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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Case Studies in Personalized Medicine by Vanderbilt University

491 ratings

About the Course

Learn how advances in biomedicine hold the potential to revolutionize drug development, drug treatments, and disease prevention: where are we now, and what does the future hold? This course will present short primers in genetics and mechanisms underlying variability in drug responses. A series of case studies will be used to illustrate principles of how genetics are being brought to bear on refining diagnoses and on personalizing treatment in rare and common diseases. The ethical and operational issues around how to implement large scale genomic sequencing in clinical practice will be addressed. After completing this course, learners will understand 1. The ways in which genetic variants can contribute to human disease susceptibility 2. How to choose among drug therapies based on genetic factors 3. That the functional consequences of the vast majority of genetic variants discovered by modern sequencing are unknown. This course is targeted primarily at physicians 5+ years out of training. Other healthcare providers, medical/health sciences students, and members of the public may also be interested. Course launches January 15, 2016. * The information presented in “Case Studies in Personalized Medicine” is offered for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as personal medical advice. If you have questions or concerns about a medical matter, please consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider....

Top reviews


Jul 29, 2021

Its an amazing couse helpedd me get a glimpse of what future of medicine is going to be though years personalized medicine is always slowly and steadily incorpotatibg into our lives.


Feb 24, 2018

This is a really great course it was very informative, interesting and well structured and I enjoyed the lessons, Prof. Roden did a really great job in this course. Thank you!

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1 - 25 of 107 Reviews for Case Studies in Personalized Medicine

By Vilashini S

May 13, 2020

The main reason I decided to choose this course was because I already had an interest in pharmacogenetics. I wanted to pursue this course to get a better understanding on the topic as well as get a better idea on the application of personalized medicine in today's healthcare system. After completing the course, I was happy that all my learning objectives were accomplished and I was able to fully grasp the idea of personalized medicine from the point of detection of disease to the formulation of a novel treatment.


May 18, 2020

Loved it, very interesting. The videos were sometimes too long. I get more motivated to start watching videos one after the other if they're around 5-10 minutes, so seeing a 20-minute one made me want to take more breaks and I ended up leaving things to the last day of the deadline. But the cases were explored in detail, which is the reason I took the course and I think the long videos work and allow you to focus, instead of getting distracted or not remembering what the case was about.

The instructor is great and I could see he was very passionate about the field. I also thought it was very exciting to see how fast things were growing in this field.

By Vanessa L

Feb 24, 2018

This is a really great course it was very informative, interesting and well structured and I enjoyed the lessons, Prof. Roden did a really great job in this course. Thank you!

By Shilpa S P

Nov 13, 2019

One of the best courses that I ever completed on coursera. Dr. Dan Roden speaks flawlessly and the way he speaks followed my flow of thoughts and logic. Great course indeed.

By Mewahyu D

May 20, 2021

This course gave me new insight about personalized medicine. The multidiscipline approach and collaboration between science and technologies can make it happen widely and globally in the very near future. Thanks to Prof. Dan Roden who taught very systematically and covered all the knowledge needed from the basic Mendelian inheritance to the Next gen sequencing and GWAS. Although the terms were not new to me, but how to apply them is another story. I recommend this course for those of you who eager to learn about caring people personally, not only by seeing the disease per se, but also the underlying mechanism and how the modern technology can be applied to find the best cure for the patient.

By Enas A

Nov 11, 2016

This course was like a gateway to a whole new unexplored territory to me. I look for pharmacogenetics in every topic I learn about now. Also, it was a great brain exercise for me; all the "what do you think" questions that we're not used to in the classical teaching paradigm were as important to me as the scientific content. Thank you Prof. Dan Roden. It's been a beautiful learning journey for me. You're a wonderful teacher and science communicator.

By Shannon F

Jun 30, 2016

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS COURSE! AMAZING! I learned so much and what a wonderful Professor! Very engaging and warm and really piled on the incredible information- thanks Coursera and Vanderbilt for making this available and thanks Dr. Roden for taking your time to share such wonderfully valuable information!



By EDavid L

Sep 20, 2020

Very interesting course. Gives a great view of a variety of diseases and how genetics as well as clinical information play a key part in personalized medicine. I personally liked the fact that in the quiz if your answer is wrong there is a good feedback so you can understand and learn from the mistake you did.

By Mohammad A

Jul 22, 2016

This is a wonderful course. Dr. Roden does a great job covering the complex and rapidly evolving field of personalized medicine in an easy to understand and practical format. I recommend this course for healthcare professionals and for anyone interested in the field of genomics and personalized medicine.

By Yvonne d V

Jun 26, 2017

This course was such a joy; to learn from leaders in the field as well as the application of the acquired knowledge . The course is very well put together and helps one to understand where and what the roles of genetics are in the health care system. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

By Gerda S

Jan 1, 2019

This was a very well developed course and gave deep insight in drug development for personalized medicine. It made it more clear what are the advantages and the barriers of sharing data and how to use data from family members. Very good coirse. Thank you

By Luis B

Jun 28, 2020

A course whose content, today, is highly relevant to the practice of medicine. Taking into account aspects from pharmacology, pharmacogenetics, and electronic medical records are knowledge that is very useful for prescribing a quality medical service.

By Ibrahim A S

Feb 21, 2020

I like this type of courses that add real clinical cases and connect between the reality and studying . as a doctor it add clinical information to me and take my attention to personalized medicine and i think it will be the future of medicine

By Paula A

Dec 22, 2016

Curso trata de um assunto bastante atual colocando casos clínicos reais para ilustrar os pontos de cada aula. Para quem não tem o inglês como língua nativa não precisa se preocupar, a dicção do professor é excelente. Recomendo!

By Nikita U

Dec 7, 2020

Exceptional course. I learned about how and what type of information are we able to acquire trough genetic testing and research. Prof. Roden painted a clear view about what the next couple of years will bring to the medicine.

By Pratyusha S

Apr 25, 2020

I am very happy with the course- the content as well as Professor Dan Roden, which managed to keep me completely involved. This is my first course on coursera and I feel it was a better start than I expected. Thank you

By Tamas S

Oct 30, 2016

Very clearly presented, pragmatic knowledge of the genetic basis of personalized (precision) medicine. A medical degree (or some knowledge of diseases discussed and general pharmacokinetics is an advantage.

By Harsha V

Jul 30, 2021

Its an amazing couse helpedd me get a glimpse of what future of medicine is going to be though years personalized medicine is always slowly and steadily incorpotatibg into our lives.

By Azajul I N

May 9, 2020

I have learned a lot of new things from this online course in Personalized Medicine. Thanks to Vanderbilt University for launching this wonderful content. Thank you so much.

By Man T

Apr 24, 2017

I learned more about pharmacogenomics and its application, which is crucial for my career development as a young graduate in biology who is pursuing health sciences.

By nikita k

Jun 14, 2019

This course really helped me understand the precision medicine in terms of genetic variants and its effects on drug metabolism and treatment. Thanks to Prof. Roden

By Moustafa A F A

May 31, 2020

It's very very very useful course and very interesting. I really gained and learnt many things which are very important and now I am very happy to learn.

By Menwin A A

Dec 2, 2018

Extremely recommended for our medical experts. More than ever, this course encapsulates the medical ideal of personalized medicine.

By Ashwini J

Feb 14, 2016

very informative course at advanced level and also taps the basics required to understand the advanced concepts wherever necessary.