(1484 Reviews)
(4203 Reviews)
Nov 11, 2016
I completed the course in about three days. I've never programmed before to the learning curve was excruciating but nonetheless I managed to get through and finally get my python feet wet so to speak.
Jun 16, 2020
i really liked the course very much, especially sir who is teaching us in a very simple manner, The best teacher I have ever seen who now the tacts for explaining the language in a very nice manner
By Nicola W
•Jan 2, 2022
I felt like this course could benefit from more examples and course work. It would have been nice to have the professor explain a concept, then we have a few small homeworks after each. The pace of the course seemed off as well, it was very easy ands low for the first 3 weeks however from week4-7 it was warp speed. That being said, I really did love the professor, he was fun, engaging and passionate.
By Chris L
•Feb 4, 2018
Videos are rambling at points. Also, the code assignments are 1 and done per week. This means they don't nicely build upon one another and that they can be pretty unforgiving if you aren't ready to spit out the culmination of the week's lecturers in 1 go. The course would be better with more focused lecturers and multiple short code assignments that build on one another.
By Jake A
•Apr 12, 2023
The course is ok, but the jupitor notebook for practice is very sloppy and wasteful and cumbersome.The course couldve done way better with questions, exercises and practice that was cleaner and way more simple and helped you memorize things. Drilling the simple aspects of what you were learning wouldve made the course way better.
By Syed T H R
•Sep 11, 2021
It is a good course but the assignments are not explained in a very good manner. The programming assignments tend to get difficult due to the questions asked which are not well explained and they are a lot difficult to execute. Teaching is good but the exercises should be explained much further.
By Tushar K
•Jul 21, 2017
I feel that course should be split out for people with programming background and the first time Python programmers versus the first time programmers. There was too much repetition in some of the classes around basics of programming than python. Thanks!
By M C
•Jul 9, 2024
Python básico, si quieres aprender python necesitas otro curso adicional
By Prashant K
•Sep 3, 2024
By Katherine B
•May 30, 2022
I thought the history of the tech itself was really useful. It helped me better understand how a computer works. However, having just finished the Google Analytics course, and having previously worked as academic faculty, I was bothered by the quality of this course. First of all, a Python for Everyone course with a single teacher is probably not the best strategy. This program is a representation of not just UM but academia itself. It needs to be on par with the offerings made by larger corporations, which means it needs to take into account diversity in representation as well as user experience. These videos are long and contain a lot of unnecessary information because they are constructed from the perspective of what the teacher thinks is important rather than how users actually learn or what they need to know to get started. There is crucial information missing from the first course. I wasn't told how to open or use the terminal in mac, and there's a staff member on the discussion boards responding to everyone's query about it just saying "it's explained in the course." Again, a course that centered on user experience would have a better response to this problem, even if people like me are overlooking information. It's clearly not easy enough to find. Finally, the peer review process is unfortunately flawed. My first rater either couldn't see my photographs or just chose to fail me because he didn't understand the process. This was extremely discouraging for a first-time user. I think you have to keep in mind that I can log onto YouTube & watch a 1 hour tutorial and learn more than I did in the entire first course of this class. The reason I'm going into so much detail here is that, as a former academic, I am often concerned that we are not offering the same quality of online education as companies like Google and IBM. This program is a good example. I pay the same amount for a Google course, but I get a lot more quality. As a represesntation of UM, this course has to make people wonder: If this is the quality of education I expect to get from a major University, why should I pay the most expensive school in Michigan for courses that aren't constructed with consideration for user experience? Moreover, there is too much emphasis on academic honsety for a course that can't protect it. The peer review process is less likely to keep anyone from cheating as it is to discourage honest users who make mistakes. Honestly, if I were using this course to determine whether I wanted to take more courses from a University, and UM in particular, my answer would be a hard "no." I'm better off on YouTube. I'm sure people worked hard to produce this course, but I think a larger team, more diverse perspectives, and a firm root in user experience design are a miminum for this kind of online education.
