Nov 27, 2018
The course with the IBM Lab is a very good way to learn and practice. The tools we've learned in this module can supply a good material to enrich all data work that need to be presented in a nice way.
Apr 22, 2023
Learnt a lot from this visualization course. The one I found most interesting was making the dashboard. Although sometime the code and indentation are tedious, but this might be useful in the future.
By Klaus G
•Mar 2, 2021
The course material is outdated. I could have watched a 30 min Youtube video and learned more. The final assignment and the peer reviews are a waste of time. Really, you make me fix html tags and then look at screenshots?
By Glenn H
•Feb 6, 2024
Just a very disjointed course. Final project at the end is awful. Difficult to grade your peers. Difficult to understand what is being asked. Seems like the course was put together if a couple hours.
By Z D
•Sep 29, 2020
This course quizzes you on things no one cares about such as 'Artist Layer' which has no relevance in calling a function. Folium library was the only cool thing about this module. Glad it's done!
By Raymond C (
•Sep 21, 2020
This was a monsterous let-down as a class. I already know how to GOOLE things. I am paying $50.00 USD/ month to be TAUGHT some things. Not spoken AT, and then tested on things that aren't taught.
By Wilma C
•May 7, 2021
The labs and quizzes are locked, it says it will open when it is scheduled, but all the students are waiting eagerly for it to open. The lecturers don't respond to the forum comments...
By Omair L
•Aug 5, 2021
great course but they lock your quizes and assignments and tell you
" This item will be unlocked when the schedule opens"
absolutely terrible technical management by coursera
By Carlo H
•Aug 26, 2021
Lab errors, too much grading, ID verification that doesn't. If you're trying to convince me not to pay for IBM or Coursera courses you have certainly succeeded.
By Ritwick A
•Feb 19, 2023
The last two weeks and final assignments are the worst among all the courses in the specialization. Final submission is almost stupid and of high school level
By Shalini D r
•Jan 29, 2023
i can write reviews for the coursers. The website works well for this but I cannot download my certificate after completion. This is such a cheating website.
By Sai P
•Apr 22, 2021
This course is broken, not able to access the assignments and the problem statement for the peer graded assignment is not stated properly.
By Kate D
•Jun 7, 2021
Good course until the peer reviewed assignment, which doesn't work and will drive you to craziness trying to find a way to get to work
By Viraj K
•May 16, 2021
Horrible, learning that dash was the worst thing ever. Kept crashing on me and whatnot, then the external labs would not load for me.
By Tim K
•Mar 25, 2021
Worst and most frustrating final assignment you can imagine. Nonsense to fill out a pre-given code full of errors. No help available.
By Charles E
•Feb 16, 2021
POOR labs. Labs do not teach/match lectures. Slow response to problems too. I've taken 9 courses on Coursera and this is the worse.
By Gustavo H F
•Jul 22, 2022
Sinceramente, esperava mais. A dinâmica do curso como a didática são péssimas. Gaste seu dinheiro com um livro que é melhor.
By Jamie w
•Feb 26, 2022
final assignment extremely hard, you cannot finish it without searching on Google.......
For newer, not recommend at all.....
By Faith B
•May 26, 2021
This course was poorly planned and took the longest time because of the bug issues in the final assignment.
By Yenttirb
•Mar 3, 2024
Labs don't work at all after a certain point so good luck with the final project. Worst course thus far.
By Carla T P
•Mar 21, 2021
We had a lot of problems with the assignment but no one was there to assist us nor answer our questions!
By Mojammel H
•Dec 11, 2021
Worst course ever in Coursera, poor instruction. Final Assginemt does not covered in the lecture.
By Saravanan S
•Dec 1, 2020
Poorly prepared course, assignments, quizzes, and final assignments were a pain to get through!!!
By Robert B
•Nov 4, 2020
Dreadful course. You have to teach yourself. The course material is not sufficient. Very poor.
By Behsat E
•Mar 14, 2023
This is a complete superficial unit. The peer review assignment constantly gives ERROR.
By Paul O
•Jun 15, 2021
The final project needs a review. It doesn't compile as written. Took days to suss out.
By Amod S
•Jan 28, 2021
It wasnt very detailed in explanation the final assignment was touch to crack.