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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Data Analysis by Rice University

886 ratings

About the Course

This course will continue the introduction to Python programming that started with Python Programming Essentials and Python Data Representations. We'll learn about reading, storing, and processing tabular data, which are common tasks. We will also teach you about CSV files and Python's support for reading and writing them. CSV files are a generic, plain text file format that allows you to exchange tabular data between different programs. These concepts and skills will help you to further extend your Python programming knowledge and allow you to process more complex data. By the end of the course, you will be comfortable working with tabular data in Python. This will extend your Python programming expertise, enabling you to write a wider range of scripts using Python. This course uses Python 3. While most Python programs continue to use Python 2, Python 3 is the future of the Python programming language. This course uses basic desktop Python development environments, allowing you to run Python programs directly on your computer....

Top reviews


May 15, 2020

One of the best course in this specialization. It was really interesting work with some real world data which could really enhance the problem solving skills.


Jul 6, 2021

Great programming practice, especially the project for week4. I am more comfortable with lambda now. I am much more helpful to my son in Python classes.

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126 - 150 of 152 Reviews for Python Data Analysis

By Amit C


Sep 12, 2020

This course requires a lot of practice to be able to solve the project. Overall, i feel the practice was a bit less and the final project required a steep learning curve

By Md. T R


May 18, 2020

Excellent Lecture + good support from mentors (Patrick, the only one?). However, the final project's description is quite obscure, I have to rely heavily on owl-test.

By Piotr K


Oct 21, 2021

The final project was demanding not due to programming, but due to the idea of "code refactoring" and unclear dependencies on csv files.

By Andrew A


Dec 5, 2020

more so a data management and cleaning course rather than an actual analysis course. Was expecting more statistical analysis computation



May 18, 2020

This course is good and the instructors way of teaching is quite attractive and interactive. I have learnt a lot during this course.

By Peter


May 10, 2019

A tough course (not for the fainted of heart). I love baseball and the application of the baseball data is useful for me !



Jun 2, 2020

Overall, this is a great course, However, used baseball as the theme of the final project is really not a good idea!

By Jacob G


Jan 15, 2019

Instructions on the final were not as clear as the rest of the course, but the information given is worthwhile

By kshama M


Feb 5, 2023


By Kazi R I S


Aug 8, 2020

Thank you for such a great course. However, the project descriptions were too long and hard to understand.

By Andrew C


Mar 14, 2020

Project assignment was somewhat hard to follow and test as the real input was not clear.

By Dev P


Sep 3, 2019

This course is great one to provide you the fundamental concepts of python scripting.

By Pablo S


Dec 27, 2020

need more practice exercises, but very good course overall

By Ankit J


Jun 24, 2019

this is quite difficult and very hard than the last one

By Yalew M F


Apr 27, 2020

Thank you for the unlimited effort that you provided.

By Dennis J B S M


Nov 2, 2020

Last signature was a little confuse

By Andrew M


Feb 1, 2018

I feel like this course needs a lot of polish. The practice assignments in particular are riddled with horrible grammatical errors that make it hard to figure out what is being asked of you, especially when the author seems to be trying to be overly concise in their explanations. There's also too much reliance of documentation research. It felt like every assignment just told me to read page after page of documentation and figure out what parts were relevant on my own. Documentation research is obviously an important skill, but telling a student to learn an entirely new skill like color mapping based purely on documentation, and not telling them what parts of the documentation to focus on verges on cruel. I've never felt as frustrated with an assignment as I did with several in this course. The way the assignments were designed also made them very hard to test. The disconnect between the practice assignments and the graded assignments also caused a lot of issues with regards to flow. It feels like two courses were smashed together, one of which was fairly well built, the other of which was very much not.

My comments mostly pertain to the practice assignments. I thought the graded assignments were pretty good.

By Nicoletta H


Mar 3, 2020

I brought prior basic knowledge of python which I think helped a lot completing this course. It is definitely challenging, but one learns a lot if you are willing to do your own research. The whole specialization works with videos, personally I prefer getting a bit of text, too. But this is personal preference. Only the final project - I don't know what they were thinking. It is overly complicated and the descriptions could have been a lot clearer. I'm not sure the course adequately prepares for this. Do your research on the discussion forums, otherwise you might have a hard time. Because of how the project is conceptualized, I feel like I can't really add it to my portfolio, which is really a pity.

By Youssef F


May 4, 2020

The course is really fruitful. It covers everything I needed. What didn't work well for me was the last assignment.

A project with baseball theme isn't really a good idea, at least for me !

But i really enjoyed the course ! Thank you for this opportunity and for your efforts.

By Matt O


Feb 15, 2021

A found this to be a very basic course. Not much in the way of analysis. Mostly just contorting lists / dicts / tuples. Would have preferred getting int Pandas / Numpy and other tools for actually analysing the data. A bit misleading, to be honest.

By Mads J K H


Mar 28, 2018

Could use a bit more explanation on some parts since visualization of e.g. dictionaries can be a bit tedious.

Otherwise good.

By vikram B


Oct 16, 2020

Best Course on CSV handling ,we also have move fexibility with file handling with panda looking for course on that

By Avinash K K


Mar 19, 2022

Course content is very less. Better if detatiled explanation provided for each topics.

By Oleh M


Jun 22, 2019

A very sharp combination of the basics on lectures and algorithms in practice.

By Madhubalini V


Sep 22, 2020

its rushing,concepts are not fully explained to a beginner