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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods by University of Pennsylvania

1,182 ratings

About the Course

Learners discover how apply to research methods to their study of Positive Psychology. In this course, we study with Dr. Angela Duckworth and Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft. Through an exploration their work "True Grit" and interviews with researchers and practitioners, you develop a research hypothesis and learn how to understand the difference between internal and external validity. You also begin to understand and apply the strengths and weaknesses associated with different types of measurements and evaluation designs. You then interpret the results in an empirical study. Suggested prerequisites: Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science and Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions....

Top reviews


Dec 6, 2020

Amo todos los cursos de psicología Positiva. Aprendo mucho de ellos. Muchas gracias por su apoyo económico. Le estoy sacando mucho provecho para mi y para mis terapias.De todo corazón mil graciasPaola


Dec 27, 2019

Though i have nightmares of research design from my undergraduate career, this puts a neat spin on it and reminds the sheer importance of it. Thanks for the reminder of what is important UPENN!

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276 - 300 of 339 Reviews for Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods

By Najmul H

Nov 18, 2018

Useful program. A bit technical

By Iara A

May 31, 2020

Very productive.

By Yta A R B V

Apr 30, 2024

good course

By Jimena N L R M

Oct 11, 2022

By Jennifer A G

Jan 25, 2018

Like some other students, I felt this course was heavily focused on research methods. I wanted to learn more about character and grit and how to help nurture them. As well, the previous two courses made me think this would be follow suit, but the focus on research methods felt like it went in a different direction. I appreciate that knowledge and am glad to have the awareness, but it felt a little artificial to come up with examples of how I'd employ research methods w a hypothesis of my own since I'm not a researcher nor do I want to be, and I'm not an undergrad or grad student any longer.

As well, the really short videos of Angela lecturing were too short to have a lot of impact. I think the longer ones with clearer focus are better. I'm getting a great background about grit and its associated research from reading her book and I'm thankful for that. And, I am enjoying this series of classes in general.

By Precilla A

Jan 30, 2022

The course is good but the technical lose ends are not good. The peer review for module 2 and 3 were completed but the course still shows as incomeplete, while there is a green tick for all the items of the course. This is a paid program and it should take care of such loose ends especially that it is being imparted by a reputed institute on a famous online portal.

Moduel 4 peer review and my assignment review was a straight through process.

Moduel 2 and 3 were complete before Module 4 and they still are pending peer review and assignment marking.

I have started my 4th Program on Resilience as my purpose of doing this program is to get the specialization course completed, this is my bread and butter and professionally it means a lot.

Appreciate if this issue is resolved and sorted.

By Jo H

May 14, 2018

This course does not fit in well with the rest of the Positive Psychology Specialization...for that purpose it would be better to simply focus on grit. In terms of the stated goal of helping others to become better consumers of research, the most valuable information came in lesson 4. It actually contained the overview that would have been better to have in the first lesson. Do put some thought into the 1st week's assignment, perhaps by reading ahead to make sure you understand what will be required in later assignments. In some ways also, the extension assignments would be better to focus on than the peer review assignments at this level. They are probably more instructive, but I did not complete all of them.

By Beatrice D L

Mar 14, 2020

The videos covering research methods are quite insightful if you haven't been exposed to writing your own thesis/research paper before. The overall topic of research method is quite dry so it was a good to include practitioners implementing such techniques in their individual scenarios.

Most of Angela Duckworth's videos are quite interesting, as it is her videos that discuss the practical side of character and grit. The only real recommendation I have for this particular course is that when including practitioner videos, I would only include Paddy's (one of the practitioner's) videos - as his one seems to be the most interesting.

By Jonathan P

Aug 29, 2020

This course was an interesting way to teach research design and analysis while at the same time teaching some substantive concepts of positive psychology. However, the course has some major design flaws. Many of the course videos seem to be out of order: some videos discuss readings before they are assigned, or state that the unit will include further videos that have already been showed. In addition, the peer-review assignments are poorly explained: for a few of them I wasn't even sure what they were looking for or what the grading criteria were until I had the opportunity to review other students' work.

By Andrea W

Jan 24, 2022

Although I did learn a lot and feel like I have a better understanding of how to be a critical consumer of research, this course had a few pain points for me. The instructor went way too fast when explaining concepts and it was hard to keep up. I found myself pausing and rewinding the videos very often to make sure I grasped the concepts she was discussing. The videos jumped around too much between the instructor, Angela's course on Grit, and the interviews. The course felt piecemeal and disconnected. I understand how each aspect of the course related to each other, but it was lacking a cohesive flow.

