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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Applied Text Mining in Python by University of Michigan

3,812 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the learner to text mining and text manipulation basics. The course begins with an understanding of how text is handled by python, the structure of text both to the machine and to humans, and an overview of the nltk framework for manipulating text. The second week focuses on common manipulation needs, including regular expressions (searching for text), cleaning text, and preparing text for use by machine learning processes. The third week will apply basic natural language processing methods to text, and demonstrate how text classification is accomplished. The final week will explore more advanced methods for detecting the topics in documents and grouping them by similarity (topic modelling). This course should be taken after: Introduction to Data Science in Python, Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, and Applied Machine Learning in Python....

Top reviews


Dec 4, 2020

Excellent course to get started with text mining and NLP with Python. The course goes over the most essential elements involved with dealing with free text. Definitely worth the time I spent on it.


May 3, 2019

Lectures are very good with a perfect explanation. More than lectures I liked the assignment questions. They are worth doing. You will get to know the basic foundation of text mining. :-)

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376 - 400 of 743 Reviews for Applied Text Mining in Python

By Traci J

Dec 7, 2017

I learned a lot about regular expressions, how to use NLTK to parse words and parts of speech, and to apply machine learning techniques from the third course to text.

The homework assignments were finicky with the autograder and often there was a lot of frustration regarding the exact data types of the output. I spent a lot of type debugging over simple things that could have been clarified in the assignment description. However, the discussion forums are active and people are willing to give feedback!

By Christos G

Aug 21, 2017

This was a very well thought and assembled set of Text Mining applications in Python. The complexity and profoundness of the topic somehow prohibited the instructors from sufficiently explaining the details in some occasions, which might eventually cause frustration with the students. However, perhaps this wide-first approach versus the deep dive is preferable for the purpose of the course. In all cases, Google and Stackoverflow will always remain as last resorts and supporting information sources.

By Alan H

Sep 26, 2019

The course provided a good overview of basic text mining for people who are brand new to NLP. The problem is really in the quality of the assignments. The quizzes are really simple and the programming assignments have many errors and provide no feedback for debugging. If it wasn't for the forums and the awesome mentor Uwe (who answers everyone's questions!), I would not have been able to complete. I felt like I learned a good amount, but in a painful way

By Sebastian H

Mar 18, 2018

The course is quite interesting and you learn the basic concepts and tools.

The programming assignments were sometimes unclear in the formulation of the tasks. Additionally the autograder seems to be a bi buggy, which was very frustrating and cost me a lot of time.

But, thanks to the vivid and helpful discussion forum in the end it is feasible.

And since you learn the most out of all this little hurdles ;) , the course is still very valuable!

By Aino J

Jun 21, 2020

The lecture videos give a nice, basic intro to NLP concepts which are then applied in the assignments. I thought the assignments were good although I found them considerably easier than those of the preceding courses in the specialisation. With this course I had to spend some time reading past participants' posts on the forum because I found some assignment question formulations slightly unclear. Overall, a very nice course.

By Carl W S

Sep 1, 2017

Overall, a solid course, though it felt a bit like a face-to-face lecture course recorded to video. The material was helpful and well-explained, but I feel it could benefit from taking advantage of the MOOC medium more effectively, such as by providing code sample notebooks for the students to run and modify, which have been very helpful to me in understanding the material in other courses in the same specialization.

By kp

Jan 6, 2018

Great material with practical applications! I utilized a lot from this course in my work! I think the assignments should be made a little bit more clearer, specially the first one. Took a lot of time to do the first one, due to some exceptions that were not mentioned in the exercise, at least one should mention that there might be cases other than specified here.

Overall a great course! Thanks!

By Beda K

Aug 27, 2017

Good introduction into the field of text mining, but very brief. I think the structure could do with some fine tuning as for example the extraction of features from text is left mostly untouched or is covered by the home work only. All in all I found it slightly less well structured than the previous parts in the series, but it was still very useful and helpful as a starting point.


