Sep 1, 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and find that it encouragingly sets some directions, and of course, raises my excitement for further study into some of the different fields of philosophy. Thank you.
Jul 5, 2017
I found this course incredibly stimulating. A wonderfully structured introduction to European philosophy. All modules well presented. How lucky we are to have learning like this at our fingertips.
By Andrea H
•Aug 16, 2015
I think the selected topic were really interesting ones but since i´m not a scientifical backgrpund it was kind of difficult to follow some of the discussed concepts and ideas. And that was because not always these were explained from the very beginning and a lot of them were only mentioned, as it was supposed that we had to know them previously. Maybe with a little more time for the videos this would have been solved.
In any case I really enjoyed it and I think it is important to have the opportunity to watch these courses and come to learn where are the stages of these matter. Thank you for the effort!
By Majed A
•Sep 11, 2020
This is great introduction to philosophy. I've benefited from the different arguments about Different subjects in philosophy. Some of the subjects didn't come to my mind as being controversial or philosophical. My favourite subjects in the course our call delete that Morality, scientific theories, and “should we believe what we hear”. First chapter was a little bit difficult which talks about what is philosophy. I wish there was chapter about critical thinking and how to use arguments reach a conclusion. I found some youtube channels that clarifiedsome of the topics in this course.
•May 10, 2020
A really good primer to some important questions in philosophy. The lectures are the right size, the additional reading material is meaningful and the professors are clearly experts in their respective domains. My only possible criticism would be that *some* of the lectures are a little hard to follow for non-English speakers. This is due to the introduction of new terminology/jargon, as well as the delivery of the material. This is only a minor quibble, and I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who wants to get a brief picture of the landscape of philosophy.
By Mohsin E
•May 13, 2020
This is a great starting place for someone who is interested in philosophy. I am thankful to Edinburgh and all the teachers in this course for putting out his helpful resource.
There are somethings that I believe could be done better. The quality, of course, varies week by week. Maybe it was only me or maybe it had to with topics but some weeks are much more engaging and helpful.
If you are looking for a place to study philosophy a little seriously than this brief course will introduce you to number of key branches and questions of philosophy and notable philosophers.
By Salva A
•Jun 1, 2020
The Intro to Philosophy course helps make some ways toward one's academic goals. However, as I experienced, lectures are not explicitly detailed [it denies a learner of ability to handle the problems], and it maybe why re-try is tolerated to quizzes. Lecturers are out of students reach, this creates space for loneliness and helplessness, but when one shares a problem to the Forum it may not get smashed down well [I'd to install relevant Apps for assistance]. Cousera would be great if it adds a feature for student and lecturer direct contacting/messaging.
By Antonio C
•Aug 18, 2015
Interesting course, though It shows me how difficult is for me to understand everything. I was difficult to follow it because the videos were too slow and sometimes I went away. besides I wanted to download the Transcriptions and sometimes it was imposible in the iPad. near the end of the course I found out that I needed to close my session on the iPad to be able to have access to my course with my laptop. It is true that I am learning English an maybe this is a hard course for me.. Or maybe it is because I am not a philosopher even If I love them.
By Boris L
•Feb 12, 2016
Great lectures and nicely explained, apart from one lecture (6th - maybe it was me, not understanding the topic properly). For the future, I suggest to have more "visible" support of the lecturers; lecturers should address us directly and enage us more to interact with the content as well as our classmates. Moreover, and I am speaking subjectivily, I found all topics very simple. To deepen my understand, I would suggest to have compulsory essays to elaborate the aquired knowledge.
Thank you for your effort!
By Strimp G
•Dec 19, 2020
Generally a good, interesting and accessible course. In some sections a bit of prior reading from the recommended list will help before tackling the videos, as with philosophy there can be a lot of unfamiliar terms and also more familiar terms used in unfamiliar and quite subject-specific ways. I especially enjoyed the lectures on the mind, time travel, free will vs. determinism and testimony. Overall, an enjoyable introduction to some of the key issues with helpful suggestions for further exploration.
By Richard J E
•Sep 18, 2020
Speakers' personality aside, the topics were great, informative, and quite a nice preliminary view on what Philosophy is and how it must be. While the topic coverage didn't really touch the slightest on what Philosophy could be, it is enough to give us a few hints on what behemoth lies beneath the surface. Take this course with a grain of salt as it may not be what you want but for those who just wanted to have a brief visit to the practice of Philosophy, this course is a good route to go to.
By Ch. R K
•Jan 29, 2017
Thoroughly enjoyable with all the different lecturers . I related to a lot of philosophers . Made me wish i could belong to an era where i could make use of all that was learnt and discovered and theorized at that time. It was rather brief , though. I mean there's no way to explain it all an stick to the guidelines that fit the coursera code , but enjoyable none the less. Makes you really want to scratch your brain and question everything , which I personally , believe is always a good thing.
