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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Psychological First Aid by Johns Hopkins University

19,633 ratings

About the Course

Learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model: Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition. Utilizing the RAPID model (Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition), this specialized course provides perspectives on injuries and trauma that are beyond those physical in nature. The RAPID model is readily applicable to public health settings, the workplace, the military, faith-based organizations, mass disaster venues, and even the demands of more commonplace critical events, e.g., dealing with the psychological aftermath of accidents, robberies, suicide, homicide, or community violence. In addition, the RAPID model has been found effective in promoting personal and community resilience. Participants will increase their abilities to: - Discuss key concepts related to PFA - Listen reflectively - Differentiate benign, non-incapacitating psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions from more severe, potentially incapacitating, crisis reactions - Prioritize (triage) psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions - Mitigate acute distress and dysfunction, as appropriate - Recognize when to facilitate access to further mental health support - Practice self-care Developed in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Open Education Lab....

Top reviews


May 22, 2020

I am very happy and satisfied with the course program. In fact, I am excited to apply what I have learned and also looking forward to enroll in another course. Thank you for this learning opportunity!


Aug 14, 2020

Found the course really informational and useful on both personal and professional levels. The techniques and skills were easily implementable and highly transferable to various real-life situations.

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626 - 650 of 4,599 Reviews for Psychological First Aid

By Osose E O

Apr 6, 2020

Thank you Johns Hopkins University. You just helped me add a valuable skill to my medical carrier. Thank you for offering the course free of charge. Absolutely, this course is worth paying for and at the same time, it is priceless. Thank you for the knowledge.

By Nicole I A A

Nov 22, 2019

Un curso de real importancia en cuanto a la preparación y facilitación de primeros auxilios. Un curso bien preparado, debido a que facilitan al estudiante una serie de materiales visuales y auditivos que permiten una fácil comprensión de los temas propuestos.

By Leticia R

Jul 26, 2019

Very useful introductory course to the PFA. Really well explained, with lot of emphasis on keypoints. Very enriching for psychologists, as it shows us a different way of acting than we would do in normal conditions. It seems well structured and shows validity.

By Samsara C

Aug 9, 2020

I'm a psychologist and english is not my first language. the PFA couse was very effective as there was new things for me to learn, the simulations were very good and george always explained everything in details, especially if it was a new concept. Thank you.

By Leanne C J

Jul 1, 2020

Thank you for the opportunity to complete this course. The instructor was clear, the material was interesting and made it easy to understand. As a social worker and educator, I found the study process valuable and the information relevant and well structured.

By Graciela M

Apr 16, 2020

I Loved this course, it was informative and Practical at the same time, comprehensible, with very useful information and Mr George was an exceptional man with a truly compassionate spirit. I feel very fortunate to have taken this course with him... thank you!

By Helen N

Sep 12, 2017

A brilliant course, well presented with good variety of interactive media e.g. video interventions, quizzes, lecture and summaries. I also bought the book that goes with this talk and it has been very useful in the field. I would highly recommend this course.

By Jose J L

May 8, 2021

Very informative, timely, and highly relevant to the current situation. The course is easy to understand. Resources such as the presentation (PDF) are downloadable. Simulations show the clear application of the course. Overall, it was fun taking the course!

By Aleeza V

Jan 5, 2021

Thank you so much for this course. It is very informative and relevant in our times today because of the pandemic and other challenges in life. We need to be equipped to be able to help others even and ourselves as well. Again, thank you so much and Mabuhay!

By Ezgi A

Jul 24, 2020

Dr. George Everly talks very compassionate about this topic and gives out really good examples. I very much enjoyed it and would recommend it to everyone.

The simulations were very useful and helped me understand how this method can be applied into situation.

By Marcos M e S

Jul 6, 2020

Ótimo curso. Obter noções simples e poderosas que alteram o curso da vida das pessoas em situações conflitantes é muito bom. Ambientar-se com as expressões psicológicas e transpo-las para dentro do contexto RAPID, foi muito interessante. Agradeço pelo curso.

By Manal A

May 15, 2020

Interesting course and well-taught. The discussion forums were unnecessary in my opinion since it seemed as though many were not meaningfully engaged. Glad I took the course, it's relevant to the work I do in my field of student affairs and higher education.

By Aisha A

May 12, 2023

It's an amazing opportunity. I am extremely Thankful to Johns Hopkins University for this amazing course. I have learned a lot. The course instructor was amazing. His method method of teaching is highly recommendable. I have deep regards to the whole team.

By Krishnapriya W

Oct 3, 2021

I am very satisfied and happy with the course. Although I took more time to complete than the expected because of my semester exam, this course has shown me what is truly needed to help those who are badly traumatized by the pandemic .Thank you Prof Everly.


Dec 1, 2020

This course taught me to have basic knowledge important to respond to any disaster situation and help people who need it most.

The videos you used as an example were very helpful to me and I think it's great that it's not just theory and includes practice.

By Ms M

May 28, 2021

As the global pandemic continues, I expect the information in this course to benefit me personally (self-care) and professionally (establishing rapport both with coworkers and clients). The format is very user-friendly and great for self-directed training.

By Esperanza A E A

Dec 21, 2020

Very helpful especially for non medical professionals. It made me realize that some of the things I a doing during disasters is already PFA and that I am helping someone overcome something they might not even be aware of. More Courses Dr Everly. Thank you.

By Cyrlin L

Dec 8, 2020

The techniques, especially on rapport and reflective listening are very helpful for use in every day life and quite useful in my profession. I'm a writer and I interview people. These techniques will help me become a more active and compassionate listener.

By Suze K

Jun 19, 2020

As a medical professional (PA-C), most of the information was a review, but very needed as a refresher. I also appreciate the fact that to provide PFA, my medical background is not to be utilized as that is not the intent in this role. Kudos and thank you!

By Gemma D

Apr 7, 2020

Not what I expected when I signed up, however I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the course. It was easy enough to follow, engaging and rewarding. I now have a real drive to help those in a real life crisis, potentially changed my career focus!

By Hillary M N R

Sep 6, 2018

the modules are well-organized, the slides are neat and informative, the transcriptions are accurate, the lecturer is effective in knowledge-sharing, the simulations are also very helpful in giving students the idea on how to conduct the RAPID model of PFA

By Carla H

Feb 7, 2018

Absolutely loved this course. As someone who seems to have people flock to me for advice, I felt it was really important to learn a little bit more about how to properly help them and even assess thei need for possible psychological help. This was perfect!

By Sherry G

Aug 17, 2023

This was one of the best e-Courses I've ever taken! Dr. Everley"s calm, focused, practical demeanor made learning easy and enjoyable. I loved the real-to-life case studies of what to do and what not to do. Would highly recommend this to others. Excellent!

By Hardik J

Oct 11, 2021

One of the most fantastic courses I have ever learned in the field of Psychology. This course makes us realize that how crucial First Aid is in the field of Psychology. Thank you so much Coursera and Johns Hopkins University for the wonderful opportunity.

By Matthew T

May 25, 2020

This is a course that give a background in intervention to help those in need. This is not an expert level class, but one that we need in this age of violence. The chances that we will be exposed to a violent or disastrous event in the nation is too high.