Apr 2, 2018
This was a great course to learn more about yourself and others in your workplace. Highly recommend this course for any organization managers that want to create a more effective team atmosphere.
May 5, 2020
I found this course is really helping me to understand myself and to be understand people around me. None is better or wrong, but every personality need to grow more to their best format.
By Dmitry G
•Feb 23, 2017
It seems that all these types the course is based on are not quite scientifically proven. Also the materials are very pro-american culture like this link http://mentalfloss.com/article/65218/10-myers-briggs-type-charts-pop-culture-characters Not very helpful and inclusive.
By J M
•Feb 9, 2017
The course content was slightly repetitive and the information on the Myers-Briggs personality types can be found online. It is such a pity that payment must be made to access the graded coursework, preventing one from completing the course if one chooses not to pay.
By Kagiso
•Apr 5, 2021
I have enjoyed this course very much. Initially I thought I'd just do it for exploration and getting the hang of doing courses online but I must say I was caught by surprise. Loved it.
By S. J W
•May 5, 2018
I have learned that MB is only a tool and should never be considered anything else. Team members should take the survey at least twice in the beginning and then again, once a year, before their annual review. Interpreters (supervisors) should never use MB until they become certified and verified practitioners of Myers-Briggs. Untrained and those with minimal knowledge of how MB is interpreted could lead to problems.
I also wonder why MB doesn't have a way to identify the naysayers, luddites, "yes but", anti-everything, negative team members. To some, MB sounds too goodie goodie. We all know that there are always negative, envious, jealous, lazy, unhappy and resentful employees and all the 16 Types are missing something. Just Saying! I have been a supervisor in various venues since 1965, military and higher education predominant. ALL of my student counselors are now required to take this wonderful INTRO course and the best are off to the U.S. to the MBTI Certification program this year.
By Lindsay A D
•Apr 3, 2018
This was a great course to learn more about yourself and others in your workplace. Highly recommend this course for any organization managers that want to create a more effective team atmosphere.
By Reitesh R
•Sep 10, 2018
It was a great experience learning about different types of personalities, their behaviour, and everything else. Feeling really enriched in terms of knowledge after the course.
By Amy H
•Feb 5, 2021
I thought the class was fun.
I wish that the objectives would have had more concrete explanations. I don't know Superheros, so a lot of that made no sense to me and was not relatable to learn what that meant. I happen to be the same type as Toni so that alone helped me understand much of what she was saying. I had to do a lot of offline research to figure out what the classes were supposed to teach.
There are a lot of errors and technical glitches in this course.
Every recording is a different volume. Toni has a soft voice to begin with so turning it all the way up made it garbled, and sometimes I had to turn it all the way down.
The typed downloadable correspondence which goes with the videos was often translated incorrectly, and I was left trying to hear what Toni was saying, while trying to interpret what the typing was trying to say using the wrong words.
Grading assignments was another issue. I received a Greek typeface for one assignment, which I could not copy and paste into Google Translate. I could not grade another language, so I kept trying to find a new assignment and the program kept giving it to me over and over again. I finally had to log out completely, start over, finally received a new one to grade, and then it sent it to me again! I am guessing that poor person never got anyone to grader the assignment.
So many of the links to follow did not exist and I could not search for anything similar to replace it. Stealing links from other peoples websites is not useful when the site changes, or catches on to you and blocks you, like has happened here. Maybe ask permission for documents or pick better more comprehensive assignments and writings you create yourself?
The final assignment to set up a quiz and interview people to do a 360 interview does not really work in this format. There is not really enough time to do so properly in one week and it is impossible to do so in less than a week, or for people who can only take the course on the weekends. If I had known at the beginning I could skip all the way ahead by just watching some videos, and get started early I may have attempted it. Unfortunately, It was also not appropriate until the 3rd week due to what we were learning in week two. We were not far enough ahead to know what we needed to know.
I also wish week one was more comprehensive and had better research links. Most were broken.
All in all, the course felt sloppy, hurried, and incomplete by Coursera and maybe secondarily Toni. I know Toni meant well, and I applaud her for teaching a subject that is really hard to do; focusing inward, and observing outward. Most of my student graded papers showed me that my classmates just could not do it. I commend Toni on teaching an all inclusive class that showed no personality traits were bad or good, and that each can enhance a team or friendship. Bravo.
By Rebecca M
•Apr 14, 2020
What you put into this course is what you are going to get back. With that said, if you take the time to do the assignments and listen to all of the lecture given it can be very helpful. However, many of the resource and assignment links to outside sources do not work or lead you to older pages that have not been updated. Many students in this class also do not take the information seriously, leading you to grade incomplete assignments. It would behoove Coursera to audit this class and have a moderator to clean up unhelpful comments in the forums.
