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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of Objective-C App Development by University of California, Irvine

557 ratings

About the Course

An introduction to the Objective-C programming language. This will prepare you for more extensive iOS app development and build a foundation for advanced iOS development topics. Objective-C programming requires a Mac laptop or desktop computer. An iOS device is optional if the learner is willing to working exclusively with the simulator. Some learners have been able to work with an OS X virtual machine on Windows, but explaining how to do that is beyond the scope of this course. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Read and write Objective-C 2. Have a strong grasp of Objective-C objects 3. Organize their code professionally using objects and blocks 4. Prototype several entry-level apps...

Top reviews


Dec 10, 2015

I am just a beginner and i Love apple inc and its products. I would love to learn this course and the instructors are cute and amazing. We will have a good communication and relation here. Thanks


Nov 7, 2015

By learning this course, I have a basic understanding about objective-C language and I could write basic iOS apps.It makes me interested in iOS app development at the same time.Thanks a lot.

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1 - 25 of 183 Reviews for Foundations of Objective-C App Development

By Mauro C


Dec 14, 2020

The instructor is great, and so it is the course and how he organized it.

However, we are in 2021 (almost), and this course must have been posted such a long time ago that it became hard to follow sometimes due to the outdated SW that was used at that time.

It is not the instructor fault... it is totally the fault of the platform (Coursera) that should be more careful not to waste people time by letting them start attending courses so outdated.

Coursera: there are things like "making a pizza" that would never change (if you want to do it right). However, SW will change significantly from the version utilized 5 years earlier... The students of this course often face the challenge of not knowing whether they have done something wrong, or whether the course is outdated and they have to search for an answer on the web.

I am giving 2 stars, while apologizing to the instructor who made an amazing job, only to persuade the next student from attending another outdated course.

By Penny


Oct 12, 2020

Whilst I wouldn't recommend the "IOS Development for Creative Entrepeneurs" specialisation in general (it is simply too out of date to be useful, and in some cases you simply can't do the assignments because of that), there are a couple of units within that specialisation that I WOULD recommend. And this is one of them, purely from the standpoint that it is useful to have a basic understanding of Objective C in case you ever come across any legacy code.

This course will in no way, shape or form help you to develop IOS apps. Objective C is no longer used and the Xcode used within this course is wildly out of date.

But if you want a bit of background in Objective C - maybe because you are working on an older app that was written in Objective C or because you need to rewrite an old app, then this unit will definitely help you.

Because it is so well written and presented I have given it 4 stars. But as far as IOS development is concerned it has little to no use.

By Glenn C


Nov 22, 2020

The material is now SO old -- Xcode 6 or 7, and now Xcode is at version 12 -- that the material is much less useful than it could be.

Objective-C is a great language -- I really enjoyed it, and was just looking for a refresher -- but much has happened in the intervening 5+ years, so the course would be SO much more useful if it was brought up to date.

By Moshe H E


Jun 14, 2023

As a starter course for the specialization it was perfectly presented and extremely satisfying. Although most of the course was out of date, however, it forces the learner to actually put in the work to make the information current. The only issue is that there are no learners enrolled so getting your assignments reviewed is almost impossible until you contact customer support and I am not sure what they do from their back end.

By Adnan Z


Oct 19, 2015

Professor Don Patterson is the greatest instructor of iOS. He actually demonstrates every single concept in Objective-C whereas other books or resources just generally discuss it and leave the learner with a half understanding of the material. He's one of those people who naturally have perfect communication skills.

By Brandon G


Mar 18, 2018

You'll have to work around a bit of out-dated stuff from iOS 9 days (particularly how constraints are set up). But well worth the effort :)

By Wilmer A B T


Feb 9, 2022

I'm a Swift developer and I wanted to be able to read (old and very specific documentation) and give Objective-C code projects support, this course was fantastic for this and explained some advanced topics very good such as memory management, having this... I didn't gave the 5 stars because the project samples does not follow good storyboard practices, the instructor left some UI | Constraints warnings and didn't mention them, I'm thinking this is because It's an Objective-C LANGUAGE foundations course, but that would be hepful for complete beginners to know. Thanks for creating this kind of courses with that quality level!

By James L


Jun 26, 2020

out of date and I find the lecturer to be quite unclear at times.

By Ellen M


Feb 16, 2021

The professors and content seem good, this poor rating is simply about the xcode software they are teaching to being outdated and no longer worker as shown in the videos.

Unfortunately this course is simply out of date (as of 2/1/21) when I am taking it. I used the most current, XCode Version 12, and it is different enough where a lot of the code doesn't work, or buttons are not where they were in version 7 (used in the videos). I did a lot of extra googling and searching through forums to find work arounds for the first 2 weeks, and then gave up.

