Aug 13, 2020
The instruction provided in this course are very clear and anyone who can learn coding by this course. But the course has more readable content for you to take notes and reading it may take more time.
Aug 30, 2020
I had no background in programming before attending this course and I had my own doubts on learning a new language online. But trust me, this course is very well-built and it was a cake walk for me.
By Ria
•May 27, 2020
By Ishan v
•Apr 2, 2022
•Jul 19, 2020
By sonika s
•May 28, 2020
•Mar 8, 2022
By Prathamesh J
•Jan 7, 2022
By pranathi r
•Jun 21, 2021
By Uttam D
•Jul 9, 2020
By Rachana P
•May 18, 2020
•Apr 10, 2020
By Bruce N T
•Nov 28, 2018
The peer review process was frustrating. Once the assignment was submitted, you needed to "rely on the kindness of strangers" to provide feedback on your assignment in a timely manner. In my case, I needed Coursera to correct an error with the course in order to reset the deadline in order to submit my corrected assignment. Also I needed to cajole my peers via the discussion board to review my submission. I understand that improvements are on the way and I hope that it will make the peer review process smoother, quicker and more responsive
By Christa C
•Jun 30, 2020
The first 2 weeks of content were a great introduction to programming, I think. The third week was harder for me to follow, mostly because writing things in binary / hex code was pretty far outside of what I needed and what I was interested in - plus there were less videos that accompanied the content, so it was heavier in the reading areas. I think the videos and reading for each week were pretty straightforward and helpful. The quizzes were challenging but not impossible. I feel like I learned / refreshed some basics.
By Neeraj k
•Apr 4, 2022
Coursera provides universal access to the world's best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses for anyone to take, for free.
Coursera platform helps many countries like India support virtual education in covid time. Many colleges have started recommending the courses of Coursera to their students to enhance their skills. The management and the content quality of the courses of Coursera are just awesome.
Coursera is an upcoming unicorn in the field of educational content providers.
•Jun 11, 2020
I'm glad that i could understand how to just not initiate to solve any question with by typing on ide,instead to abstract the main point of the question and distribute into various mini problems and figure out with concept into it then gradually change into computer's conceptual way and if more i go pictorial it helps me more to understand so corner cases on the problem and more the merrier when comes to flow chart..xD. In all i was like satisfied in a calm manner.
By Romain G
•Sep 21, 2020
In general, the explanations are very good and clear. I was not a beginner so difficult to know if this course is appropriate. The only downside would some quizzes which are, from my point of view, a bit disconnected from the video and lectures and require some additional materials. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to understand what is expected in a question. It would fruitful to enrich the questions in order to make them more precised. Thank you
By Stephanie S
•May 21, 2019
Generally good, but I thought there were some holes in explanation, especially in how to convert from Binary, to Hex to Decimal and back all by hand. I had to look up methods outside of the course of how to calculate this. A lot of the assignments are also pure tedium and making sure you're counting spaces in graphs correctly. Assignments could have been less frustrating if the spacing in the grids were labeled (0, 1, 2, 3, etc).
By shumpei_kikuta
•Nov 29, 2018
This course is not only great for novice programmers but also for intermediate programmers. There are multiple things I've learned in this course, so I highly recommend the programmer in all levels.
However, this course are mostly consist of reading materials and I had hard time reading through them all time since I am not an English native person.
It would be greater if more videos are available to understand in this course.
By Devaang N
•Jun 4, 2021
The course was well paced , well thought of , the instructors were of a lot of help . Whenever I did not understand a concept properly. I used to watch the video/theory again .The discussion forum also helped to clarify quizz doubts and queries.I would like to see more videos rather than reading theory also would also would like to be able to take notes/save notes of reading material and not just the videos.
By Chintha V
•May 12, 2020
To do the course the person who is learning a course should have basic knowledge about what ever the course he or she going to do for a new learner it is difficult to learn.All the subject you thought is good and videos explanation are also very use full to learn .Thank you for providing such type of course to learn to improve our knowledge by learning new course which are not in our syllabus.
•Feb 8, 2022
it was overwhelming small virtual journy with Duke university in programing world to make my base strong in C programing. it was my first programming course in my life absolutly love it. Thanks to Duke university and their faculty for giving me chance to step my foot in programming world. I hope one day i will be fortunate to make myself eligible in Duke university as student. Thank you!!
By Jeffrey W
•Apr 24, 2020
Great content, but more explanation and less reading would make it a stronger course. Also, the quizzes seem to be more heavily weighted toward checking if you've made punctuation errors (free response questions that test whether you've included periods at the end or enough spaces) rather than checking to see if you've learned the content, which could be aggravating at times.
By Nathan F
•Sep 13, 2023
The information provided was good for someone wanting to learn about programming and computer science at a deep level. I found some questions to be very difficult to come up with a correct answer for and question the necessity of such complex answers. In all I appreciate the focus not just on C but on the formation of algorithms, and programmatic thinking.
By Stefano P C
•Jul 10, 2020
Great basis for understanding algorithms and how programs work. Sadly, without any hands on experience provided by the course, the use of functions is not as well understood. Provide a way for the student to code for the assignments so that he/she understands how the functions work first hand and is able to fix any errors he/she may have along the way.
By Antonio V
•May 1, 2019
Requires more background knowledge than advertisement for the course suggests (e.g., you'd best remember your high school algebra decently well). Concepts are explained straightforwardly but with no hand-holding and no attempt to avoid jargon. Great course if you're willing to put in the work.
By Ayuub B
•Aug 28, 2024
first thanks all my lecturer for their effort . secondly, the program is well designed and prepared but the largest problem of it is {mostly is contains reading which some time the person can feel boring. I hope you will improve it and change all readings to videos. thank you.