Oct 2, 2018
great. minor complaint that the cut scene music is annoying and jarring, especially at the end with the Univ. of ILL logo slapping on the metal sounds.
Mar 7, 2017
It's one of the best courses on this topic! Very well structured and interesting with concrete steps and recommendations.
By Bernard D V
•Aug 3, 2020
An excellent course again, each cours is getting better and better. The tips are useful and you can use them directly. The only issue of this course today (august 2020) is that there is not enough people doing it. Meaning that you will sometimes wait 1 month to get a grade...
By Carey D
•Aug 14, 2018
Excellent course, but there's a problem with getting enough people to grade assignments. This is a real problem when you are paying by the month!
By Mariel S
•Nov 28, 2021
The topics I have learned here, I applied in my job and I can see the change in the way I am valued here at work. My favorite topic is about identifying biases, most especially in myself and in the way I think. This is a very good course to learn. Kudos!
By Tryntsje B
•Dec 11, 2016
I followed this course as part of Professional IQ package. It really helped me making the right career choices. I extremely recommend this course to everyone.
By dh
•Oct 3, 2018
great. minor complaint that the cut scene music is annoying and jarring, especially at the end with the Univ. of ILL logo slapping on the metal sounds.
By Ancuta B
•Mar 7, 2017
It's one of the best courses on this topic! Very well structured and interesting with concrete steps and recommendations.
By Lisa B
•Jun 1, 2017
Great course. I learned a lot.
By Rebecca Z
•Dec 23, 2016
By Stuart M
•Jul 29, 2016
By Constantinos P
•Jun 12, 2022
Pear review assignments are not necessary
By emilija-antonija j
•Jun 30, 2023
I think that course is good, but the problem is the practical part where your colleagues should grade your answers. Unfortunately, no one is enrolled in the course, so no one can grade my answers.