By Piotr B
•Sep 6, 2020
To be honest, I thought the course stumbled and fell short. It was far too basic and slow paced. Considering how little is taught, even for a beginner's course in Python, it could hardly be described as college-level material.The tone was a bit immature at times, and perhaps appropriate for a grade school level classroom--not something for college students or working professionals. Even if the goal were to teach those having absolutely no programming experience, the course could accomplish that while providing more content by doing the following: keep up the pace of the lectures, give better (more relevant) coding examples, and remove the portions of the lectures that are irrelevant to the course objectives.Is the course worth the price? Hell no. If you do pay, you may feel very cheated at the end. The entire course can be reduced to 3 pages of notes. One would be better off checking into other free, online tutorials.I'm not sure about the value of all of the videos titled "Office Hours." They look like nothing more than self-promotional behavior from the professor, as if to say, "hey look how great I am making this irrelevant two-minute video in Paris." They're really nothing more than that.In one video, Severance corners a guest speaker at a conference, who appears annoyed after a few minutes and gives a polite brush-off: "other people here would like to speak with me too." It's obvious that Severance didn't set up the interview beforehand or warn the other person that he was going to be videotaped. Things like that make the professor look naive, unprepared, and unprofessional. After all of these videos, you will ask yourself, "okay, why did Severance make me watch that?" "What was the point?" And you'll shrug your shoulders and say, "gee, thanks for wasting my time … again."
By Cassi M
•Dec 23, 2020
There's a lot the class doesn't cover, things it doesn't do a great job at being a beginning class. For the FIREST class on python, I'm incredibly disappointed with how its run. The not being able to see what others did and thus know if thats the same thing you did wrong means that every time you are unsure you have to ask a teacher, which can take hours or days to be replied to. I ended up not using any teacher help and instead had to contact a friend who does programming to explain things that were in the homework but no where in the text or videos to explain things that SHOULD have been explained before getting the homework. If you're willing to do your own legwork or don't mind waiting between responses, I'm sure the class is great. Personally, I'm extremely disappointed. Look at the discussion each week, there's tons of questions of just not understanding why things aren't working.
Watch out for information in the homework that is wrong or needs to be changed to make it correct instead of leaving blanks which would have been easier to understand in a beginning class. It constantly felt like trying to figure out what they were tricking you with in in the homework by giving you information and equations that don't actually work as written. I'm just not impressed and as someone with a teaching background, I'm pretty disappointed in the execution of this class that should be an absolutely basic class but its also trying to trick you in ways. I'm just not impressed.
By Lee D
•Mar 27, 2017
This course is a first time programming class using Python. This is not what I was looking for. I wanted an introduction to Python for someone who knows a some programming already. Also, this teaches Python 2, which no longer cuts it, especially for an intro class where you'll be taking further work. It may have made sense when this class was done 3 years ago. It does not now.
The teacher was very lively and engaging, and I would enthusiastically recommend taking an online class with him, but the class is out of date and not what I was looking for.
By Bita B
•Dec 30, 2020
I know the instructor has a lot of knowledge but knowledge is not enough for teaching. I couldn't watch the videos because of the whole different types of super intense colors he used (pure cognitive load) and then he went on almost every line of code and made them disappear with strikethrough! Unbelievable! I was only able to do the assignments because of a book I've read about NLP and Python. I gave all videos a try and hoped it's not always the same but I couldn't watch them. I hope the Instructor will find another way to share his knowledge!
By Mary S
•Jun 21, 2023
I have had courses presented much better. This course is not written for the beginner. My biggest issue is that ALL homework assignments have to be completed AND completed at 100% to PASS the course. This is problematic as it sets up learners to fail. There are much better ways of handling grading than what is presented in this course. I started another similar course at the U of MI, which was presented much better than this course, but the grading system was somewhat problematic as well.
By Fabrizio G
•May 31, 2022
El curso da saltos muy grandes de ejercicio a ejercicio. Al principio se habla de que "cualquiera puede hacerlo sin conocimiento alguno" pero creo que para culplir esto último, debería ir mas lento en cuanto a los ejercicios. De nada sirve mirar 30 minutos o más de video y que luego pongan un ejercicio que incluya todo eso del video al estilo de "bueno, ahora arréglatelas tú solo con este ejercicio, haz todo lo que aprendiste". Por momentos me resultó bastante frustrante y poco instructivo
By Lovkush A
•Oct 13, 2016
Sense of humour is off-putting. Tone is unnecessarily childish ("Python is yelling at you"). Key ideas are unmotivated (just trust me, functions are useful!). Includes line of code impossible to understand in earlier videos (e.g. loops appear in earlier weeks). Office hours just seem like professor showing off all the places he goes to. I enjoyed the interviews with people discussing their work or history.
