Feb 14, 2022
This has been a good learning experience. I now know the different project management tools available. I have a good understanding of project initiation and how to determine the success of a project.
Feb 7, 2022
everything is excellent. but i am facing the problem that says 'upgrade to submit' when i traied to submit the peer graded assignment. and it is been 3 weeks i stucked on this module. please help me.
By Natalie P
•Apr 7, 2023
Excellent course except for the peer reviewed assignment component, which is mandatory. If it was optional and/or reviewed by instructors it would be much more useful. Specially for people who already have done project management and/or project coordination in the past.
By jeremiah b
•Sep 29, 2021
I am continually prompted to redo lesions from past courses, so it feel like I will never finish.
Customer service for Coursera is non-existent. I would never recommend this program to anyone, and would quit if I hadn't already devoted so much time to this bullshit.
By Katarzyna
•Aug 30, 2022
5 stars for the content, 1 star for the coursea strusture and user orientation on in the platform. I was constantly lost, keep closing the windows to go back to the main menu, no numbering of the chapter titles.
By Adrian T
•Dec 4, 2022
Waiting to get a peer review is not efficient but we are required to review 3 before moving forward.
the information is great. and very useful.
this course is well thought out minus the wait time.
By Michelle V
•Apr 13, 2023
Cannot get past peer assisgnment. The peer assignments and grading are beyond ridiculous to navigate and have no value. I cannot progress to the next course and I'm stuck. No Help available.
By Fanni K
•Jul 10, 2022
Because of the Assignment review procedure. It is very stressful, time-consuming and not user-friendly at all, especially for those who have to complete the course within a strict timeline.
By Aung Z Y
•Oct 14, 2022
Peer reviews is not realistic and it shouldn't be a graded assignment. Even when someone complete the all 4 weeks and learners begging one another to review one another is a waste of time.
By Jacob S
•Feb 17, 2023
The week 4 assignment completion is broken. There are more than 17,000 discussion threads with people trying to get the assignment completed for the course certificate.
By Sajan D
•Nov 19, 2022
very tough kinds of weekly quiz are designed , many many of topic content are repetative in every course that should be unique . Repetative wording create puzzling in minds ..
By Gersonn H R M
•May 19, 2021
La pagina rebota mucho al momento de enviar las tareas . No obtengo la ayuda necesaria sobre eso y aun no revisan mi tarea de revisión a pesar que ya lo revisé y reenvié.
By Rich K
•May 8, 2023
Content was great, but cannot earn more than one star due to mobile hostile format. In 2023, this is simply unacceptable. A study on Blockbuster should be considered.
By Grayson G
•Feb 28, 2023
I have completed everything in this course and it won't give me full completion credit because no one has graded my peer review work... this is a faulty requirement.
By Chris R
•Jan 12, 2024
The word "success" and "successful" comes up about a million times in this course. Yet, the instructor they chose for the course cannot pronounce it "successfully".
By Krupali Z
•Jul 21, 2022
No one is helping in reviewing the peer assignment. If it is not done then we won't get the course completion certificate. Peer assignment is poorly executed.
By Reda K
•Jun 18, 2022
this course is not good because i depend on other to get my grade and on the Top of that instead of going forward i'm waiting for someone to give me a grade
By Heidi E
•Aug 30, 2024
I don't like peer graded assignments. Its hit or miss weather or not they get graded and the templates they are using are difficult to navigate.
By Ritesh Z
•Jul 21, 2022
Peer assignment is very stressful. As no one helps in reviewing the assignment, we won't be able to get the course completion certificate.
By Anna M
•Sep 15, 2021
Because I had to reset my deadlines I lost all my grades and all my progress.
Really disappointed with this issue all this time wasted.
By Inna L
•Jan 5, 2023
Hello lovely Coursera team, Could you please unblock this course? I will redo my homework to complete the course. Kind regards, Inna
By Ayako S
•Jun 10, 2022
Stuck at peer review assignment for wasting my time! This should NOT be an issue in order to complete the course. Rediculous
By Ruth O S
•Jan 23, 2024
I have been trying to submit my activity assignment in course2 module 3 but not gout through it's telling me to upgrade
By Jan-Erik D
•Sep 17, 2021
Deletes progress once you miss deadlines. Certainly an IT issue. Very unfortunate given the expense for the course.
•Apr 24, 2022
i have completed it but cosera is still showing that it is 98% completed and therefore cant access the certificate
By Tiffany C
•Jan 3, 2022
No contact from coursera! I've sent multiple emails for them to change my verified name and have not been helped.
By Jennie B
•Aug 3, 2021
The women who was the main speaker had awful pronunciation issues that really took away from my learning.