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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors by University of Colorado Boulder

237 ratings

About the Course

"Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors" can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5342, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This is our third course in our specialization on Embedding Sensor and Motors. To get the most out of this course, you should first take our first course entitled Sensors and Sensor Circuits. Our first course gives you a tutorial on how to use the hardware and software development kit we have chosen for the lab exercises. This third course assumes that you already know how to use the kit. After taking this course, you will be able to: ● Understand how to specify the proper AC or DC motor for a machine design. ● Integrate the motor to a machine, based on analysis of motor equations for voltage, current, torque and speed. ● Implement the motor and accompanying rotary sensor into a motor control circuit in both hardware and software. ● Add a motor and motor control circuit into a microprocessor based development kit. ● Create hardware and firmware to process motor feedback data to a microprocessor for further evaluation. After taking this course, you will be able to: ● Understand how to specify the proper pressure, force, strain, position, motion, acceleration, occupancy, and humidity sensors for taking real-time process data. ● Implement these sensors into an embedded system in both hardware and software. ● Add the sensor and sensor interface into a microprocessor based development kit. ● Create hardware and firmware to process sensor signals and feed data to a microprocessor for further evaluation. In this course you will build the circuit from Video 7 (Lab Exercise on strain gauges), Module 2 (Force and Strain Sensors and Touch Screens), and use it to make screen shots of the timing of the switch. If you haven't already wired up the system and written all the software per the instructions of Video 7, please do so now. You will need to buy the following components to complete this assignment. Note that if you have already purchased the PSOC 5LP PROTOTYPING KIT, you do not need to buy it again. These parts may be purchased off the Digikey web site, www. One part needs to be purchased off the Sparkfun website Or, you may obtain the specs from the site, and purchase them elsewhere. Digikey Part numbers are typed out here: 428-3390-ND CF14JT22K0CT-ND CF14JT100KCT-ND Table shown here: Index Quantity Part Number Description 1 1 428-3390-ND PSOC 5LP PROTOTYPING KIT 2 2 CF14JT22K0CT-ND RES 22K OHM 1/4W 5% AXIAL 3 1 CF14JT100KCT-ND RES 100K OHM 1/4W 5% AXIAL Sparkfun part numbers are typed out here: TAL221 Table shown here: Index Quantity Part Number Description 1 1 TAL221 Mini-load cell - 100g, straight bar Additional equipment needed: • Wire - various gauges and lengths • Breadboard • Oscilloscope – suggested models are: o PICOSCOPE 2204A-D2 available on or o Digilent 410-324 | OpenScope MZ available on Depending on your budget, you can also investigate these models: o Hantek HT6022BE20MHz - o SainSmart DSO212 - o PoScope Mega50 USB - o ADALM2000 -

Top reviews


Aug 14, 2022

Great introduction course to sensors. I really enjoyed the instructors videos as they were clear and engaging. I would recommend it.


Aug 27, 2020

This course is very interesting. I completed this course.But I can not get my certificate.Please help me to earn my certificate.

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1 - 25 of 52 Reviews for Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors

By JiaJie, X

Jul 15, 2020

Overall the teaching content is good.

But I have to point out that the Quiz and Homework assignments are not carefully designed, that frequently found problem either the question is wrong, or belive is the registered "correct answer" is wrong. It can cause lots of confusion and frustration. It seems not only noticed by me but many similar posts in the forum, and none of the issue has been answered and addressed!

By Paul P

Apr 9, 2020

The course has some good info. It needs a little polish

By Pablo C S

Nov 12, 2019

Um resumo,bem detalhista, sobre sensores e seus parâmetros para projeto.


Jul 28, 2020

It was very good and superb course and it was also very hard to address

By Amit A

Jul 5, 2020

material collection are good and nicely designed Assignments.

By Vinsensius C F

May 1, 2020

Overall, the materials explained can be well understood.

By Enrique V

May 29, 2020

Very good course, build up nicely over previous one.

By MR. V S

May 12, 2020

Good experience on solving problems.

By Abhishek K

May 10, 2020

The videos and quiz were good .


Apr 21, 2020

Good but somewhat difficult.

By Bonifasius B S A

May 16, 2020


By Ngo T D

Mar 4, 2021

Great information, both the lecture and external reference.

However, the quiz needs some corrections for the mistaken typo. It causes a lot of troubles to other students. Lab assignment needs to be more specific and clearer.

By Guillaume V

Apr 3, 2020

Important sensors are dealt with in this 3rd course. You will learn about physical effects (Peltier effect, piezoelectric effect), accelerometers. You will find one of those in many systems. Many readings.

By Brittany j

Aug 15, 2022

Great introduction course to sensors. I really enjoyed the instructors videos as they were clear and engaging. I would recommend it.

By Theint Z H

Aug 28, 2020

This course is very interesting. I completed this course.But I can not get my certificate.Please help me to earn my certificate.

By Kasuntha M

Nov 11, 2020

Great course to get a deep understanding regarding sensors and link with their related parameters. Thank you .

By Sachin G

Nov 2, 2020

nice course, the lecture is very cool and i have learnt new things in this course thank you

By Nimisha M

Dec 22, 2020

It was very helpful and it gave me a brief knowledge about the topics


Mar 17, 2023

This certificate is useful my project and knowing knoeledge. thank you


Aug 2, 2020

by answering the questions reading material is required. overall good

By Pankaj R

Sep 20, 2022

Full course is relevant to my work and very useful for me.

By Ganesh R P

Jun 23, 2020

It is very knowledgeable Course. Mentor explains very well.

By Neredikomma S R

Jun 12, 2020

It's really very informative and easily understandable.

By Yared B

Jan 28, 2021

Very good course....a lot of useful content

By Jos� R

Aug 2, 2020

Muy excelente curso