Dec 20, 2016
Professor Ignacio elaborated the concept of positioning in a detailed manner. 5C's are very nicely explained. The videos are short and engaging which helped in increasing concentration.
Feb 7, 2018
It has been very instrumental in my case as i redefine the strategy for my organization. Simple and easy to understand with very good case study literature provided. Thanks guys
By sherifat o
•Dec 21, 2022
The couse is an excellent one but the audio need to be worked on.
By Ajay B
•Feb 9, 2019
Course was good. However, they didn't give the PPTs in this one
By Andres R
•Jul 20, 2018
Los ejercicios son bastante difÃciles pero en general es bueno
By Esteban V B
•Jul 4, 2020
Buen curso. Problemas de audio cuando estaba en ambientes
By Miguel A P F
•Jun 21, 2022
Audio quality is sometime really bad
By Chetan s
•Sep 29, 2018
Video needs to be still ellborative
By Aman C
•Jun 6, 2020
It's good or new experience for me
By Rahaf S
•Jul 17, 2020
Interesting accurate course.
By Abba X R E G
•Nov 8, 2024
Exclentes explicaciones
By Krishnakumar R
•Oct 17, 2018
Good - need to be
By Rajaraman G
•Mar 17, 2019
Very Good Course
By Mukesh D
•Apr 30, 2023
good course :)
•Dec 2, 2018
By Cecibel G P
•Aug 5, 2020
Very useful
By Suresh P
•Mar 28, 2018
Need more
By Marcela V C
•Oct 18, 2024
By Sahed H
•Jul 18, 2019
By Rajneesh A
•Aug 4, 2017
By Ximena A R P
•Nov 10, 2024
By chiara c
•May 18, 2019
By Santhoshkumar G
•Mar 28, 2018
By Nicholas M F
•Aug 10, 2017
Better than the first course in this specialization, but the lack of take-away slides is still a major shortcoming. Often unclear and confusing due to poor grammar. Quizzes unduly hard to get right (some right answers appear wrong by virtue of the way they are worded / relate grammatically to the questions). Sometimes inconsistent materials -e.g. slide in week 4 headed "The positioning statement needs to include" followed by how one should conduct a survey. In short, a really frustrating course: requires interpretational acrobatics to figure out what is being conveyed, to extract key takeaways and to pass quizzes. This make the course unnecessarily 'difficult', when the subject matter itself is not. On the plus side: supporting papers are informative, provide interesting case studies as well as different (and sometimes opposing) perspectives. The latter highlights current debates/controversies in the field and are generally thought provoking.
By Tony J
•Feb 9, 2017
Really good level of detail versus other courses and difficult questions which really test your understanding of the subject matter.
On the downside, some links were not added to supplementary reading, which is a shame as these resources really help with your understanding
By Valentina Y A
•Mar 28, 2020
the videos filmed in the bar did not have a good sound, sometimes the subtitles had some words that where not the same of the audio and in one scheme in the background, some words where not the same that the professor said.
By Anders B
•May 5, 2020
Good course, plenty of interesting reading material, exercises and relevant interviews. Would have been 4 stars if they had translated or provided the Citroen interview (currently in Spanish only) in English…