By Paralee K

Dec 10, 2017

The quality of the content text of links to other internet sites was subpar in comparison to the other courses in this series and not expected in a course for which a certificate is given.

The rubrics for the assignments were nonexistent up front. Only after submittal were the rubrics visible-- during the peer assessment section. Descriptions of the expectations for the assignments were more vague than the assignments in this series of courses. I wasn't sure how long and detailed to make my responses.

The reading demands were relatively intense.

By Liew L Y

Mar 5, 2020

I liked the discussions on Grit, Self control, Character. The videos like all the others in the Pos Psy Coursera courses are very interesting. Both Claire and Angela did a good job. Whilst the knowledge on Research Design, Methods, Analysis were very relevant to school the consumer of PP research, I must say it was a tad bit technical for my liking and very heavy on the reading. Let's just say it took a lot of Self control and maybe even Grit'-ting of teeth to complete the course. Phew! Though thank you all the same!

By Drea H

Jul 23, 2019

It generally was a good course, but a bit too theoretical for my taste. The idea that one will be a critical consumer of academic papers and studies in the field of positive psychology was a good idea. But it would have been better if one did not only explain basic concepts but really explained the study "True Grit". Because even after the course and understanding the aims of the study, I was not able to interpret the tables in the article completely. One need way more knowledge of statistics for that.

By Daria K

Apr 14, 2020

This course is very good if you want to learn about statistics. I had all of these during my studies so these parts weren't needed for me. They are well prepared but I hoped that exercises will be connected with grit or character not with statistic things... But I need to say that both Claire Robertson-Kraft, Ph.D. and Angela Duckworth, Ph.D. are very good lecturers. The grit and character parts were the most interesting for me.

By Deanne S

May 17, 2021

I struggled through this course, Kraft-Robinson's lectures were bland and mind-numbing, unfortunately. Duckworth's lectures were more interesting. I felt that the materials (how to read a research article) covered in week 4 should have been covered in the first week. Also, while knowing how to thoughtfully consume a research article is important. I would have rather heard more from Duckworth on how to implement grit.

By dawn a

Jun 2, 2020

This was my least favorite of the courses so far. The positive aspect is that Dr. Duckworth and Dr. Robertson-Kraft are highly knowledgeable psychologists, and I learned from their expertise. The part of the course that taught about grit and character was excellent, however the research methods aspect was tedious and boring. I had to harness all the grit I could muster to get through it.

By Gianna B

Oct 15, 2017

Although highly necessary, research methods is a dry subject. This was my first experience traversing experimental design. I am extremely happy with the knowledge I gained in understanding and designing experiments. I learned how "gritty" I was by my attempts to understand and complete the cumulative assignment. I recommend this course to anyone who is serious about pursuing research.

By Valentin

May 29, 2019

I have learnt on Statistics and research methods but I think carácter issur shoudl be enhanced on this course. It was teo much oriented on demonstrate that grit improves performance. Not sure about the added value of this particular. It was good to explain the research results but not the intrinsic subject of character.

By Ines B

Mar 7, 2020

I appreciated very much Claire Robertson-Kraft's videos, as she is very well-structured and they were filmed in a good setting. I did not appreciate Angela Duckworth's videos: they were filmed in the context of classes in the university, the sound is terrible, and I find her line of thought quite messy.

By Tarmala C

Dec 23, 2019

Would like to have learnt more about grit than research methods. I already have 2 degrees with significant research components so of no interest to me. Found the subject tedious. Although necessary, do it as a stand alone subject so people can choose. I felt duped. Only enjoyed videos with Angela.

By Oktay

Dec 30, 2019

-The sections about "Grit" are to short

-Research methods is a general topic which is well prepared, but it should not be part of such a specialisation, maybe better to put at the beginning of all the specialisation or making an additional course about research methods would make sense.

By Thomas N

Sep 21, 2021

Given the technical nature of the subject matter, I thought it deserved more and better explanation. I learned a lot but some of it I never understood. Given my review of the assignments of other students, I believe they were more confused than I was about many of the concepts.

By sridhar l

Feb 23, 2019

Material on GRIT was informative and insightful, however the research information was too academic and only relevant to those focusing on research, a better and more detailed description would have helped me course 3 and only focus on the other 4 for this specialisation.

By Stephanie G

May 29, 2019

It felt like they were trying to combine two courses into one (Character/Grit & Research Methods). I would love if this was broken out into two courses, especially because the learnings on grit were minimized by the focus on research methods.

By Lydia O

Aug 16, 2018

I really didn't love this course as much as I loved the rest of the certificate program. It was a lot of social science 101, and while perhaps neccesssary for critical science literacy I just wasn't as compelled by the material.