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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Applied Social Network Analysis in Python by University of Michigan

2,706 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the learner to network analysis through tutorials using the NetworkX library. The course begins with an understanding of what network analysis is and motivations for why we might model phenomena as networks. The second week introduces the concept of connectivity and network robustness. The third week will explore ways of measuring the importance or centrality of a node in a network. The final week will explore the evolution of networks over time and cover models of network generation and the link prediction problem. This course should be taken after: Introduction to Data Science in Python, Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, and Applied Machine Learning in Python....

Top reviews


May 2, 2019

This course is a excellent introduction to social network analysis. Learnt a lot about how social network works. Anyone learning Machine Learning and AI should definitely take this course. It's good.


Sep 23, 2018

It was an easy introductory course that is well structured and well explained. Took me roughly a weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope the professor follows up with more advanced material.

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451 - 455 of 455 Reviews for Applied Social Network Analysis in Python



Feb 22, 2021

Aimerais avoir plus de temps et de conseils pour bien réussir..

By Natasha D


Dec 5, 2019

The lectures and first three assignment are extremely superficial. Mostly they throw a bunch of definitions of metrics at you, give you some one-liners that will calculate specific metrics, then ask you to spit back those one liners (essentially no discussion of applications, etc). Then the fourth and final assignment is an interesting application of what you've learned but the grader is a NIGHTMARE. It is super buggy and your true task is to learn how the grader works, not how to write code and apply what you've learned about data science. I would not recommend this course unless you need it to finish the specialization.

By Moustafa S


Aug 19, 2020

not usefull course, out dated materials and it doesn't work on new library, what's the use of it if it doesn't work anymore and noone uses it?

By Sonam A


Dec 18, 2019

not interesting.



Aug 1, 2023

Too difficult