By Farhad M
•Oct 27, 2020
I am not sure how almost 800,000 people attend this program and get a high rate, but, It is really frustrating to see the first two chapters are just introduction not even about Python!!! and when I go to the third chapter there are still interviews and etc., maybe he tried to make it not boring, but, it is over. I gave two stars as I don't like to waste the time and this is not my learning style.
By Khush g
•Sep 5, 2023
By Michael W
•Sep 21, 2024
The course seemed interesting and cool at first, but then got more confusing and harder as I went along further in it. It started easy then got more complicated in the end. This course should add more tutorial videos on how to do assignments and have videos that explain how to do coding and what each part of the code means. That would make it easier and more fun to learn. I know that the teacher wanted us to learn it on our own, but it was so difficult without the extra help. Overall course is great, just needs more self-help videos on how to do things like coding and parts of it.
By Alexander M
•Jun 25, 2023
very confusing! makes you downland all kinds of programs in your computer to use a different program that was never asked to download. presents videos irrelevant to what is being taught . This is more like one of those programs in youtube . "mentors" showing you where they've been and who they know rather than focusing on the topic
By Elias L
•Sep 10, 2024
I felt lectures were overly abstracted/simplified, making content harder to grasp, making the code challenges harder, and due to the quality of lectures I felt discouraged from watching the lectures for a third time. "for thing in list: zork = zork + 1"
By Abdul M
•Jan 12, 2024
Teacher's method was not good i literally had to google every information about Python because he was not giving his best. I'm really disappointed.
By seif e K
•May 21, 2023
I really enjoyed the online course. I thought it was well planned and layed out, easy for me to follow. The work load(h.w. & test)was just enough, so i could finish everything with enough time, learn about the topics and not feel over loaded and rushed.Overall I really like this class because all lectures, assignments, and tests are straight forward. A couple things I dislike about the class are that there should be more opportunities for extra credit and it would be awesome if the final was an objective essay about what we have learned in this class or what we like about the class. I believe that I have more knowledge about ocean, weather, and marine lives and hopefully, I can use them in real life.The course was everything you said it would be, fun but a lot of work. And it was! I enjoyed the web-labs because they were a lot of fun and easy to understand. And the answers were usually somewhere in the text. I also liked the assignments that required us to get online. Sometimes articles aside from the reading book gave me a better idea and understanding of the subject for that week. What I disliked was the short essay question because I found it difficult to explain certain concepts without introducing in some way, Ideas from the course notes or book (keeping in mind plagiarism). I never expected to learn so much from an online class; I now see the ocean life in a whole new way. I know I could have done better, but in the end I learned that an online class could be as much work or more than a regular class. However, I still enjoyed it very much.I really enjoyed this class and the format it was presented in. For me, I learn and retain much more through an online class due to the fact you can do the course as an ¡§open book.¡¨ This really makes me search for the answer and in return, I retain more information. I found it relaxing to be able to turn the work on the assignments and test at my leisure and when I had the time. I liked the fact you were very clear that more internet research may be necessary for some assignments To be honest, there is nothing that I disliked about the course. I will definitely be taking another online course from you!To be honest , this was my first online class. I am looking forward to taking more online classes. The experience of this class has being nothing but positive. I thought the coarse outline/power point was extremely helpful. The homework, quizzes and test were reasonable. I would have enjoyed experiencing a field trip to Carlsbad or Oceanside, my only suggestion would be to have more days available for those who cannot make it on the specific time/day. Maybe a field trip later in the day? Or another weekend? I have to say this class made me more aware of current event dealing with the ocean and weather. I also did something for the first time as a north county resident, I participated in the annual grunion run in Carlsbad. Lots of fun!!! Enjoy the summer Mr.T.I really liked learning about the tide pools and local labs. Originally I enrolled in this class because I am not from CA or even a coastal areas ( I am from WI) so I thought it would be good to learn a little about the waves, swells and currents as I venture into the water a little more the longer I have lived here. I had no idea the depth of the earth’s oceans or the importance of them. I really liked the online option of this class because I am a very busy person (2 jobs and college). The only thing that was a little confusing at first was all the different resources. In the beginning I had a hard time finding the answers to questions because I wasn’t sure where to look. The book, Notes, PowerPoint presentations, web-labs, the cd with the book… Just was a little much but as the semester progressed I got the feel of it and benefited from all the information
•May 5, 2021
