Nov 30, 2019
I enjoyed while reading this course as similar situations I had faced in my work.excellent tutor for this course, clearly explained the real conditions as it happens in Industry and how to handle.
Oct 3, 2017
Loved this course. The instructor makes this course what it is. Lessons and terms are great, but real world applications are necessary to help you learn to practice your newly acquired skills.
By suraj b s y
•Feb 27, 2020
very good course, and with user friendly interface. The explanations and videos are very helpful
By Marissa W
•Jan 7, 2021
Everything about this course was amazing especially the instructor explanation on key concepts.
By Ketankumar S
•Oct 9, 2020
Excellent Course and so is the faculty. Expert Panel discussions were also gave deep insights.
•May 4, 2020
Nice and compact with every required details of Project Communication, Risks and change control
By ashish d
•Mar 11, 2020
This is a great course for anyone wanting to learn about project risks and other core concepts.
By Felipe R
•Jul 26, 2017
Well done, excellent tools, I wish I had used them before when responsible for projects. Thanks
By Grant H
•Nov 23, 2016
Excellent course, the instruction covers the basics and with the extra content really helps...
By Joseph U
•Mar 26, 2022
the course is meaningful and well organised with high quality in terms of context and content.
By sanket b
•Mar 23, 2020
Very well explained and topics are just enough to make you clear understanding of the concept.
•Nov 26, 2017
Very enlightening and easy to understand. Top recommendation to fellow colleagues and friends.
•Oct 24, 2020
I have learned a lot of things from this course. It will surely help me in my current career.
By Bayush P
•Apr 30, 2020
it was veru usuefull and very easy to follow. concept are simple and explained in simple way.
By Stefanie L
•Jan 20, 2019
Very informative. Helped me better understand how to successfully manage risk in a project.
By David E R
•Sep 20, 2021
Clear & useful information, it gives you the foundations to go deeper in project management
By Halit M
•Feb 27, 2021
It was great to learn all this stuff from this course, I could find what I was looking for.
By David B
•Sep 15, 2020
Easy course, but covers the material in a good way! The course lessons are very informative
By Adith R K
•Jun 4, 2020
This is a very good course for those interested in learning about project risk management.
By Mohamed S A K
•Feb 16, 2021
The amount of information and knowledge which was presented during the course was very us
•Dec 16, 2020
Very Informative, I learned a lot especially from the interviews of the Project Managers.
•Sep 26, 2020
Gives an interesting outlook on how one should perceive risks and utilize the SWOT method
By Burak B
•Sep 24, 2020
Overall, it was great course. Panelist interview and bonus videos were my favorite parts.
By Amuda A
•May 16, 2020
Am pleased to undertake this course and I so much like the instructor. Kudos! Keep it up.
By Liu C
•May 6, 2020
Thank you for sharing this module. I find it very interesting- Thank you Margaret Meloni!
By Jesus F
•Dec 30, 2019
Es un excelente curso, muy buen contenido, excelentes intructores y muy buena evaluacion.
By julie b
•Jun 9, 2017
Nice overview and I liked the mix of media presentation -- slides, video, animation, etc.