that helped me really focus more while I was listening to the lecture to make sure the notes are corresponding to the lecture. This helped me to keep following the speaker and be sure when to focus more on the main point of each part of the lecture and thus take it for granted that what follows are some supporting details. The idea of writing the summary saves your life. It satisfies you from going back to the lecture. you write your notes in abbreviated forms, drawings or shapes but the summary has a sufficient idea of what is the lecture about. Thanks.
By Cp J
•Jun 24, 2022
I am really very glad to have successfully completed Academic Listening & Note Taking Course by UCI. Initially, I was apprehensive about whether I would be able to complete the course or not. But UCI has designed the course in such a way that if one is willing with full sincerity & dedication, he or she will definitely complete it. Feel very proud to have achieved this milestone. Now I am sure that I will be able to complete the remaining three courses also successfully. I am grateful to UCI/Coursera for extending financial aid to complete this course. With kind regards
By Ngọc T N
•Jul 20, 2022
The course is unique, the content is quite detailed and easy to learn. Stable video quality. Various exercises and tests. it was a bit difficult. The biggest regret for me is probably at the week 4 test. The link to the week 4 quiz has a lot of interesting content, but it had some lectures can not accessced. highly recommended to gather students or staff when you want to take short, concise notes during a long study session or meeting
By orlando s r
•May 20, 2021
estoy agradecido a coursera y la universidad de ivin en el sur de california. por tan magnificas formas de enseñanza para las comunidades hispanas y a nivel internacional por sacar adelante alas personas que tenemos ese impectud de salir adelante y que no tenemos los recursos economicos para surgir cada dia mas. muchas gracias solo tengo palabras de agradecimientos.
By Alice L
•Jun 12, 2017
What I got is more than I expect. The most wonderful issue is I forced to listen/watch the subject I didn't familiar. That gave me a great chance to know something I never touched before. And I found interesting. Even it was difficult, when I listened again and again, somehow I could figure out something. I felt happy.
By Hoang Y N
•Apr 12, 2021
I'm so surprised because, after this course, my listening was better and change every day! Yesterday, when I join a class at school, I understand what the teacher talking about and I'm very happy about it. The lecture, the quiz of this course is very helpful and they really know what is the difficulty of students.