By Sophia B P d F
•Jan 20, 2020
Introduction to Philosophy is an execellent course, with great professors and many interesting lectures. Regarding these, I would like to especiallty thank dr. Suilin Lavelle and professor Elinor Mason because of their incredible lectures (Minds, Brains and Computers and Do We Have Free Will and Does It Matter?, respectively).Furthermore, I must say, unfortunately, that I was a little disappointed with the discussion forums, otherwise I would have given five stars to this course.
By Rojan S
•Jul 11, 2020
The course provides you with an introduction to various concepts in Philosophy. I really enjoyed the course due to its multidimensional nature. This course can be taken by anyone who have no background in philosophy . The main limitation of this course was it mostly uses lectures only. Use of visuals or animations would have made it more easier to grasp the content. Overall the course is good and highly recommended for those interested to know themselves or the world.
By Homer P V
•Aug 20, 2015
A great introduction to many philosophical areas, well planned, well tested and with very good professors. The only downsides were a couple of slightly ambiguous questions (which, having just watched an hour of philosophical teaching one could easily start wondering what they technically meant) and, to utter frustration, lack of a statement of accomplishment. Nevertheless, if philosophy is of it's own right your target, it is a course well worth taking.
•Oct 31, 2020
I enjoyed the course despite the fact that I had a little difficulties in understanding some of the arguments that were discussed. The course taught me, to look at things in broader perspectives. Learning how history, time, environment, technology and us, as human being are all intertwined to make up our community and the world.
Special thanks to all lecturers and the Coursera community for giving me the opportunity to acquire the new knowledge.
By Marissa B
•Oct 20, 2022
Good course to walk through and it gave me some ideas on how I should write my story. I especially liked the last week, the part on Determinism. It was a little difficult for me to get through because it's philosophy, and the human mind is one of the hardest things to work with. On top of that, there is some science to it. Anyways, I find this is something that everyone should at least get through. It is really a mind opener. :)
By anthony O
•Jul 28, 2017
It is my first time doing philosophy and l will say the starting of the course was quite absurd but after watching the lesson videos over again and reading the lessons notes along side it all started to sink in.
l thought l will quit the course along the way but the topics kept getting interesting and it has made me to now look and think about everything in a much better view. thanks Coursera and all who made this possible.
By Su L O
•Jun 4, 2016
It is a simple and generic overview of some of the areas in philosophy, mostly contemporary philosophy. It allows me to explore some basic ideas and concepts without going too deep, which is great because it is what I am looking forward to in this course. Thank you professors, I appreciate your efforts in making the lecture appealing and reflective ( by visiting museums, wearing clocks/watches, visiting graves haha ). :)
By Noah K F
•Mar 24, 2016
This course provides a comfortable introduction to the subjects of each module. My only dissatisfaction with the course lies in its brevity; I would happily retake a future offering of the course which included not only additional modules but also further lectures on related survey topics within each module so as to acquaint students to greater breadth in historical and contemporary philosophy.
•Oct 4, 2022
This course is my first ever serious attempt to know Philosophy and it has been an excellent opportunity to know about different facets of modern Philosophy. I am curious to know more now! Great explanations that is broken down with examples for understanding. Quizzes test for your understanding of the topic rather than just the textbook explanations. Challenging and thought revoking. Thanks!
By Charles E D
•Feb 24, 2016
In as much as I enjoyed the course at times the dialect was difficult. However, the reason for 4 stars as opposed to 5 stars is due to a lack of ability to have receive an answer to a difficult question answered by an instructor as opposed to another class participant who necessarily did not have any better grasp of the question than myself. Given that I certainly enjoyed the course overall.
By David R
•Sep 10, 2015
Great tasters to the field, would also be very interested in an overall schema of Philosophy and its various branches and maybe even supported by a major highlevel roadmap of key philosophers and major arguments as an overall introduction to the field for the novice (like me!), that is considering further study. Might be an opportunity as have not been able to find one as yet on the web .. ?
By richard d
•May 6, 2020
The course content was well-delivered and lecturers excellent. All aspects of the course were fascinating having never studied or even thought about philosophy. I qualified in engineering and work in construction which is very different . Highly recommended as a starting point for those interested and forces you to re-think many aspects of traditional thinking. (in my case anyway)
By Idris I M
•Jul 10, 2017
The course has been successful in organizing my thoughts with regard to several questions on general philosophy and metaphysics particularly. I have come to understand that even today, there is no correct way of thinking. More precisely, there is no correct answer and that we are free to believe in whatever seems right after keen philosophical inspection.
Thank you very much!
By Pimwipha C
•May 31, 2020
Everything in this course is great but I don't like it when there are so many professors teaching in different weeks. It's hard for me to get to know their teaching style. Some weeks are too easy and too hard. It's not a consistent learning flow for me. I like some of them has a summary video at the end of the week session. Some of them are really boring to watch.
By Gonzalo Q
•Aug 21, 2017
Excelente contenido para ser un curso introductorio, quizá muy especifico en algunas cuestiones. Falta un buen soporte de las conferencias y contenido en español, ya que hay videos sin traducción y todos los contenidos de lecturas adicionales se encuentran en ingles. De todas maneras vale la pena invertir un poco de tiempo en hacerlo, es una muy buena experiencia.