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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project by Google

22,335 ratings

About the Course

This is the second course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. In this course, you will discover how to set a project up for success in the first phase of the project life cycle: the project initiation phase. As you explore the key components of this phase, you will learn how to determine a project’s benefits and costs, create measurable project goals and deliverables, manage project scope, and measure a project’s success criteria. You will learn how to define project roles and responsibilities, complete a stakeholder analysis, and utilize RACI charts. You will also learn the typical resources needed to manage a project, practice developing a project charter, and evaluate various project management tools. Current Google project managers will continue to instruct you in how to accomplish all of these tasks, describing the right tools and resources for the job at hand. Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Understand the significance of the project initiation phase of the project life cycle. - Describe the key components of the project initiation phase. - Determine a project’s benefits and costs. - Define and create measurable project goals and deliverables. - Define project scope and differentiate among tasks that are in-scope and out-of-scope. - Understand how to manage scope creep to avoid impacting project goals. - Define and measure a project’s success criteria. - Complete a stakeholder analysis and explain its significance. - Utilize RACI charts to define and communicate project team member responsibilities. - Understand the key components of project charters and develop a project charter for project initiation. - Evaluate various project management tools to meet project needs....

Top reviews


Feb 14, 2022

This has been a good learning experience. I now know the different project management tools available. I have a good understanding of project initiation and how to determine the success of a project.


Feb 7, 2022

everything is excellent. but i am facing the problem that says 'upgrade to submit' when i traied to submit the peer graded assignment. and it is been 3 weeks i stucked on this module. please help me.

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3726 - 3750 of 4,436 Reviews for Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project

By Joseph G


May 31, 2021

The instructor is wonderful—I really connected with her. She was so calm, precise, and friendly in all of the videos that I found myself becoming an active listener in all of the course lessons, which contributed to my success.

The multiple choice questions are often confusing, especially the "choose all that apply" categories. The answers can be written in a misleading way, and I would prefer a multiple choice exam that has ONE correct answer for each question.

By Fanny G


Sep 10, 2023

Asi como el primer curso, quedé encantada con lo completo que es y la manera en que es explicado, admito que una de las cosas que más me gustaban eran las evaluaciones y aunque sigue siendo un curso excelente en la ultima semana tuve inconvenientes con las tareas ya que no aparecian, no podia verlas por ello no podia ser evaluada por eso doy 4 estrellas en vez de 5, espero puedan darle arreglo a este porblema asi poder culminar esas pequeñas tareas

By Clint C


Nov 14, 2024

There's a bit of a learning curve if you're mostly unfamiliar with the world of the project management, but it's a great introduction to initiating projects. Some of the activities are great assignments, but are so open-ended that it's easy to end up with something that doesn't look or feel like the exemplar documents. Still, the exemplars are great learning tools, too, so take advantage of everything this comprehensive course has to offer!

By Mikhail L


Oct 27, 2023

It was a very strange part about tools in the end. It looked like that something was needed to be added and it was. Don't think that anyone can receive any benefits understanding the difference between Work-management, Productivity and Collaboration tools. Moreover, in the present, many tools combine many types. The best example is MS Teams which was just Collaboration tool two years ago but today you can use it for Work-Management.

By Dell N


Feb 24, 2022

The Project Management Coursework excels at every level and is interesting and keeps you on your toes; what caused me difficulty, was manipulating the software program that the course is written in. This definitely need to be made more user-friendly for students to access assignments, test-taking and sharing information. Please make this better, then the 4-Star rating will be definitely become a 5-Star rating. Thank you!

By Fatimah N


Aug 30, 2021

It's perfect. The only thing I absolutely hate is the deadlines; all the other students have the same problem; you have to pick a deadline and I've got limited free time since there's a lull at work so I wanted to finish this course on my own time but all the assignments and quizzes are locked until September 6th so I'm losing time and money. Other than that giant thorn in my side, the course is great; no complaints.

By Tom S


Aug 23, 2022

I really enjoyed the course and learnt some useful things regarding project management. I found the peer review assignment really annoying though as I submitted the exact same assignment 3 times and got widely different scores each time. It definitely seems like some people just didn't bother to mark it properly so when one person gave me 9 out of 9 the second mark just put 0 for all of them and so I failed.

By roberto p


Nov 8, 2022

I'was very excited for the 4th part of the course (tools for PM) but it left me quite disappointed.

1. lessons could be more clear: infact is needed a deeper explanation about differences of tools (collaboration, scheduling and PM). also because this is matter of the final test of the week;

2. a lesson about tools should focus about practice. there is only an example with spreadsheets and it's not enough.

By Apeksha S


Jan 11, 2022

Great course, a lot of concepts overlap each other but the overall idea is clear, and making changes to an spreadsheet or assignment of tasks to keep your teammates informed is also a sort of communication. Discussing about the timeline initially is also important so as it would make sense if the pursuit of the project is justified before any further discussions of the project. Overall, great insights!