By Anders J
•Sep 28, 2018
The course offers a good basic introduction to the different personality types and traits. It is quite heavily centered around job interviews. A more thorough treatment of the different type charactistics would have been preferable but that is perhaps offered in a more advanced course.
By Sophie v G
•Jul 8, 2017
A little bit too easy, but interesting!
By Katerina N
•Jan 30, 2021
It can help you understand other people and yourself. Mrs. Toni Ratliff has an understandable, gentle, helpful and simper manner that is kind and severe at the same time. Thank you.
By Norma I M S
•Oct 11, 2020
The material of the course it's excellent. The first test has one question that doesn't have the correct answer, all the options are wrong. If you really want to apply to the assignments everything learned in the course, it will take more time that what's estimated. Unfortunately, I found out that a lot of peers were not answering the assignments and cheating (copy and paste whatever). But, I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot.
By Ed G
•Sep 28, 2019
I really liked the content of this class overall. I thought the superhero connection made it fun and relatable. I gave it two stars because of the configuration of the grade center and the amount of time it took to get my grades. I finished in the allotted time but it took several more weeks after to get grades on my assignments. Further more, you only need to do one of the 'options' but the grade center makes it look like you have not completed that week even if you got 100% on the option you chose. I finally did get my course certificate (which I paid for) but it took quite a while. If you're not paying for the certificate or 'need' it in a timely manner, I would suggest taking this course for fun. If you need your grades and certificate to meet a work requirement, you might want to try something else.
By Lucie R
•Mar 2, 2018
I finished auditing this course only because I am very interested in the topic, otherwise I would stop after the first or second lecture. I found the lecturer rather unpleasant with a high-pitched voice, not really suitable for lecturing. I also learned way too much about the lecturer’s personality, work and background. I did not audit this course to be told three times what is the lecturer’s personality type, how others usually see her and what are her strengths and weaknesses. The course is also rather superficial, do not expect to learn much (at least when only auditing, I cannot speak for the paid version). All in all, I don’t really recommend taking this course. There are much more interesting and better coursers out there.
By Taynara E S R
•Jul 22, 2020
It was supposed to be a beginner level course, but there are too many assignments to be completed.
The assignments take longer than they show in the course syllabus.
By Sarah W
•Jun 30, 2021
Poor course using dodgy webpages as resources,
By Ali I
•Dec 6, 2016
This course has contributed a lot in enhancing my personality at work through:
1-knowing my personality type and hence knowing my weaknesses and try to overcome.
2-knowing others personality traits so finding the optimum way to deal with them.
3-Doing well at any interview by knowing the interviewer personality type and going through answers efficiently .
4-building a balanced and successful team through the four stages forming , norming ,storming and performing.
By Vishwajeet K
•Oct 5, 2024
Knowing personality types at work helps improve communication, collaboration, and productivity by understanding individual strengths, weaknesses, and work preferences. It fosters a more harmonious environment, enhances team dynamics, and enables managers to assign tasks suited to employees' natural tendencies, ultimately leading to better job satisfaction and performance. Highly recommend the Course and it was great learning!!
By Aviraj S
•Feb 12, 2021
Absolutely Loved It! This is probably one of the finest courses I've ever opted for. Its truly a life-changing course that taught me so much about other people & eventually helped me to understand them better. This course has allowed me to be an even better version of myself i.e. an ENFP :).
By Emma J
•Oct 14, 2022
Very interesting course that helps to understand yourself better and to understand the different personalities you can deal with during you career. I found it really helpful and I would totally recommend it to everyone.
By Suryani H
•May 5, 2020
I found this course is really helping me to understand myself and to be understand people around me. None is better or wrong, but every personality need to grow more to their best format.
By Gurman B
•Apr 21, 2022
The course was really good
Got to learn about all the 16 myres briggs types the videos were fun
use of super heros to learn personalities was such a good technique
•Jan 31, 2022
I am very happy to have taken the course that will surely give me advantages both in personal interviews and in team working
By Henrik P
•Mar 13, 2017
Im glad I god new knowledge. My view of the course is that Its very theoretical, but not necessary needs to be be. It could benefit with som illustrations for the achy types, since its already around. With some use of either tv-shows or cartoons it can be clear what it means for the types. However this is only my view and to make it even better. Thanks
By Richa K
•Dec 1, 2019
Hi team,
Instructor, videos, text and overall concept was very good.
However links were broken, and in-spite of flagging of the issues, they were not fixed. Grammatical and spelling mistakes.
Week 1 was more interesting and relevant to my needs.