Sep 1, 2018

I am a Self Driving Car Engineer, I have worked with deep learning but i wanted to know about Machine Learning So i was exploring here. I am new to Text mining and not interested much, but it was worth exploring and to to know potential of Test Mining. Course was very well summed up for me as a this is new for me. Content was good enough to start and hit some practical questions.

By Lucas S R

Feb 7, 2019

The course presented a good content for beginners in NLP and I feel confident to start using what I learned in my work. But, the grader for the assignments is too slow and buggy, this should be fixed so new learners don't feel frustrated. In addition, for assignment 4, the lda trainning parameters are not viable for trainning in coursera's environment, it should be reviewed.

By Charles F

Sep 20, 2017

The course content is very interesting and high quality; however, the video slides include code that is not available in e.g. jupyter notebooks. Also, the assignment markers do not give any useful feedback - more than half of the time spent was usually when 99% of the task was complete but some very minor detail threw the marker off.

By Чижов В Б

Dec 18, 2017

It is interesting, cognitive and very useful. But, there were very few answers from the teaching staff in the discussions at the forum. In previous courses of this and other specializations, the teaching staff took an active part in the forum and this greatly helped in understanding and fulfilling the tasks of the course.

By Vidya M S

Sep 29, 2019

A good brief introduction to test mining with python. The professor attempts to explain the topics well. Good rigor of the assignments. How ever for the last module , absence of explaination with a notebook is strongly felt as the concepts get deeper in understanding and woud have helped with the last assignment.

By Keary P

Apr 14, 2019

Good intro into NLP and NLTK. Assignments provided great hands on practice with NLTK, SciKit Learn and regular expressions. Could use additional materials for key concepts such as sentiment analysis and ngrams. Could also use a more real world case study for the final project.

By Aditya h

Jul 9, 2018

Great course! very much handy if you are looking for a 'Text processing in Python' primer. The good thing about the course is that it explains the libraries. For example - NLTK vs SciPy for applying ML on text. What's missing, is the Deep Learning aspects of text processing

By Archit A

Jul 11, 2018

Course content has to be modified, the instructor has to more in depth in some of the topics especially the final week topics. Rest apart, I enjoyed the course, the assignments and quizzes are of optimal length and difficulty. Thanks for making this course!

By Gunjari B

Jun 18, 2018

Lecture materials are not comprehensive enough to solve the assignments. Course is dependent on precursor courses in the specialization. Assignments often require reference from upcoming weeks. lectures are inadequate. The course is average at its best

By Muhammad S J

Mar 8, 2019

Overall course is very usefull for me. But there is lot of detail is missing in week 4. Wordnet and Gensim usage, Detail about the LDA and semantic similarity. I hope next time there is separate video lecture for detailed about Semantic simalarity.

By Oscar J O R

Sep 2, 2017

Nice introduction to the topic and interesting tools. The evaluation system could be improved adding more resources focused on the use of the nltk functions or giving some advice about the critical points in the Python demonstrations.

By 王桢

Jun 9, 2020

I realize that nlp is really not an easy task after this course. I think I should keep going if I really want to find a job in nlp. The first three weeks I really learned a lot, but the last week I don't fully understand the content.

By Darius T

Apr 2, 2019

The course material is good. The main issue with this course are some of the assignments, which are pretty complicated, are not explained well enough and sometimes don't even test the knowledge of understanding text mining.

By Pushpendra S

Oct 15, 2018

Not well organized. Some of the assignments took way too much time. Instructor's code could have been written out better and could have explained the topics in detail before expecting students to sort through the mess

By peyman s

Feb 1, 2020

This course offers a good package of skills with great notebooks (except week 4) and assignments. The videos could be a lot better but mostly understandable. You can always search Youtube for better explained videos.

By Ayush A

Jul 14, 2018

The course was good, but as I progressed in the course, the approach for code began slackening off, as it felt to me. Topics are discussed well, but the implementation in code was something that took a star away.

By Rushyasrunga K

Jul 19, 2019

Course is great except for the auto grader issues. Please look into the issue. I would like to take this opportunity and thank Prof V. G. Vinod Vydiswaran and all those who helped me to complete it.