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Learner Reviews & Feedback for International Leadership and Organizational Behavior by Università Bocconi

3,412 ratings

About the Course

Leaders in business and non-profit organizations increasingly work across national borders and in multi-cultural environments. You may work regularly with customers or suppliers abroad, or be part of a globally dispersed cross-functional team, or an expatriate manager on an international assignment. You may be a member of a global online community, or a development aid worker collaborating with an international network of partner organizations. In all of these contexts, your effectiveness as a leader depends on how well you understand and are able to manage individual and collective behaviors in an intercultural context. In this course – together with a team of Bocconi expert faculty and Bocconi alumni – we’ll explore the theory and practice of international and intercultural leadership and organizational behavior. Social science research has revealed systematic ways in which our behavior differs across cultural contexts – enabling us to more effectively work across borders. Insights from psychology, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology, from communication studies and from management scholarship allow us to understand what shapes individual and group decision making, what enhances or weakens team performance, and how we can build and use our social networks. And the shared practical experience of international leaders allows us to identify concrete steps to enhancing intercultural leadership competence, and to be cognizant of common leadership challenges. Learning about organizational behavior provides a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills and to reflect on your own behavioral tendencies. How do you usually make important decisions? What motivates you and how do you try motivating others? How successfully do you leverage and integrate diverse skills and views in a team? Do you prefer professional relationships with a close-knit group of trusted colleagues, or with a far-flung network of acquaintances from all walks of life? If you really want to learn how organizations behave and take decisions and at the same time develop leadership skills, then this is the course for you. We are looking forward to welcoming you and supporting you on this journey of learning and discovery. COURSE SYLLABUS Week 1 - Leadership Acumen. International perspective on leadership, common traps & challenges, and opportunities of intercultural leadership. Week 2 - Navigating Culture. Impact of cultural differences on organizations, decoding culture, culture classifications and stereotyping, developing intercultural intelligence. Week 3 - Communication. Communication and its impact on leadership identity and relationships, managing communication to improve decision making, steps for developing your intercultural communication skills. Week 4 - Motivation. Views on individual motivation, cultural differences in motivation, developing motivation and commitment in teams. Week 5 - Networking. Patterns of interpersonal relationships in/across organizations, strategically developing social networks and social capital, norms for networking across cultures. Week 6 - Conflict. Effective / defective conflict management approaches, dealing with ethical dilemmas. Thanks to the participation of our alumni and of the Bocconi Alumni Association, participants will have practical insights on international leadership. RECOMMENDED BACKGROUND All are welcome! Some prior exposure to basic issues of organizational behavior (communication, decision making, motivation, etc.) is useful, but not required....

Top reviews


Aug 2, 2022

The instructor was very helpful and elaborate and now I feel more empowered and knowledgeable about leadership. I can't wait to apply all that I've learned real soon. Kudos to the team! -Julia Jimenea


Aug 12, 2018

Very interesting course. Alumni viewpoints, pop-up questions, and interactive dialogues all made the course more engaging. Each video was a good length for informational content and attentiveness.

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176 - 200 of 933 Reviews for International Leadership and Organizational Behavior

By Aoife M

Nov 7, 2022

This is an outstanding course. Prof Franz is either an excellent actor or professor or both? Very much enjoyed the knowledge shared, the humor, and the variety. Truly a relevant course in today's world. Thank you.

By Deleted A

Sep 14, 2020

Such an amazing course and such a big chance to learn from Mr. Wohlgezogen himself. I've learned not only the theoretical fundamentals of ILOB but also I've learned how to use them in my daily life. Thank you Bocconi!

By Sanjana M

Nov 12, 2015

I just completed Week 1 but this course brings together all information I have been reading about leadership. I love the explanations, research information, and extra links and resources offered. Thank you so much!!!!

By Phil H

Nov 2, 2020

Best online I have taken by far. A great refresher on some topics from my MBA, but I also learnt many new frameworks and tips on the topic of international leadership and organisational behaviour. Highly recommended.

By Philippe M

Apr 26, 2020

Great course overall and very well articulated! Would have appreciated more examples and case studies to illustrate the theories sometimes but it doesn't affect the general experience and understanding of concepts.