By Matthew P


May 17, 2023

Overall it is done well. The peer review is less than desirable due to some people not knowing how to grade and not leaving feedback. I don't mind failing if I am given at lease some feedback on how to improve. N/A is not acceptable nor is saying you need to add what I say you are missing. Feedback needs substance and it appears many taking this course do not have that skill to give peer reviews.

By Jose A C J


Jun 20, 2021

Content in the course is great, unfortunally the evaluated question are very unforgiving, there are many concepts that are extremely similar and some of the time even interchangable within the course content, so, for some question I need to accurated guess what is the expected answer instead of just input the logical one based on the explanations provided, I saved a couple of examples of this.

By Tim W


Aug 7, 2021

This isnt real world but its okay for a free offering. Unfortunately you cant really educate for the real world as nothing goes as smoothly as you might want it. Its a grind and projects have many twists and turns. The biggest thing required is adaption. Adapting to the circumstances given and they are not always ideal. You cant plan for that although you can make allowances for some of it.

By Brian D


Jan 20, 2024

The only real hiccup was in the peer graded section. The course stated you should grade 2 peers when 3 peers are required. Additionally many of the peer assignments presented were not viewable Google documents as the users didn't know how to share them. This was most likely due to the fact that the help on sharing documents is outdated with an older icon and slightly different instructions.

By Daniel C


Apr 12, 2022

It was a refreshing course for me, since I used to be a project manager and I would like to be PM again.

I think this is very good to introduce yourself in this PM arena, and is good to keep up udated to.

I just would like that moderator/s or tutors would give more feedback after each evaluation.

It worth to do this course for learning about project definition and starting.

By Lea S


Mar 8, 2023

It gave me a bunch og good tools and things to consider for initiating my next project. However, some of the materials were difficult to understand and as for the quizzes, I spent a long time understanding what the question was to answer correctly. Not because I did not know the answer, but because the question was formulated so it was difficult to know what was meant.

By Martin W L


Oct 16, 2024

Also this course was very helpful as it provided valuable tools and tips on how to initialize a project thoroughly to avoid later setbacks. However, I feel like instead of having two RACI exercises, I would have preferred a more thorough exercise on writing the project charter. Other than that, again very nice and understandable videos with lots of valuable tips!

By Tayler S


Apr 4, 2023

There are some issues in the questions asked during video lessons that start to confuse you during the video instead of helping to test what you have learned in the video so far. There also was a week where they had you perform an activity that was completely unrelated to the scenario they use for all previous exemplars and continue to use after that activity.

By maymay m


Mar 30, 2021

This was a great course! I wished for a little more details about different tools (rather than just linking to them), but they gave a good overview of them in general. The only other thing I don't love is the peer assignments. Some people barely fill them out, and then you're also required to wait for them to get graded to get a completion on the course.

By Feng-Ger Y


Oct 30, 2022

There were more than a couple of questions throughout this module of the form "which X of the following items ... " matches a certain criteria, where X is a number like 2 or 3. I wouldn't comment if it didn't happen so many times. When the correct answer is revealed there aren't the same number selected as in the question prompt. This was annoying.

By Sudeep S


Oct 16, 2021

Congratulation to google and coursera to bring such content from Project management learning.

The content is easily understandable with examples and activities. some of the highlights like Peer graded activities, Project Charter templates, Raci templates etc make it a valuable and unique.

Once again Thanks to the instructors and course content makers.

By Brandon M


Mar 12, 2023

Everything was very informative and detailed! One thing I would wish was for more details to be added about the different types of Project Management Tools. Not a lot of people will know what Asana, Spreadsheet, Jira or SmartSheet are. Hopefully there's other learning programs here on Coursera for us to learn more about these tools!

By Gajendra S


Oct 29, 2022

Everything is good The example case study or project used by Google that is "Plant pal" is reallt not exciting . I personally belive it should something more realitic and common for students - Examples like : XYX wants to create an eComm App. XYX want to lunach a Cafe XYZ want to build a house. or or similar interest.

By Cedric N


May 22, 2023

You get a good foundation of what a project manager is responsible for and what tools they can work with.

Topics like RACI charts and stakeholder analysis are an insight into responsibilities undertaken by the PM.

The activities during the learning are good practice for beginners. Try your best to attempt them and the quizzes.

By Laurie S


Dec 12, 2023

Another great course! This course is where we actually apply knowledge on assignments. The Peer Review process could use a bit of a revamp, and the expectation of reading the outside links is a must if you are not familiar with the tools. The exposure to the project charter and tools and software is invaluable, thank you

By Nishant


Jul 30, 2022

Removing one star for the blood boiling irritating pronounciation of success. it's /sUHksEs/ and not /sUsssEs/ It just pissed me off so much that I stopped doing until my blood pressure lowered down. When I came back I heard it again, I got pissed off again. The cycle continud for a year but I was finally able to do it.