The instructor is awesome and the designing of course is fabulous and super easy to understand. I found this course great. I will suggest who want to learn Python Must must take this Course. It will help you lot and clear all your basics.I refer all my beloved friends and juniors to take this course. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................THANK YOU
By Monika M
•Sep 29, 2023
Programming for Everybody( PY4E) is a must for those who are really starting their journey in Python and AI for that matter. I had already finished one course for beginners on a different platform and came out of it still very confused as well as discouraged, I had managed to write the 'Hello World" code and that was about it. After some research, it was clear to me that this course (PY4E) is the best choice for a total beginner, I was so hopeful and oh my! This course exceeded my expectations. Things make sense to me and when starting this course I was just amazed at how excellent the professor is. Lessons are nicely divided into chunkable sections and explained below. You literally feel as if the professor is talking to you, and there is this natural real-life vibe with some giggles too! Hats down Professor Chuk! I have done a lot of courses in my life and this is by far THE BEST one! Also, I have some financial issues, and looking for self-studying for free was very challenging as there is no structure. Coursera helped me with financial Aid which means I will be able to get the certificate that I could then present to my future employer. I am so happy I have found this course! The best part is... I can't wait for the next morning to keep learning and doing assignments. I can actually write some basic codes and I UNDERSTAND it! Priceless for me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!!! Programming for Everybody( PY4E) is a must for those who are really starting their journey in Python and AI for that matter. I had already finished one course for beginners on a different platform and came out of it still very confused as well as discouraged, I had managed to write the 'Hello World" code and that was about it. After some research, it was clear to me that this course (PY4E) is the best choice for a total beginner, I was so hopeful and oh my! This course exceeded my expectations. Things make sense to me and when starting this course I was just amazed at how excellent the professor is. Lessons are nicely divided into chunkable sections and explained below. You literally feel as if the professor is talking to you, and there is this natural real-life vibe with some giggles too! Hats down Professor Chuk! I have done a lot of courses in my life and this is by far THE BEST one! Also, I have some financial issues, and looking for self-studying for free was very challenging as there is no structure. Coursera helped me with financial Aid which means I will be able to get the certificate that I could then present to my future employer. I am so happy I have found this course! The best part is... I can't wait for the next morning to keep learning and doing assignments. I can actually write some basic codes and I UNDERSTAND it! Priceless for me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!!!
By aravind b n E
•Aug 25, 2020
Overall, this is a great introduction to Python. Prior to this class, I had zero Python experience; however, my review will be biased because not only am I a graduate of University of Michigan, but I also have 30+ years of software experience including Structured Text (CoDeSys), C, C++, C#, and a half-dozen others.Professor Severance is a great teacher – I wish I could have had him as a professor during my years at U of M.Four-point-nine-star review: because I find a few things lacking in these introductory software courses, and this one in particular.Development and debugging: line by line stepping through our code using a “better” software tool. Atom and the IDLE tools are VERY lacking in development capabilities.It is fundamental to software development to be able to step through your code, line by line, set breakpoints, and easily examine variables and values as they change. And I believe this would make it MUCH more clear to new software students exactly what a CPU is doing when processing code.I know the video course tried very hard to “sketch” out what is really going on in While loops, For loops, If-then-else statements, and function calls. However, I think that students, especially students new to software overall, would benefit greatly if they could use a more professional tool than the Atom and IDLE tools. And if that’s not possible, I think the videos should show the actual animation of stepping through line-by-line and setting breakpoints in example software, using such a tool.Visual Studio Community version is FREE online, and has all these capabilities. I’m not promoting Microsoft or this tool, other than it’s an excellent example of the types of tools students should use for really learning software. And they will benefit greatly from this experience when they evolve to the professional level.And two footnotes about Python:(a) Implicit conversion from int to float, and(b) indentation.These are my main “beefs” against Python; in the 21st century, implicit conversions should never be allowed. And the fact that Python 3 (not Python 2) implicitly converts integers to floats during mathematical operations will bar it from being an enterprise professional language. Indentation instead of braces or other blocking methods: over and over again students will be stumped as to why their code does not work because tabs and spaces are being mingled in the code. A professional language should not do that. Indeed, one must carefully make sure the settings convert tabs to spaces.