Jan 27, 2021
The variety of presentations of a vast amount of knowledge made it engaging. Dr. Radner herself was engaging! The course provided a deep look into a civilization that is a bedrock to the modern world.
May 14, 2018
This is such an amazing course! Prof.Radner has done an excellent job at presenting topics and organizing materials. Highly recommend this course to anyone who's interested in ancient civilizations.
By Herud
•Feb 5, 2019
Not enough material about the military history of the empire.
•Nov 14, 2020
Esta bien bueno en general. Me gustaría mas apoyo visual
By Elaine H
•Feb 14, 2022
interesting...could use some editing on some lessons
By domc28
•Oct 2, 2023
By John C
•Oct 27, 2020
very interesting, history is so cool.
•Jun 4, 2020
very tremendous and flexible course.
By Alexandr Z
•Apr 21, 2023
Test's formating is very uncomfortable
Moreover, the material is quite hard to understand. I believe that it could be some reading adding with some schemas and main facts, although tests are a bit complex (maybe because 2 reasons above)
By Prateek D
•Feb 21, 2023
A great introduction to the Assyrian empire. But no certificate is provided despite completion of all the quizzes and assignments.
By Aroop D
•Jul 4, 2024
the course is very nice but they do not provide a certificate, so you will not be able to add this to your linkdin profile or CV
By Zlatica S H
•Oct 11, 2023
It started off well, but then gets muddled
By Pamela T
•Apr 13, 2023
I think this could be a good interesting course. It started out great with a good introduction by professor Sijpesteijn. But, then I spent the first hour or so learning about the university, about how to take the course, how to succed in the course. Thinking the next click will be the lesson. While understandable, it could have just been a single page with an "optional" list of "university promo and how-to" links.
By Luis
•Oct 4, 2021
El curso esta bien pero para los alumnos que no hablamos ingles , esta muy mal, las traducciones no son buenas , y sobre todo los cuestionarios es dificilisimo contestar si no esta bien traducido , hay que estar siempre pegado al traductor de google , o al que sea para poder contestar alguna pregunta . Deberian solucionar esto
By fernando g u
•Sep 20, 2021
Interesante curso.
By Carlos H
•Aug 9, 2020
Not Certified.