Feb 18, 2019
This course was an excellent introduction and overview of what security professionals face. I am non-technical and had only limited difficulty with a small portion of the materials.
Nov 9, 2020
Excellent course! Of the entire specialization, this is the course I've liked the most. I like that it includes both theory and practical cases, not only for the last assigment.
By miguel f
•Feb 7, 2019
The class is not bad but the peer review process is awful. I entered a second billing cycle and I am about to enter a third on account of peer reviews languishing.
Cannot find anywhere to post questions for the instructor or admin. Dead end. Not happy at all with this course. Very frustrating. It has been 3 weeks and no peer review, I'm in limbo.
By Jennifer F
•Nov 5, 2017
Class doesn't seem very active-- not a lot of students so I had to wait awhile for peer reviewed assignments to get reviewed, but the content is great.
By Dee O
•Jan 20, 2018
This course needs better explanation and a little better prep for the final assignment with a more comprehensive material to prepare people within the course on how to pen test and how to do the assignment with an example. Found the assignment confusing to do as instructions were poorer than expected which is why I have given it such low marks
By John M
•Dec 8, 2018
The course itself is excellent, with good lectures, informative links, and with a cleverly-designed final project. If you're just auditing the course, you'll learn a lot. I really really wish I could give it five stars.
But. If you're considering paying for this course, think carefully. The use of peer grading is a SIGNIFICANT detriment to the value of this course, more so than the others in this series. The grading rubric is poorly designed, and the rubric for the last question doesn't even match the question, making the assignment hard to grade. As a result, grading is all over the map, and it seems a lot of people have to submit multiple times. Moreover: The forums are full of people begging for peer reviews, some of them for weeks. A significant number of the entries I was presented for grading contained plagiarized material (you don't get review credit for flagging those). Despite being a paid-for course, nobody appears to be responsible for making sure assignments get graded at all, let alone fairly. Nobody monitors the forums to answer student questions. If you go to the Help section to see what to do if you've submitted your project, done the required peer reviews, and still have no grade weeks later after even resetting your deadlines, the official guidance is: beg on the forums. Take that into consideration when deciding whether to pay for this course.
By Richard R
•Feb 19, 2019
This course was an excellent introduction and overview of what security professionals face. I am non-technical and had only limited difficulty with a small portion of the materials.
By Reid C
•Aug 22, 2018
Poorly designed final assignment. Did not finish course.
By Moses W K
•Jun 6, 2018
This specialization course will educate,challenge, and improve skills for both types of learners - those who are new to the cyber security field and the already practising. I highly recommend it as it links to the real ground happenings not just theory hence the name proactive computer security. I am now more hungry for further cyber security skills and competencies than ever going forward.
What a journey we have had. Thanks Mr Greg & team behind this course.
Enrol & enjoy!
•Nov 13, 2020
Very helpful in building knowledge towards more advance security related certifications. This, for me, was good in terms of understanding the surface of Ethical Hacking.
By Jennifer K
•Jan 10, 2018
Course was well presented. Professor did a great job presenting this material and keeping things interesting and real-life.
By Jose A M A
•Feb 2, 2019
Excellent course, really very happy with the material and the way to teach it. Totally recommendable.
By Kobi P
•Dec 27, 2017
The course is very interesting
But the final submission exercise is very difficult
By Nithin C
•Apr 19, 2019
This course helped me in a great way to get started in the field of Cybersecurity
By L. B
•Feb 18, 2018
Excellent as an introductory course!!
•Mar 18, 2019
Really nice course real challenge
By Julio L d A
•Jan 30, 2018
It took a bit more than I expected to get to the end but it was worth the effort
By Mohtada A
•Sep 6, 2018
Classmates are too picky and judgmental!
By Marj S S (
•Feb 23, 2021
I have learned a lot about cybersecurity despite my limited knowledge on computer language. Going through the courses gave me ample understanding in protecting computer systems, determining how to mitigate and respond to attacks, and the importance of documentation. Thank you for the generosity in sharing your knowledge! More power to you.
By Nishant P
•Jun 28, 2020
For anyone who is even the least bit concerned, aware or curious about computer security, for them , this course is a MUST. The way the instructor (Greg Williams) Teaches the concepts is really motivating. The way he presents his material is perfect.
By Abhishek S
•Apr 16, 2020
learnt a lot about pen Testing Tools and Methodologies ths course ws was very essential and power boosting for me ..i would like to thank my university and coursera for the help extended also the instructor of this course and the material provided
By Jafed E G
•Jul 5, 2019
I enjoy the lectures. The professor has a good speaking and teaching style which keeps me interested. Lots of concrete math examples which make it easier to understand. Very good slides which are well formulated and easy to understand
By Israel M B
•Jun 7, 2018
Great course, lots of pratice! I´d like to thanks my professor Greg Willians and all the coursera team. It was a amazing knowledge development for my career. God bless you all!!!
By Yamil A E S
•Nov 10, 2020
Excellent course! Of the entire specialization, this is the course I've liked the most. I like that it includes both theory and practical cases, not only for the last assigment.
By Scott S
•Apr 16, 2018
Great Class. I learned a lot, especially at the end or the peer based grading final. It really made you put your thinking cap on and act like a red teamer.
By Abhishek P G
•Jun 24, 2020
It's useful course for learning how to blend and develop learning and teaching experience to be more interactive with the help of multi-technology
By Prakash S
•Mar 2, 2021
One of the best course in the field of cyber security. One should must enroll for this if he/she interested in computer security.