(1484 Reviews)
(4203 Reviews)
Nov 11, 2016
I completed the course in about three days. I've never programmed before to the learning curve was excruciating but nonetheless I managed to get through and finally get my python feet wet so to speak.
Jan 4, 2021
So easy to learn with the videos and tutorials! I have gone through 2 other coding classes and haven't been able to finish because I get stuck and this one has been 100x better in helping me learn :)
By Michael K
•Dec 29, 2024
Excellent class at an easily understood pace. Dr. Chuck's videos are digestible, using examples that help even the most technologically illiterate student follow along. Someone who has never heard of a computer could probably take this class and learn rudimentary Python skills. Course is an overview of basic syntax and statements for writing very basic programs (i.e., a program that prompts users for integers, gives them an error message if they don't enter an integer, and keeps doing this until the user tells the program to stop, at which point the program tells the user what the largest and smallest integers were). The textbook is a useful tool, and it's free!
By Paul H
•Oct 27, 2015
This was a great intro for anyone who has never programmed and very well articulated. Concepts clearly explained. Giving it 5 stars since the effort that has gone into making these videos is poorly understood by people who have not been in lecturing positions - I salute you ! Having been a self taught programmer from the mid 80's on BASIC with Apple 2E's, it is a breath of fresh air seeing this kind of material on the Internet. I had to dig around in libraries which had books (yes paper!). If the youth could rather spend time exploiting this fountain of knowledge instead of hacking away on FPS and Online gaming then we could see some really cool stuff happen :).
•May 15, 2020
ery good introduction to basic programming. Very easy for beginners in python who have already some programming background ,Dr. Chuck was so interesting and he has an extra ordinary ideas to capture or grasp things from him without making any doubt on any topics,This course is actually dealing with the basics of Python
I can say that this course will make worthwhile for who have actually going to starts with python
. The pace was perfect, it was not so long that it was daunting to finish and it did not take too much weekly free time either. Despite this, I was still able to learn a great deal and am still motivated to continue with the rest of the specialization.
By Rahul K S
•Oct 28, 2016
This was my first course which I took and completed. It took me 2-3 days to complete this course. It was a great experience and I would definitely continue with the specialisation. I really liked the cool and fundamental nature of Dr. Chuck. I really enjoyed the course. His idea of putting web series interview was awesome. it provides a great depth of exposure. I very strongly feel that the most enjoyed moment with my course were my coding assignments. I request the course staff to increase those assignments by 4 times. It was the great experience and I really appreciate the effort.
Thanks Everyone for making this happen
Rahul Kumar Sharma
Bangalore, India
By Alon H
•Jul 14, 2018
I have just finished the course. As a junior data analyst (with some knowledge in SQL), python is probably one of the best languages to learn. I had a little background in programming, and worked with computers for a few years, so I feel like learning python is a good place to start. As for the course - I think it was a great platform for me to establish my basic python. It is also my first online course, and I enjoyed this way of studying very much. The course is a great fit for anyone who wants to start developing some sort of skill in programming. I might not know how the other MOOC courses in python are, but I would definitely recommend taking this one.
By José A A G
•Mar 14, 2021
I really enjoyed this course, even though for unfortunate personal reasons I had to quit halfway through, I finally managed to complete this course and I am looking forward for part 2.
This course was precisely what I was looking for when I was asking myself how to begin with python. Dr. Charles Severance manages to resume and clearly explain the basic concepts of python, and the exercises and quizzes really helps to apply the knowledge.
Thank you to Dr Charles, and the University of Michigan for offering this opportunity of learning! I will continue to study and improve my programming skills. I am looking forward for more courses with such quality as this one
By Kausik D
•Apr 17, 2018
I have audited this course, hence submitting or quizzes and doing assignments were not allowed unless you are ready to pay for this course :-)
Dr. Chuck has an amazing teaching style, you will never feel bored, you will always be kept engaged with the easy to understand course-materials.
The course is properly designed for the new programmers in python language and is quite easy to learn and digest. Great for the beginners.
If you are already a good programmer of some language other than python then this course may not give you much extra in terms of programming but yes learning from Dr. Chuck is a great life-time experience. Thank You for the amazing course.
By Deleted A
•Nov 12, 2015
I've started and failed to finish, even after two weeks, many on-line MOOCs and thought maybe it wasn't my style. This one has given me hope I can set up an environment and participate in a class that goes at a reasonable pace. I enjoy the teaching style and that the lectures are designed for people without a lot of (if any) CS or computing background, which is great for me. I come from the biology field and always wanted to learn programming but never gave it enough time or effort. This class has helped me come a long way from quitting course after course, to now believe that I can finish an entire on line class because it is meeting me at my level.
By Richard W
•Jan 14, 2024
A couple things I like about “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” with Dr. Chuck are his presentation and approach to programming. Dr. chuck uses a dark scheme development environment, which is very easy to follow. He points out and highlights, in real-time, important aspects of the code as well as a clear depiction of the control-flow. From the programming standpoint, he emphasizes the importance of documentation aimed at your future self so that you (or any good programmer) can quickly grasp the code. Finally, early introduction to concepts like casting and the try/except construct can be beneficial for avoiding runtime errors.
