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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School by University of Colorado System

863 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to our the third course in the School Health specialization: Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School. In this course, you will learn about how social-emotional skills, mental health, and learning are related. We will focus on how schools can support social-emotional learning and promote mental health for all students. We will walk through the reasons that schools should promote student mental health. Next, we’ll review school wide activities to support skill development and prevent social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. Then, we’ll identify strategies for students at risk of developing problems. Finally, we’ll highlight interventions that can be used for students who have significant mental health needs. We will emphasize the ways that schools think about mental health problems and provide services for students with disabilities, which is different than in medical or mental health settings. As part of the course, we will introduce two students to help all of this information come alive. Prepare yourself to learn about an essential piece of student wellness—social-emotional health....

Top reviews


Jun 3, 2019

I absolutely love this course! I wish that I knew and understood this information when my children were in school. I am much better equipped to help other parents and students now.


Dec 29, 2019

VERy important information. However, quizzes seemed to test memory rather than critical thinking, If you misspell a word or provide an original response yo will be marked WRONG.

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176 - 184 of 184 Reviews for Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School



Jul 18, 2020




Jun 18, 2020

Good course and useful for society.

By Kym-Kisha N


Aug 25, 2022

Helpful Information

By Shameema S


Nov 8, 2024

very informative

By Shruti M


May 11, 2021

Something that the course equipped me with is the understand of how to scaffold structures of support in line with Tier 1,2 & 3 interventions. To be able to contextualize the learnings from the course to my context in India, I would have appreciated reading/learning more about practices that can be executed in the absence of availability of a variety of support structures by the state/school.

By Jemilie P


Jul 21, 2020

Though the course was meant for an American school setting, some of the methods were applicable for schools in another country.

By Lisa M


Jan 20, 2021

Lectures are good. Reading material is out of date.

By Amina Z


Sep 27, 2020

I really liked this course

By Maria F B M


Jul 4, 2024

The audio of the videos are very bad