Jun 26, 2020
its actually a good course as it starts from fundamentals of visualization to the data visualization,the assignments this course provide are exciting and full of knowledge that you learn in course ..
May 13, 2020
I am going for the specialization and I know this is just the second course in it and I haven't even seen the further courses yet, but this is already my most favourite course in the specialization.
By Benjamín V A
•Jan 14, 2021
I had a lot of trouble with some of the assignments and often I had to see other peoples solutions before being able to come up with my own because I just did not understand what was being asked of me. But I really liked the final assignment where they just ask you to use what you have learned for something real, so in the end I am satisfied and I have learn a lot of pyplot.
By John K
•Dec 27, 2020
This course is a great introduction and application of charting and plotting in the Python matplotlib module. It also covers the fundamental science and theory behind making impactful charts, which has had a big impact on how I think about charts and present data. I especially enjoyed learning some of the more sophisticated capabilities of plotting with matplotlib and pandas
By Tallula J
•Sep 10, 2021
I learned so much from this course. The assignments were interesting and the lectures engaging. My one complaint is that as a complete beginner to this field (even after the Intro to Data Science w/ Python course), the assignments were incredibly difficult. Completing them was often a several week endeavor, but finally completing the work was always satisfying.
By Neztrek E
•Jul 30, 2022
Good course on teaching you the fundementals of matplotlib. However, there were many things which could have been expanded on. The entire course felt more like a continuation of the last course as opposed to its own course. However, the assignments and the course content were informative, and will give you a solid introduction to matplotlib.
By Nan B
•Oct 22, 2019
The material of the first week is extremely good and inspiring. However, the following lectures and assignments aren't directing us to the exact result. Could have given more lectures on how to generate those high-quality graphs. For now, everything is too basic to that goal. Looking forward to the more advanced data visualization stuff!
By Darell B
•May 27, 2018
I found the course to be very informative and requiring the student to think differently about data and how to represent that data. I also like the ethical aspects of the course, that require the author of the charts to really thinking about the message being conveyed, how it is be presented and the message that might be inferred.
By Dairui Y
•Aug 26, 2020
Overall great class, you will nead tons of research outside the class material, but you do learn a lot. P.s. so many learners just copy and paste the final project which is annoying. I was expecting to see some new way to to analyze problem by utilizing new skill that people acquired from this class. Otherwise all good.
By Gennady I
•Mar 19, 2017
Good intro to plotting, charting and visualization in Python. Focuses mainly on matplotlib. I feel good about the content that I learned, but also feel like I wanted to learn more in this class. Maybe more coverage of other python charting libraries. More examples of financial type charts -- High/Low/Open/Close etc.
By Fabian G
•Apr 26, 2020
Theory part was kept quite short and most of the time is spent programming, which I liked a lot. You will need to research lots of stuff on your own to finsih the assignments. Maybe some more information would have been helpful at times.
Overall a solid course and I certainly improved my coding doing the exercsises.
By Yonatan S
•Oct 22, 2019
Good introduction to working with matplotlib.
All the parts about theoretical/aesthetic considerations when making figures were, in my opinion, very fuzzy, unenjoyable and somewhat of a waste of time. These are things which should be taught through experience or many specific examples, not long-form articles.
By Emily B
•Nov 27, 2020
Great course. I learned how to use matplotlib. The professor is excellent and all of the material makes sense. The only regret I have is that the class was a bit too short and relied too much on googling features of matplotlib. But, that's how industry goes so I am OK with the course overall.
By Ben B
•Dec 14, 2017
Most of the learning was self-directed as I worked through the assignments using Stackoverflow and other online resources and documentation. It would have helped to provide a lot more instruction on customizing templates such as the Seaborn library, adding notations, and fixing alignment issues.
By Dillon M
•Jun 3, 2020
Provided enough structure and worked examples to give a meaningful introduction to the topic, but left the assignments open-ended enough that they were interesting and challenging. I ended up spending a lot of time on the various assignments, but actually found the whole process quite rewarding.
By Victor A D S
•Apr 8, 2020
This course is okay. I think it tries to cover to much ground in to few lectures, particularly when it comes to more advance features and functions of matplotlib like animations and interactivty. It devotes a whole week to theoretical discussion of graphic design which is okay but not great.
By Sergio P d R
•Apr 26, 2020
Good course overall. Like previous one, you can do as much as you want. How much you learn is completely dependant on you. It is not difficult to pass it, but if you want to get the best out of it during the assignments, you will have to spend some time in stackoverflow and matplotlib help.
By Christos G
•Aug 31, 2017
Great exploration and navigation through the not so straightforward matplotlib for Python. The lecture would have been perfect if there were not so many references to a local library, which helped with the concepts but left the student with nothing to reuse in the future.
By Katya H
•Apr 4, 2017
good lectures and theory. I miss automatic code evaluation and more numpy data transformations. I suck at these and I was hoping this course would have more of the same kind of tasks as the first + plotting.
Overall, good class as a starter point for plotting in pandas.
By Juan M
•Sep 17, 2018
The course and material is great. The videos are not too long, but they provide the necessary guidance. I do think that the peer-reviewed grading could be improved. Feedback is minimal, and I do not think anyone really gets feedback on the quality of their code.
By Juan C E
•May 21, 2017
Several different API's are touched (matplotlib matlab-style and object oriented interfaces, seaborn, pandas, and it's easy to get lost. Some additional reference material would be helpful: cheat sheets, course slides with a bit more detail of the API's touched.
By Noah K
•Jan 31, 2018
Great course to learn matplotlib and some other plotting tools! I do believe that that gap between the lecture videos and the assignments was huge though, but I guess self-study and exploring the internet is part of learning this type of stuff. Great course!
By Jared P
•Mar 22, 2017
This a pretty good introduction to plotting libraries in python. I would have preferred a deeper dive into some of the built-in methods. A little more on visualizations from libraries like seaborn, bokeh, or plotly would have been nice. Overall, great work.
By Tonderayi K
•Nov 30, 2017
It was an applied one where I learnt how to handle real world data. Also the parts of what makes a good visualization were principles that really helped me. This course will always help me in my data analysis future - I will always refer to it.
By Xan P
•Aug 30, 2019
Useful overview of data visualization design principles, matplotlib, and seaborn. But for me also required a lot of self-learning from Stack Overflow in order to make attractive charts. The assignments were useful and practical overall.
By Luke G
•Mar 3, 2018
This course is pretty good. There's a lot of general guidance and the topics covered are very broad. Expect to spend some time reading documentation, but overall you'll get a really good coverage of a lot of different things.
By Michael H
•Feb 11, 2018
The course was very informative and provided good exposure to plotting tools in Python. However, I don't feel that the peer-reviewed assignments were very effective as nearly anything submitted would receive a passing grade.