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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Oceanography: a key to better understand our world by Universitat de Barcelona

276 ratings

About the Course

The course for a round the world regatta leads the boats through the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic, Southern Indian and South Pacific Oceans. On their voyage, the skippers come across a large variety of oceanographic situations: strong currents, floating ice, wave formations of every kind and biological diversity. In this course the student will learn about the foundations of the science of oceanography. You'll learn about the classification and formation of the ocean floor, how current sea satellite analysis systems work, the chemistry of the oceans and the processes that led to its formation. To follow this course does not require previous knowledge of oceanography....

Top reviews


Aug 17, 2020

The course is very informative , helps in attaining a pile of knowledge about the oceanic world and its reserves. Conveying my gratitude to University of Barcelona for conducting such a course.


Jun 6, 2020

The course is very informative , helps in attaining a pile of knowledge about the oceanic world and its reserves. Conveying my gratitude to University of Barcelona for conducting such a course.

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1 - 25 of 83 Reviews for Oceanography: a key to better understand our world

By Frederik S


Oct 20, 2017

The course is given in Catalan and therefore incomprehensible for the wider community. The translation into English is very poor and makes it very hard to follow the accompanying slides and video explanation.

Given these restrictions no proper review as to the content and presentation can be given - I am very disappointed to have to give up following this course.

By kevin p


Dec 19, 2021

its in Spanish when it looks english & I cant unenroll from it.

By Evan H


Apr 10, 2021

Difficult with a language barrier.

By Enrique G


Jan 8, 2022

The contents of the course (selection of topics, order of presentation, level of detail of the material) is fine, and the presenters indeed master the subject. However, the quality of the way it is presented needs to be improved, for instance: The presenters are very often in front of the projection screen, hiding it. The projected images themselves lack sufficient contrast. The subtitles in English are inaccurate, sometimes to a ridiculous point: "special" instead of "spatial", "redder" instead of "radar". The translation from Spanish is even worse ("formación"should be translated as "formation" or "build-up" instead of "training", just to mention one example). This badly needs an in-depth review. There are obvious editorial mistakes, as well: many of the links to Internet pages are no longer existing, the video on altimetry (3.4.4) is actually a repetition of the scatterometer one.

By Amila U


May 6, 2022

Course details says it's available in English but in reality they only have English subtitles.

By Mary E


Oct 10, 2022

Video lessons are in Spanish...not English.

By Manish K


May 14, 2023

If the classes can be recorded in english then this course will be perfect for wide range of learners.

By Erabaddagodage S D


Nov 10, 2020

This is a great course. I have learned more things about the ocean. I didn't understand some lectures because of the language. but I read the script in English and understand the lesson. and the quizzes are a little bit hard but It's good for a student. I didn't pass it the first time but I tried again and I got good marks. Thank you!

By Colin T


Nov 15, 2020

I found the presentations difficult to follow due to a mix of languages being used.

By Trevor L


Sep 28, 2019

Difficult to see the images and not all lectures had supporting pdf downloads.

Translation to English was mediocre at best – leading to some confusion wrt complex topics

(lucky I have intermediate Spanish skills)

Course seemed somewhat disconnected and varied erratically wrt level of abstraction vs detail

By SilverSkyCloud


Jun 13, 2022

the course info said that this was in english

By Manisha D


Mar 30, 2021

I got to learn in-depth about the oceans. My small suggestion for Coursera would be to include other areas in Oceanography unlike here in this subject where the topic mainly focussed on areas of Barcelona.

Apart from this small issue, I am happy with the knowledge! Thank you..

By Michelle M


Aug 23, 2020

Informative and in-depth course. I think it would have been better for me if Spanish was a language I could understand. It felt more difficult reading while listening. Overall, an excellent introduction.

By Fazla Z A


Aug 17, 2020

The course is very informative , helps in attaining a pile of knowledge about the oceanic world and its reserves. Conveying my gratitude to University of Barcelona for conducting such a course.

By Jishnu S S


Jun 7, 2020

The course is very informative , helps in attaining a pile of knowledge about the oceanic world and its reserves. Conveying my gratitude to University of Barcelona for conducting such a course.

By Ashley


Jan 1, 2018

I enjoyed the learning process for this course. I definitely recommend it. This course is very interactive and quite interesting :)



Sep 23, 2022

The course was exellent

By Mari-Liis K


Apr 3, 2020

It was a good overview of oceanography. The complexity and helpfulness of the course materials and videos vary immensely. Some translations and video subtitles in English are incomprehensible, intermediate Spanish skills helped me a lot. Generally, I recommend the course, but be prepared to struggle with languages.

By Ethan C


Jun 5, 2021

I found this course fun, engaging and easy to learn except for that most of it is in spanish or catalan, but there are subtitles for you to read as you watch the video so that you may understand what they are saying.

By Indra P


May 23, 2022

Video lectures should be in English. Slides in the lectures were dimly projected. It was very difficult to understand lectures and slides.

By Jessica H B


Feb 11, 2021

The course gives a very good oceanography introduction, you can start having some idea of what oceanography is and what topics are important to get introduced to oceanography. HOWEVER, sometimes, the instructors don't give a good explanation, and you might have to search further. In my opinion, they gave such brief explanation on certain important topics that i had to unenroll the course to focus on them... But also, I wouldn't have any idea of what to search without this course. Also, somtimes they ask you to click on links or read PDFs, but, the PDFs might be missing and the links most of the times don't work, they take you to non-existing pages! Furthermore, the texts sometimes had grammar mistakes and mistyping (makes it even harder to undestand the content). Finally, an intermediate spanish knowledge might also be helpful since most of the videos were in spanish and the translations were mostly bad.

By David D


Jul 30, 2022

While the course is extensive and very informative and interesting some of the content is not so clear, some of the videos in Portuguese suffer from a sub-optimal translation, and finally the quizes often do not correspond to material given in the course and may even contradict the material. Worst of all is a complete lack of feedback on any issues. The many reports made pointing out errors, improvements, or just asking for clarification have not resulted in anything. You are left alone to muddle your way through.

By Jonathan G


Dec 10, 2017

This was to math heavy and could've easily been called Marine biology. However, the course content and the quizzes did not correlate with each other. The quizzes have nothing to do with the course.

By Marco M


May 14, 2020

I found the content of this course extremely interesting.

Only some content, ultimately in Week 3, has been explained too fastly and definitely too hastly. The currents systems should have been teached more deeply. Additionally some metereology basics could have helped.

Conversely, the Paleoceanography and Remote sensing chapters were very well made.

By Pedro C D L C


May 12, 2023

Muy interesante y un buen ejemplo de como estructurar un curso que sirve de ventana, o primera aproximacion a la Oceanografia. Me encataron los videos, y el uso del Mediterraneo para explicar los procesos del oceano global, en corto.

Recomendaria revisar los enlaces a recursos externos, muchos de ellos no funcionan.

Por los demas muchas gracias!