May 12, 2022
It was a great course, even if you do not have any knowlege about Python. I work with Python but it was so interesting for me especially with the application in genomic data science.Thank you so much.
Jul 16, 2018
A very good course for its length and the amount of time it requires. It improved my python skills and knowledge of Genomics. I'm more engaged in my pursuits than before taking the course.
By Palash K
•May 13, 2020
It was Quite Informative.
•Aug 5, 2024
nice course for basics
By Satarupa B
•Aug 12, 2019
final exam was tough
By Sarvanshi S
•Jun 10, 2020
A very good course
By Ramakrishnan
•May 3, 2020
good entry point!
By Adhip M
•Jun 25, 2022
Good course.
By Guilherme M P
•Oct 2, 2017
By Deleted A
•Sep 28, 2020
cool course
By luis p
•Jul 20, 2020
By Eder A F L
•Dec 12, 2020
Very good
By awantika r
•May 6, 2023
By maryam m
•Jul 31, 2021
I wanted to learn this course for Biopython. But it was in the last chapter and they only teach it for 15 minutes and very fast. I think it was not good enough. I knew the Python language and other chapters were like Python reviewing for me. And the last important point was about the final exam. They taught Biopyton very quickly and superficially, but the final exam was very difficult and about Biopython. This frustrates students and they feel that they do not have enough ability to learn Biopyton. It is like teaching students multiplication and then taking a test to solve a complex equation ...
By Yonatan M
•Oct 13, 2020
Nice course if you hace programming skills already and very entusiastic teachers!
The biggest flaw in my opinion is that in order to pass the course, you already have to have a solid background and experience in programing.
Another thing is they dont give programming HW in this course and only Qs you have to run in the shell to get the right answer or you have to spot mistakes in the code.
My advice to the new students in the course is to take each method/function/module and find exercises in the internet to get hands on experience with it (there are alot of sites in google with great exercises).
By Lily Z Z
•Jun 18, 2018
Great leaps of difficulty seem unavoidable in this kind of courses. It felt rather easy at the beginning of the course but the level of difficulty just increased exponentially. Programming actually takes a much longer time than simply 4 weeks to learn and practice to be skillful. So please add some sort of warning stating"decent background knowledge required" to the course introduction or it will be a torture taking the course as a completely beginner. The course design could have been done better.
By Sally S
•May 7, 2016
I enjoyed the lectures, but I felt they didnt go into enough details on analysis of sequence data. The final project was considerably harder than the material taught in the class and problems with the course (e.g. the final exam file not being available) had obviously not been fixed since the last version of the course. A fell I now have a good basic understanding of python but not enough to do any real analysis. Fantastic course mentor/TA.
By Fadilla S
•Aug 24, 2022
The materials taught are quite interesting but hard to follow as the quizzes are harder than what we have been taught. Also, I personally had a hard time understanding Ms. Mihaela Pertea, PhD as she did not speak quite clearly and seem nervous. I think this course needs to be updated in terms of the video contents and the way the lecturer speaks so that learners could get the point of each video easily. Thank you.
By JoRa
•Apr 25, 2020
If you're an absolute noob, I'd rather recommend to do a basic python course first, otherwise you wont be able to do the course without learning those basics on the way.
All in all the course was OK, but could be a bit more hands on, e.g. providing more data to analyse oneself as in the last final exam. Compared to the GALAXY course in the second lecture, this final exam is rather easy.
By Marcel N
•Nov 25, 2018
I took this course without a background in biology or genetics. The material sounds interesting but the lecturers rush through it so fast. They do not provide sufficient explanation of the biology to allow completion of the programming assignment. They ask to write a code for finding ORFs yet they don't even explain how ORFs are defined in case of multiple start codons and end codons.
By Thomas G
•Oct 10, 2022
The final exam was by orders of magnitude more difficult than what the lectures covered. Completely out of proportion, and practically impossible to work out without a decent amount of preexisting Python programming skills. Definitely not a course for beginners. Still, with a whole lot of effort in addition to working through the course materials it was a valuable experience.
By Bartłomiej P
•Jun 19, 2020
The course in no way prepares the student to complete the final exam of the course, if this course is for people without any prior python experience, I really pity the ones that had to go through it.
I myself had some experience but it was challenging for me to do the final quiz, but it was fun.
The course is overall good but needs some updates from the tutors.
By Aviel A
•Nov 8, 2022
Started promising, but in the end I don't feel like they gave tools to really be able to process a relevant file. No explanation on how to use and import Biopython into the working system.
you can find it yourself online, but then again, I wanted the course to find everything and arrange it for me , cause otherwise I can just search everything online.
By Rebecca M
•Aug 2, 2022
The lectures were really good, and from having taken the Python For Everbody course I could keep up with what they were saying as they only taught the basics.
How ever, the exams were extremely difficult as they had not shown us how to write the code nessassary for the analysis!!!!! A lot of online help is needed to pass this course believe me.
•Apr 24, 2020
Quite badly prepared course. The final exam assignment was challenging but unfortunately the methods etc to arrive at the solutions were not discussed in the main lecture of the course. It needs lot of working so that the focus should be given on learning rather than arbitrarily increasing the toughness level for the exam.
By Dave S
•Apr 20, 2020
The assignments can be difficult with little guidance on the best approach to take and not to much activity on the forums. The questions can be difficult because of the formatting used and the way python uses format to decide program flow. The final exam takes considerably longer than the rest of the course
By Pierre d M
•Aug 18, 2022
This is mostly a Python course rather than a Data Science class. The Module 1 is the only one that I considered useful for my profile (Already familiar with Python) as I was trying to learn more about the specifics of doing DS in the Genomics field.