Jun 18, 2020
Very nice course. Even if you are already familiar with power electronics, it will help you to form a system of knowledge and utilize rational approaches for task solution of any level of complicity.
Sep 22, 2017
I am very please of with course but i also want the course of power electronics related to any field i mean in FACTS devices applications so we can learn more related to new emerging technologies .
By Dillon O
•Jul 20, 2023
I really enjoyed the course. It was very challenging for me and that made it all the more rewarding when I finally passed all the exams. Looking forward to learning more.
By David H
•Dec 28, 2020
Good starting point for someone with EE background but hasn't specialized in power electronics. Assignments are challenging but worthwhile in doing to learn the material.
•Jul 3, 2020
Dr. Robert Erickson is an amazing instructor and he provided practical examples of different switched-mode converter circuits. The assignments are also quite challenging.
By Chris R
•Feb 12, 2018
I audited the course and found it to be a great introduction to DC modeling for power supply design. Looking forward to completing more of the Power Electronics courses.
By Het P
•Sep 16, 2021
Nice course with basic buck,boost and buck-boost converter and also very well explain about their circuits.It is improve my knowledge.Overall is is time invested course.
By Rakesh R
•Feb 12, 2018
Very good homework problems. Doing them really tests your understanding. And it is quite challenging atleast for me....maybe because out of college for 20 years now.
By Furkan Y
•Sep 8, 2020
A very professional and beneficial introduction to Power Electronics. The assignments are a bit serious and time consuming. However, it is due to their seriousness.
By Javier A L C
•May 11, 2020
It's a great course, big introduction for a subject that interesting. I love to find a different aproaches from the techniques learned before. Highly recommended
By Yehia K
•Oct 29, 2017
A very good introduction to a the excellent specialization courses. Reminded me with the undergraduate topics I've studied in university.
Many Thanks Dr. Erickson
•Mar 26, 2019
Interesting and well taught course. But there are too much gab between what is taught and what is required to completing the assignments. Overall, it is great!
By Gonzalez P A E
•Feb 5, 2025
Me gustó mucho el curso, muy de la mano con el libro del Prof. Robert W Erickson, ejercicios interesantes y el apoyo con simulaciones en LTSpice se agradece.
By Yash R
•May 12, 2019
The problem sets provided greatly helped me understand the matter in depth. I feel confident and can now understand other literature on Power Electronics.
By Bibin K S
•Nov 18, 2016
Very informative course will well thought assignments. I would expect explanations of incorrect answers that would ideally help in correcting the students
By Mirko Z
•Jan 24, 2018
The course is well constructed and everything is detailed taught. It is a good course for people who want to have a glance of what is power electronics.
By Harshvardhan T
•Jun 22, 2017
The course content is engaging and assignment/homework is pretty challenging so we can enjoy it. Thank you Prof. Erickson for guiding me in this course.
By Mustansar H S
•Feb 25, 2021
Thank you so much sir to a new way very amazing I learn alot of new calculation .
Thank you coursera to providing the wonderful paltfome for learning
By Amshumaan R K
•May 21, 2020
Thorough basics here in the course for non isolated converters in Course #1. The modeling with input filters and such are relevant to the industry too.
By Chinmaya K
•Jun 1, 2020
I have very much satisfied with the course and professor. He explained very clearly and slowly, so the concepts were clarified at that moment itself.
By Manana M H
•Jan 31, 2022
I never undertsood basic converter analysis but after taking this course, I can analyze any conveter circuit you throw at me from first principles.
By Nicolas S
•Oct 17, 2017
The course is well structured and the explanations are easy to understand. The homework is similar to what you would be given when attending a regu
By pablo p
•Jan 3, 2022
Very good, Well explained, The content seems quite apropiate and meets my expectations for the course.
I'm very motivated with this course series
By Apurv S
•Jul 28, 2018
The course is challenging and awesome as far as the explanation of concepts is concerned.The questions in the sample problems are also very good.
By praneeth n
•Feb 1, 2017
This course has been a real confidence booster for a student like me who is returning to the field of Power Electronics after a gap of two years.
By Sai s h C
•Jun 23, 2022
very good course. The TA for the course is also great. Cannot wait to complete all the other courses in the graduate certificate specialization.
By Luciano B
•Dec 18, 2016
A very outstanding approach on DC-DC converters. I really recommend and expect to complete all 6 steps of this Power Electronics Specialization.