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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations by University of Minnesota

754 ratings

About the Course

This course in the Healthcare Marketplace specialization gives the learner an in-depth view of the intellectual property creation that is vital to creating breakthrough technologies. Included is an understanding of the strategy deployed for pricing drugs and new technologies as well as the market sizing exercise to identify where future research and development investments should be made....

Top reviews


Jul 14, 2017

Very useful to get the domain knowledge about pharmaceutical and medical devices field; markets ranging both in the USA and globally. Gained immense knowledge b taking this course. Thank you.


May 31, 2020

Best course to learn as to understand the innovation of health sector and also useful to get knowledge about the pharmaceutical and medical device industries

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1 - 25 of 176 Reviews for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations

By Jackson V S

Nov 4, 2016

Of all the courses I have ever taken in my BA, MA, PhD, and MBA coursework, this was the worse. This is a tragically BAD course. No learning outcomes discussed, and the "teaching" is sort of mumbling while underlining and reading slides that are WAY TOO complicated and crowded. Just awful. Mistakes in quizzes and exams, frequent misspellings, low effort. One "instructor" Ms Mayer simply reads the slides, line by line. THAT is not teaching. Please learn how to teach and interact with your students. U of Minn should be ashamed of this course, and provide some training on how to run a distance learning course to its instructors. As it is, the course is disappointing on every level. To top it off, the instructor has the nerve to show off his boat and tell us how rich he is.... Blech. Poor taste.

By Arnau P

May 18, 2017

The content and delivery of this course was, by comparison to many of the courss available both on Coursera and EdX, appalling.

By Anju H N

Mar 17, 2019

Amazing course. Helped me in gaining a better understanding of the various processes involved in the development of a drug and medical device.

By Dinesh G

May 31, 2020

Best course to learn as to understand the innovation of health sector and also useful to get knowledge about the pharmaceutical and medical device industries

By Yash S B

Sep 6, 2019

It was a good learning experience as it was my first course on COURSERA, I learnt a lot about medical devices, off label indications etc

By Olga P

Feb 21, 2019

Interesting high level overview of the space, which is quite relevant for my profession. A bit disappointed by how many mistakes the quizzes had, that had not been addressed in 3 years, since the first time the issues had been reported by students. A bit surprised that none of the "safety" definitions were mentioned in the Medical Device part, as well as design controls, and the application of Human Factors and Usability guidelines to the design of medical devices. I understand that the course is quite high level, but it should at least mention these things otherwise you might run into trouble later on.

By arvind b

Mar 6, 2017

I feel content of the presentation need to improve. Second the voice quality also need some improvement it was not clear. It was looking as if some one behind the screen is just reading the slide content. Please elaborate each points mentioned in the slide. In some slides the end content was skipped.

Better would be if some person is always present on the screen. It grabs the attention of the listener.

By Nicolás M

Mar 28, 2020

The content is good and the text is formulated in an understandable way. The Professor was basically reading the slides. I think this part can be improved. Perhaps slides with less text and the adding more explanations rather than reading the slide out.

By Ziyi C

May 16, 2020

The instructor could learn from the Healthcare Delivery Provider course. 1. Explain abbreviations at the very beginning of a module. 2. For the assignment, it would be helpful to have a vignette or case study as a foundation and ask the students to come up with some plans and answers.

By Mads J T

Aug 19, 2019

It was not at all clear to me that this class practically only applies to Those working in the US. It is of zero value to me. Furthermore, the lack of peer assignments to review dleayed my completion of the course by more than two weeks.

By Danny W

Jan 3, 2019

Very interesting and well taught course. I highly recommend for anyone interested in the pharma/med tech industry. Lots of detail covering many different aspects of these industries. Particularly enjoyed the focus on US and non-US regulations in regards to new innovation. Its such a complex minefield and yet it was taught in an easy to understand and engaging manner.

By Пахомова М А

Oct 27, 2019

The course was wonderful and informative. It was interesting to find out exactly how drug registration happens in America. I really liked the written task of the second week - it turned out to study the FDA website in practice, although I practice in another country.


Mar 30, 2020

This course Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations was very good. I have learned many interesting topics from this course. The course instructor every topic very clearly in simple manner. I am very happy and thankful for being a part of this course.

By Tommy G

Jun 11, 2019

This course is very broad and provides wonderful information on the subject. The information is a little dense if you are starting in the field, otherwise will be really helpful to understand healthcare systems, specially in the U.S.

By Bala A K

Jul 15, 2017

Very useful to get the domain knowledge about pharmaceutical and medical devices field; markets ranging both in the USA and globally. Gained immense knowledge b taking this course. Thank you.

By Hazem S

Nov 5, 2017

The teaching quality and the instructor's approach to teaching course concepts.&Coursera's platform and ease of use.are so wonderful system

By Alex M

Jan 27, 2018

I really enjoyed the professors personal comments about their experiences in the industry with the content. The professors also improved my pharmacoeconomic knowledge. The comparison cost-effectiveness between CMS and NHS using QALYs was interesting. The project seemed very industry applicable and reviewing classmates work improved insight. I had a little more difficulty on the examinations and quizzes than the previous course in this specialization. I would have preferred more explanation in the spoken lecture and there were some misspellings and a few of the questions that seemed too ambiguous. Overall, I learned a lot in this course especially about medical devices and cost-effectiveness assessments.

By Rachel M

Jul 20, 2016

Overall, a good an edifying course; I feel as though I learned a number of things about pharma and the medical device industry through taking it. The only thing that detracts from my rating is the clarity of the lectures: Bryana Mayer's lectures were a bit dense and confusing (particularly the first few), and she often read directly from the slides. For some of the lectures, it was not clear as to why that particular information was being covered. Despite this, I was able to gather useful information; it just wasn't always completely clear or easy.

By Nika H

Apr 3, 2020

Interesting information and very helpful but the articulation of the presentation and spelling errors made it a little difficult. Luckily, everything is typed out beneath the video presentations for each section.

By Joshua V

Mar 19, 2018

Really helpful, I thought the assignment could have used a bit more concrete applied knowledge instead of just using a search engine to research a drug with provided links.

By Chris S

Apr 24, 2017

Far too basic IMO.

By May B

Apr 25, 2020

This course is somewhat poorly organized, there are some errors in the quizzes and lots of typos/mistakes in the assignments, the content is presented in a somewhat confusing way, and overall Dr. Parente's lecture quality is poorer than the other courses in the Healthcare Marketplace Specialization. The information is valuable and I definitely learned some things, but this course was made unnecessarily difficult by the quality of the instruction and the issues with material.

By Esteban A

Jun 15, 2020

El contenido es interesante, el audio necesita una mejora, se nota mucho como el profe mueve hojas o en general sonidos de fondo. Saludos y si les interesa esta rama de la industria es interesante.

By Bassam A

Jul 19, 2018

new information in the marketing of medicine .. i benefited a lot , looked at the relationship between the government and experts and university and hospitals in providing disease and marketing medicine .. i discovered a positive relationship between chronic disease and marketing of the drug . the more chronic diseases the great the production of marketing of the production of the drug .

By Akshay T

Jun 11, 2019

course is good i have learnt the new type of assignment process in online course rather then usually all online courses site giving assignment in MCQ but here is you can answer the questions in brief and learn many more things about the current medicines by search and new companies names