Aug 29, 2020
Understanding and application of Personal Branding with the fundamental skills to build leadership skills in the personal branding success in business is very important in today's E-network business.
Apr 12, 2020
Course material was very helpful and beneficial. The instructor brings enthusiasm to the course and transmits the message very smoothly. I learnt a lot from this course! Thank you for everything.
By Lucia
•Apr 14, 2020
it is very general and a bit out of date though I like the instructor's idea and appreciate her effort, but just not being updated and very much helpful in the current updated Hi -Tech environment.
•Mar 26, 2020
I find this course very helpful for youngsters who are about to start their career. They can learn how to project themselves in the market by becoming a brand which they have created by their own.
By Renata H
•May 23, 2020
It was ok. A bit dated, and very basic. It helped me to think of some ideas, and exposed me to good link for learning about personal branding, but it wasn't so intense or significant.
By Jérémie A
•Jul 2, 2020
To be honest, I really love the first part, to better know yourself. Then, the 2nd part, focused on the digital branding was less attractive for me. It was not my focus anyway.
By Rana A
•May 22, 2020
overall it was a nice course, however only small part of it was about personal branding, the rest was more about promoting yourself which in my opinion should be a separate topic.
By Francesca F
•Aug 27, 2020
Really good course to reflect on our personal reputation and web presence. However some parts of this course are too much old and should be updatetd (i.e. social media analysis).
By Samantha d M C
•Jul 26, 2019
As 3 primeiras semanas são as melhores. Ampliou muito meu conceito sobre marca pessoal e me ajudou muito a colocar os conceitos em pratica. O resto das semanas não me foi útil.
By Anand K
•Mar 6, 2021
I loved the idea about personal alert over Google but apart from the few articles which were of really great value, I would have loved some other fantastic content as well...
By Rashadul W
•May 16, 2020
Some of the things are good and I think this course is not for everyone, this is for who does not have any idea about the social network. This is my personal opinion. Thanks
By Kiah J J
•Apr 16, 2020
The material was presented well, but I expected to learn more than I did. Basic online “hygiene” with a dash of “self-searching” is covered in this course. Easy to finish.
By Cassandre M
•Jan 5, 2020
It is really an introduction, but for someone who is new to the subject it's interesting. It lacks a bit of practical elements about choosing content to promote the brand.
By Stefania E
•Jun 25, 2020
Is a good course...however the content is from 2015...which is kin of outdated in this kind of course where you´re supposed to get tools to strenghten your personal brand
By Luis P M
•Jul 14, 2020
Buen curso, me quedó muy claro el tema del personal branding, su desarrollo e implicaciones. Lo único que no me gustó esque mucho del contenido está muy desactualizado.
By Jiazhi G
•Aug 5, 2017
The teacher is great, but the content is vague. The course just teaches the framework of personal branding. Students still have to find their own ways to implement it.
By María I T
•Feb 13, 2020
The first part was very interesting, but as the course advanced it turned to be kind of boring. I do learned a lot of interesting things about personal branding.
By Deleted A
•Apr 23, 2020
This course is very helpful for those just starting out on Personal Branding. For those well on their way, this course provided very little new information.
By Aleksandra K
•Nov 2, 2020
Good course, however videos and materials quality was rather mediocre and I would prefer to have a liitle more professional approach with good reasoning.
By Francesco D P
•May 3, 2020
Overall nice, but the course has very good topics in the first weeks and then it loose in the end with poor topics about digital reputation and privacy.
By Sam H
•Apr 23, 2020
The Course was interesting. I finished it the same night. I think it could've had more marketing tricks and hacks included. Thanks for the Journey :)
By Akash d M
•Apr 24, 2020
the course is good for the basic information. I think it should be updated as it is very old and the information and techniques have changed a lot.
By Aye A T
•Jun 25, 2016
The course is good! But a little bit more on social media. It will be better if we can learn more about tactics and methods of personal branding.
By Alberto B
•Aug 29, 2020
A bit too generic, it gives you just the basis. Moreover, most of the articles are obsolete (one dates back to 2009!) and some didn't even work.
By Oscar M R H
•Jul 16, 2020
El curso no es tan mal pero algunas sesiones son un poco obvias y bastante intuitivas. Conocimiento al que puedes acceder en cualquier buscador
By Mrinal C
•Apr 8, 2020
Needs more assignments and a little bit more of practical do it yourself flare!
But the instructor seems passionate and involved about her work,
By Ryan V
•Jan 7, 2021
Course was very informal. The instructor was very casual, light, engaging, natural. Attending the 'class' was like watching a personal blog.