By Nanuka A

May 15, 2022

It was a great course, where I have learend a lot of new things.

I'm deeple sure that acquired knowledge will help me in many cases.

wish you all a good luck,

and thanks for such amazing oportunity

Ci vediamo :)

By Karthik R A N

Jun 15, 2020

very insightful session on international leadership context, relationship management, conflict management, networking strategies, cultural challenges and approaches to manage it. Thank you for a wonderful session

By Romina C

Apr 15, 2020

Really useful for professionals who work in an international environment. There are many things I've learnt from this course, but I'd like to point out the "Conflict Resolution" part.

I would recommend this course

By Yogesh C

May 22, 2018

Adds a good value in your bank of knowledge. It triggers as a start point to go on and start building the things based on the course rather than dictating 'the best theory' . Thanks for the providing the course.

By Dr. T D

Oct 4, 2021

Great course! I have enjoyed learning it. I was on a break from teaching a University courses and I developed skills which I would have never had. The Professor's appraoch is fantastic.

I thank you very much!

By Safdar H

Aug 8, 2020

This course is designed in a wonderful manner. I learnt a lot of new things such as conflict management and how to be a good leader. I suggest students enrol for this course and learn organizational behaviour.

By Barbara V C B

Jul 13, 2020

De todas as certificações e livros que estou lendo sobre o assunto, esse curso é de longe o mais didático e útil! Apliquei diversos aprendizados no meu dia a dia e com certeza levarei para a vida!! Obrigada!

By Eric J

Jun 16, 2021

Openend my eyes to issues at hand that you usually dont´ think about actively. Made me realize how you can strategize and implememnt measurures to very emotional and what thought to be irrational topics.

By Julie C

Jun 8, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. I liked learning about all of the real-life experiences versus just textbook explanations and I think it is more practical and useful to people who are already in the field.

By Esmaeel A

May 4, 2019

Great course, there is so many valuable and profound subject which could be crucial to the efficiency in a local and multinational workplace. The instructor is great as well. Glad I took this course. :)

By Johan S

Apr 25, 2016

Enjoyed it very much. Franz is a great speaker and gave insight in a very pedagogical manner. He's a speed talker though, so I had trouble going above 1.5 playback speed :). Great infographics as well.

By Mireia C

Sep 20, 2020

Aprendes mucho de este curso. Te enseña tanto la parte teórica cómo la práctica de cada una de las partes, además de enseñarte que ya no son únicamente aplicables a una empresa, sino a tu día a día.

By Rafael E M

Mar 6, 2017

Muy útil de cara a un futuro, donde se premia la empata y el saber comportarse en todos los aspectos de la vida. Enseñan técnicas que pueden ayudar a conseguir que seas un buen líder en el futuro.

By Tatiana L

Feb 8, 2017

Great job! You've done a huge job! A lot of speakers, interesting guests/cases/conversation in groups. Presentation are full of info! well structured, vivid and useful! Thank you for your effort!

By Mirella G

Aug 20, 2020

First of all, thank you so much; It has been the best course for me so far. It will not only help me with my MBA but also being an open, collaborative person in all area of my life. THANK YOU.

By Skalidis S

Apr 28, 2017

Great course from end to end! Really interesting topics covered. Unlike other management courses on this platform it didn't just touch the surface on topics but also provided concrete examples

By Renaud B

Apr 29, 2022

Very thorough content with strong academic foundations. The perspectives of alumnis and professional practitioners is greatly helpful. The course is well organized and dense. I learned a lot!

By Joao C M d C

Jul 13, 2020

Otimo curso, simples e prático. Com a carga horária boa e bom embasamento teórico - prático. Pena que não havia tradução para o idioma português para facilitar a compreensão e adesão de todos

By Trisna K

Apr 18, 2021

Thank you for this opportunity. It was a great experience for taking this course and I am very likely to continue to taking another course at Bocconi and I recommend others to try as well.

By Jim L W

Jul 15, 2020

The course fairly combines plausible theories with real-life practices. Surely it is a wonderfully constructed and well informing course throughout my entire experience. 100% recommended!