Nov 17, 2019
it becomes easier wand clearer when one gets to complete the assignments as to how to utilize what has been learned. Practical work is a great way to learn, which was a fundamental part of the course.
Sep 27, 2024
This course was really helpful in make me understand all the topics of Python from scratch, including the slightly advanced topics, of APIs, for my level as a freshman just getting settled in college.
By Alisson d S B
•Jul 23, 2019
I hoped to have learnt a bunch more stuff on programming in python.
It was a nice start though. Full with some nice and practical tips and methods.
By Fayçal A
•Sep 4, 2022
The hands on projects are too easy. They need to be a little more creative. They also don't go deep in the details of a new function/library ...
By Saqib H
•Feb 2, 2022
Advice to someone newly learning phython "Start from somewhere else!" even tho course is good but it's also too small in terms of explaination.
By Enabor O
•May 11, 2021
Most of the projects on IBM cloud had errors working with them. Overall, course was a good introduction to Python for Data Science application.
By ahmed j
•Sep 29, 2019
Trés bon cours en terme de comprehension, parcontrel es exercices Quiz sont parfois banal, je propose qu'on y ajoute un peu plus de complexité.
By Abby M
•Sep 17, 2018
Decent intro to python programming. The videos and labs need additional proofing. The labs need some off script activities in the later labs.
By Esosa G A
•May 6, 2020
It's an okay course, but it can be better
And I wouldn't advice it for total beginners cause they skip steps and sometimes write wrong syntaxes
By Alok R S
•Dec 24, 2018
There's no fun in doing assignment in lab as almost all of the coding is done by them only , although we can learn lots of syntax and tricks .
By Paul B
•Jan 16, 2020
Course was ok. Some random concept thrown in half way through. Assignment wasn't explained particularly well but overall a good introduction
By Yi C
•Apr 21, 2019
Apparently the tutorial is a bit out-dated. Not able to generate plot using codes provided in Jupyter. Can't find my access_id stuff either.
By Nicholas B
•Apr 24, 2024
The course was good, but the python quizzes seem to arbitrarily consider indentation when asking if this code would return an error or not.
By Wesley D
•Apr 24, 2024
Some of the stuff felt out of place and I think the labs should be a bit better made... you don't really get the full experience of coding.
By Joseph W
•Mar 4, 2021
Quiz questions sometimes pop-up before the subject material is presented. Some sections, especially the last week of sections, feel rushed.
By Pasha M
•Aug 23, 2019
I don't think the study material was as informative - the assignment was straight out different to what was taught in the videos and labs.
By Alexander C
•Jun 13, 2022
The final quiz is not using proper code formatting, which makes it very annoying to read especially the question regarding python classes
By chahine a
•Apr 18, 2021
The course should have videos which explain the solution for the labs, as most of them are really difficult and not for a beginner level
By Allison G
•Dec 31, 2020
Too much was filled in on the notebooks. let us practice. more time spent on setting up and configuring Watson than on learning Python
By Ahmed B
•Aug 31, 2024
in the course description in said for beginner level, but not all the things that were in the course were explained to me as a beginner
By Bob D
•Sep 22, 2021
Started reasonably well with Python fundamentals, but then sped through more complex material in a blur of half explanations and typos.
By Steve H
•Dec 30, 2020
Starts at a VERY basic level, then jumps ahead to advanced topics too quickly. Some instructions (e.g. Speech to Text API) do not work.
By Rudolfs L
•Aug 8, 2018
Good overall if you already have a grasp of python. Lots of mistakes with the coherency of the text vs the things displayed on screen.
By Abdullah G
•Jul 23, 2021
It went from basic to advance real quick. It needs to be tailored further for students who do not have any background in programming.
By Cindy Y
•May 27, 2019
Course was easy but instructions for the exercises and the projects were very unclear, confusing, lacking and difficult to interpret.
By Enikeev A
•Sep 13, 2018
course is good, but final task is awful! It took me 4-5 times to finally upload it correctly, so other students may have seen my work