By Kerry M


Feb 11, 2021

This course If very out of date. The Instructor Is teaching using X-Code 7, but In January of 2021 the current X-Code Is 12. The course needs to be updated to at least X-Code 11 because there were substantial changes In the Interface.

By Miciah D


May 14, 2018

This has been one of the most frustrating, excruciating educational experiences of my life. The instructor constantly makes students copy what he's doing, without explaining the code he's using or syntax. The peer review assignments are guided to the point of absurdity, so you're not actually learning but instead parroting what he's doing, hoping that someday you will understand intuitively what you've just done. Further, he's constantly hemming and hawing, making typos, and generally being distracting with his lack of presentational confidence, so that you can't focus on the material.

The hemming and hawing I could deal with, if only the content were well thought-out and facilitated the learning process; sadly, this is not the case. For the first app wherein we do anything useful, we have to use someone else's previously written object, CurrencyRequest, without any explanation of how it works or the syntax required to invoke it. We have to change permissions in some file--again with no explanation as to what we're actually doing--then assign variables with--big surprise! new syntax which is not explained!

Extremely disappointed, wish I could get my money back. I hope I can find a good course with a good instructor.

By Ahmed E


Aug 4, 2020

This course is severely outdated.

By Steven M


Apr 8, 2017

I looked at several other online iOS courses, I even purchased a couple before a friend suggested Coursera. The UCI program is one of the best introductions to Objective-C and iOS programming that I've come across. The curriculum is well thought out and follows a logical progression. Don does an excellent job presenting the concepts in a way that is easy to follow, but not overly simplified.

Grading is done as peer reviews, which is nice as it allows you to see how your fellow peers approached the problem.

I really enjoyed this course and am looking forward to the next one.

By Kyle M


Mar 30, 2020

I am taking this course with a background in C++. From my point of view, you do a good job of providing enough information for anyone with basic knowledge of C to learn objective-c.

I don't have criticisms, so much as I'd like to make the following point. This is not the course that really taught me what the delegate pattern is; that came later. I noticed that another learner used a callback, but it wasn't until the first assignment of a different course in the series that I learned how to implement a callback using the delegate pattern.

By Soumyadeep G


Mar 24, 2017

Great course for getting started with iOS app development. It is very accessible even to inexperienced or new programmers. However, experienced programmers might find some of the lectures to be repetitive as they would have encountered those concepts before already.

Prof. Patterson does an excellent job in his lectures in setting out the basics and helping people get started right away with building their own applications.

By Bruno C


Jul 19, 2016

This course covers up the foundations for Objective-C in order to use it in iOS for app development. It has a lot of use in practice but not as much on iOS, anyhow, all the assignments that you must complete are for iOS, so you will learn the basics for the other courses that will complement this one.

By Jorge J M M


Oct 5, 2015

A top-class course. Very well structured, and the lesson are very well explained. Good teacher and all the videos are subtitled in english. If you want to learn Objective-C from zero and have some programming experience in OOP, take this without a doubt, you will enjoy it.

By StefanLee2016


Jun 12, 2016

It‘s amazing ~ I think it's boring to learn how to code or learn a language,but this lesson is interesting and it brings me a confidence when I'm done with my assignment.It's funny !Now I build my foundation of Object-c . I hope I can go further.

By John F


Aug 18, 2016

An excellent introduction to XCode and Objective-C. The instructor illustrates all of the basic concepts with code examples, and walks you through most of the assignments, allowing you to learn by doing. The time requirements are quite modest.

By Naga S P P


May 18, 2017

The instructor is very knowledgeable about Objective-C and iOS programming. The walkthroughs were very well done. It doesn't matter if you are a rookie or a veteran programmer, this course will help you start iOS development with ease.

By Luiz R


Feb 21, 2016

Great way to start iOS programming and using Objective C. The course covers programming basics in Objective C, xcode and cocoapods, basic user interfaces and goes deep in key aspects, like memory management. Thank you!

By Vamsi R J


Feb 27, 2017

Course is designed very well. One feedback though is I had to go through other books or sources for practice exercises and if they can be added to course it would be complete and give more confidence to students

By Sayantan G


Jul 12, 2016

Awesome course. Great teaching style. Just love it. Wish I could get full scholarship for admission for the masters or phd degree as I don't have enough money to pay the application fee. Anyways love it.

By Paul-Emmanuel


Dec 12, 2015

Great stuff. Unfortunately, i am only 15 and i don't have any money to buy a qualification but thank you so much anyway for taking time to create this amazing course (and especially for making it free!)