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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,799 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Aug 4, 2020

Dr. Chuck thank you so much for designing this course. This course has made me confident of my ability to continue learning python further. The course structure is very simple and easy to understand.


Nov 11, 2016

I completed the course in about three days. I've never programmed before to the learning curve was excruciating but nonetheless I managed to get through and finally get my python feet wet so to speak.

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3876 - 3900 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Reethika D

Jan 5, 2021

This is a good course for beginners who want to begin learning Python. The course is well structured with good pacing. The instructor is great at explaining the concepts. I liked the application assignments as well.

By 445_Harshit G

Dec 26, 2020

According to me, Perfect course to start learning Python being a beginner. plus the Instructor (Dr. Chuck) is an amazing teacher, I'd wish I can get a teacher like him in real. Go for this Course if u're a beginner.

By Lia L

Aug 31, 2020

I think Mr Severance knows his audience very well so that he could clear every single point where there might be a misunderstanding. Great teacher, great course! Couldn’t recommend it more to the beginners like me.


Aug 23, 2020

Es un excelente curso introductorio a Python y a la programación en general. El tutor es increiblemente inspirador, y a pesar de ser virtual, logra conectar con los estudiantes e inspirar a aprender. Muchas gracias.

By Saranya M

Aug 14, 2020

This course was really helpful. As I had knowledge of java and a bit of c programming , I found it quite similar to some extent. These basic building blocks will surely prove to be fruitful for advance Python coding

By Souvik B

Jul 18, 2020

A good course for Beginners.Starts with the very basics of python.The instructor explains each and every concept in an easy and understandable manner.Highly recommended for anyone wanting to get started with python.

By varshil p

Jul 13, 2020

This was a very good course that taught me a lot. This course is very important for me when i am applying for python coding job. Thank you University of michigan for a learning me python course.

Thank you Coursera.

By Mayur P B

Jul 4, 2020

I love the way instructor teach for this course ,it makes much easier to understand. Really helpfull.

Thank you for designing such a marvelous course.

I do not have lapi so I unable to do more course. That is a miss.

By Saul R T

Jul 2, 2020

Curso espectacular ! . me ayudó mucho a refrescar mi conocimiento de programación que ya había dejado por años. Muy divertido y muy entretenido. Tiene la dificultad suficiente de acuerdo a los fundamentos del curso.

By Rachit V

Jun 14, 2020

Fantastic experience, like how the quizzes are structured to cement the new concepts, The assignments are challenging to a beginner. Would recommend to everyone who is slightly interested in python and data science.

By Silvia M R

May 13, 2020

Even though I am not a novice programmer, it was my first time following a course from the complete basis and i really enjoyed the pace, path and approach to the topic. I can't wait to continue with the next courses

By AndrewYu

Mar 8, 2020

As a sophemore student major in Software engineering, the content of this class is too easy. Yet it's the most interesting class I have ever taken in programming language. I will continue my journey in next part. :)

By Ken D

Feb 19, 2020

Dr Chuck is very easy and fun to listen to. He is good and clear with explanations. I also have enjoyed some of the Bonus interviews. Looking forward to taking the next course in the sequence (on Data Structures).

By John W

Dec 29, 2019

Excellent course. One of the first online courses that I have completed once starting. Lectures were short and informative, and the end of week quizzes and assignments gave opportunities to check learning and apply.

By Ricardo L

Sep 13, 2019

I like how is structured the course and the instructor is awesome. My first language is not English and I could understand everything. The course boost me up to continue learning Python programming language. Thanks!

By Abhijoy M

Aug 18, 2019

This course is best for learning programming for first time / non programmers. None of the other courses match the carefully aligned content of this course which gets the job done without intimidating it's learners.

By Aditya A

Jul 23, 2019

The course was awesome. It gave a very nice introduction to the python language. It was comparatively easier than the course 3 so it highly motivated me to learn the python language even further. Thankyou Dr. Chuck.

By Sihan G

May 23, 2019

I loved the course, it made coding easy for everyone to understand step by step. Super nice course organization with simple-to-follow lectures & hands-on practices! Definitely going to continue on to the next level!

By Chris

Mar 26, 2019

Charles Severance has an elegant way of approaching this topic and eases you in comfortably. I've taken many programming courses and this is one of the very few I've stuck to the end. Thank you for helping me learn!

By Satya A

Feb 25, 2019

This is really good course to start with python. Being a software engineer, I am able to complete the course by just reading slides, but I highly recommend to go through videos for someone who is new to programming.

By Pooja A

Sep 11, 2018

I'm new to programming. Charles is excellent and helped me build some strong foundation in programming for python. Looking forward to complete the specialization. don't dread learning more of programming any longer!

By dorian w

Jun 11, 2018

What an awesome course! I like Python way better than JavaScript. The instructor in this course made all the difference! I appreciated how you have to dig for the answers to the assignments.... no hand-holding here!

By Keith C

Dec 3, 2017

Good content, delivered understandably. I like having python installed on my machine. Another class uses jupyter notebooks online and you don't quite get a feel for how the code can interact with your own machine.

By 李宇阳

Sep 8, 2017

I am grateful for having such a humorous lecturer and a joyful journey about Python. I thought it would be difficult to learn as a computing beginner, however, in this course I have gained the courage to learn more.

By Haydn P

Jun 10, 2017

Great way to introduce someone into Python from the start. As I have previous experience with Java, it was definitely a refresher to see how much simpler Python is compared to Java in terms of syntax and structures.