Nov 22, 2020
Enjoyed this a lot and learnt a lot. Many thanks to the lecturers and team who produced it, clearly much thought and effort went into putting the materials together: exemplary on-line learning!
Jun 4, 2020
I absolutely loved each and every part of this course. The video lectures and reading material were very interesting and easy to understand. Definitely recommending this course to my friends!
By Liz C
•Dec 27, 2017
I learnt a lot and managed to form a more coherent idea of the Earth's history and processes. The videos were good, helpful and easy to follow. The Build Your Own Earth assignment was interesting and useful, but the simulations did not do what I was hoping. I thought I was going to play around with the parameters to see how the addition of different life forms might affect the composition of land, sea and air. When I select Land > Surface vegetation type there is always grasslands, even in the Ancient simulations before grasses had evolved, so this isn't a tool for simulating the evolving ecosystems on Earth. Despite this limitation I discovered many things by playing around with it.
By Alex A
•Dec 1, 2020
A very interesting course, it gives you very good information and examples, however, in the tests there are some questions that given the right responses are graded as incorrect. For instance, the difference in temperature between seasons in a continental environment should be greater that the difference in an oceanic environment; the jet stream always blows from west to east in both hemispheres and some of the questions on the simulation have the same problem (the responses that are not right are usually the ones that have the option to check several answers when clearly there should be just one). Given that, a very good course overall.
By Diane W
•Jan 4, 2021
A very thorough course which covered a lot of ground at some depth. I found much of the chemistry and physics was quite hard - I discovered where the gaps in my knowledge were! Each module took longer to complete than I had expected but it has taught me a lot and I am glad I stuck with it. I think it would have been better to split the modules into shorter sections and have the course to run for longer with more time for reflection between modules.
By Leticia B
•Jun 11, 2020
The course is very well organised and tought, if I would point out something that would make it better I would only say that the update of the material for the current year (it seens to me it has been 5 years since the release). Everything else is really nice, I really liked the Google Earth Tour ideas and the classes with invited professors too!
By Louis L
•Nov 12, 2019
Etant un élève de la série ES, l'introduction m'avait quelque peu rassuré avant de pouvoir me lancer dans ce cours; toutefois il s'avère qu'il faut tout de meme maitriser des notions assez avancées pour mener à bien le cours. Néanmoins j'ai pu y apprendre beaucoup de choses et les quiz sont assez intéressants et divertissants
Merci pour ce cours !
By Maarten B
•Nov 5, 2024
Most of the course was really interesting, and especially the climate part should become common knowledge. I really disliked the simulation part though, where you had to compare all kinds of planets based on certain variables; I had much rather learnt a little more about climate change.
By Joyce C
•Dec 27, 2020
Overall it's a satisfactory course which I learnt a lot from, but I feel that some concepts have not been explained completely clearly, and the build-your-own-earth assessment part is quite confusing. Nevertheless I'd recommend for any one who is interested in earth sciences.
By Marek C
•Nov 26, 2018
Very interesting one, but I found all the information too much "compressed". The course could be expanded to 7-8 weeks and thus some areas could be explored in more details. Overall, highly recommended.
By Elaine O
•Oct 25, 2021
A really interesting course but I definitely struggled with the assessments. Build your own earth was a really good concept at looking at different worlds, climates and changing weather patterns.
By Leena S
•Oct 2, 2024
The course on "Our Earth - Its Climate, History, and Processes" is very informative and interesting. The videos and text are engaging, and I was able to understand the depth of the subject.
By Marta K
•Oct 4, 2020
Relevant material shared by the experts in an easy-to-understand manner. I hope to find more similar courses in the future to come. One star off for some quiz discrepancies.
By Dimitris S
•Apr 17, 2021
Well structured and interdisciplinary course gives a lot of insights not only into how things work but also how these theories were established. Highly recommended.
By Bryan L
•Mar 29, 2017
It is a dry subject, but these folks do a good job of making it as relevant as possible. I like the variety in the video lectures and the BYOE is a neat tool.
By Marcus V B C
•Nov 18, 2017
Excelente, mas deveria ter tradução e textos na lÃngua portuguesa (português) Brasil. Isto seria muito bom...revejam esta solicitação URGENTE!!
By Clasina E
•Apr 25, 2020
This is very interesting and a lot of great information to help improve and balance out how we understand our earth and it's history.
By Philippe R
•Dec 2, 2016
This is a very good course to understand the mechanism of how our earth works and how complex the mechanism is.
By Nicholas O
•Apr 29, 2021
Good course well presented. Some of BYOE model assessment questions at the end lack clarity and need amending
By Aj
•Dec 6, 2021
Very nice in depth course, some links broken and need updating but its all good learning.
By Mr. L
•Apr 24, 2021
A little too-technical for the layman such as myself, but solidly presented/delivered.
By VinÃcius F P
•Aug 17, 2020
Many videos have very low quality, and there are several bad formulated questions.
•Jan 11, 2024
Online course is informative, updated, inspiring and content related.
By Trudy W
•Feb 21, 2025
Very informative and easy to understand regardless of your knowledge
By Nadeemahmadkhan
•Oct 23, 2016
Best for understanding the basics .
By lionel k
•Aug 11, 2021
Very good course
By Bharanidharan
•Oct 23, 2024
Good Course