By Manvendra S T
•Jun 14, 2020
I have completed this course within 4 days and I had no prior knowledge of programming language.
and also I do not belong to a programming or computer science stream in my college. My subjects are PCM still I am learning python because I am highly interested in learning new thing about computer and one day I came to know about programming language then I searched on google and came to know that python is easy and so helpful and friendly language to learn that's why I started learning Python and also my aim is to become a teacher and I want to teach python.
This course is really so amazing because Dr chuck has treated so friendly.
Just go for this course.
By sisi L
•Mar 28, 2022
Gosh, I hope I went to UMichigan for my undergraudate. Dr. Chuck is a wonderful instructor! The material of this course is well-curated; the instructor is very articulate. I enjoy every min of it. I failed to learn Java at my school as the way they taught is very difficult for new learners to follow. I gained my confidence in programming back through this course. And I recommend this stunning course to everyone who ever feels coding is intimidating. It is simply not. Sometimes you just need a good teacher for guidance. Thank you Dr. chuck and TA in this course for helping in discussion forums! I'll go ahead to the next course in this specialization.
By Raian S
•Aug 19, 2020
This Course is highly recommended for the beginner who wants to learn programming language, specially Python. If anyone is delegated, it will take only 1.5 or 2 weeks to complete. I specially want to mention the Instructor Dr. Chuck, he is from School of Information, University of Michigan and knows how to teach a beginner level students who don't know anything about programming. Moreover, I want to mention another thing that this course is just part 1 and covered chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. So, anyone want to complete this course just enroll Specialization "Python for Everybody" which is included 5 courses. Happy Learning !
By David L C
•Jun 27, 2020
Anonymous completed this course.
Doctor Charles Severance is an excellent teacher: he explains programming concepts in a friendly way, references on other parts of programming in a way, that you forget why writing code can be sometimes annoying, (when there is syntax errors, or tracebacks, or in the old days with c++ when the program didn´t compile)., has the ability of binding python with computer history, and has interesting optional videos...
I am really happy to have chosen this course, above other options for diving into Python.
Congratulations, Dr. Severance,,, keep up your brilliant labor as a teacher
# Anonymous == Camilo Ceballos Sierra
By Mohamed H
•Apr 19, 2021
Thanks a lot for this enriching course it's been a great learning experience. The course is really made for anyone from any background just like the name implies. It starts from the very basics of computer technicalities explaining each piece of hardware role in the program execution moving on to installing python and writing code with in a beautiful and seamless flow. The explanation is very simplified yet adequate and very appealing cause of Dr. Chuck's tutoring style and the well presented presentations and content. I certainly recommend this MOOC for anyone looking to get into programming as there's a lot to know with no needed prerequisites.
By Harsh B
•Mar 5, 2018
Wow. the professor is so amazing and makes us immersed into the programming world. I knew much of this course as i knew the basic of C language already. But python was a new language and had many doubts or vague concepts before this course. But Charles cleared all my queries and refreshed every concept. I feel that I am not going to forget all these things for sure as the conceopt got invoked in my brains to last forever. Thank you very much Charles and I highly recommended this course for gteeting a basic knowledge about python. A six out of five course for sure. This course really made me to move ahead with other courses in this specialization.
By Victoria
•Jan 16, 2023
Before reading, please note:
I am an engineer, so I already had basic knowledge on control flow (which is what this course is about).
I am very satisfied with this course. Professor Severance makes all the lectures enjoyable, and he's easy to understand. Also, the dificulty of the assignments is just right.
My recommendations:
- If you dedicate about 1h-1h30m to this course daily, I believe you can finish it within a week (which was my case).
- Take notes of the lectures, and keep all the .py or .txt files of your assignments in a folder. That way you can easily go back and check something without having to look through all the videos and slides.
By Eugenia L
•Mar 12, 2024
Thanks so much Dr. Charles Severance and all the team that has put together this course. I did not have much programming experience and the course helped me swiftly and in a pedagogic way learn the basics of programming so I can decide in which pathway I can specialize my Python training after this (I'm a social sciences researcher, so I might use it more for data analysis rather than for building programms). The videos are really engaging, and the exercises challenging, so that they allow me to learn further those things I still did not grasp well from the videos. Highly recommend this course to get a first dive into the programming world!
By P P K
•Aug 15, 2020
I'm a Mechanical engineering student and when I came to know that I need to learn programming for better opportunities but I used to hate these as well. But choosing python and especially choosing this course helped me a lot to take out my fear of programming . Instructor Charles Russell Severance is extremely amazing in simplifying those programming language into human language. Well explained and well presented. Though it was not one to one interaction but they way he brought the knowledge and fun together is appreciable.Best course with best instructor also I want to thank Coursera and University of Michigan for providing this course.
By Ravi S
•Apr 24, 2020
I am a naive programmer. I had been exposed to academic level Matlab programming only. So, I was very afraid of programming and I always looked for an easy mode of escape from programming. as Python programming language is very user friendly , I decided to start from here.Literally this was my first ever programming class. Thanks to our Dear Prof. Chuck that i feel confident about programming in Python. I have known that i do not need very in depth programming language as in our domain of application it would not be required. But now i am thinking of taking whole specialization. Last, but not the least,Thanks coursera for Financial AId.
By Kevin P
•Dec 23, 2018
I have successfully completed Python for everybody course on Coursera. I learnt basics of python for project. It is a very good start for beginner to enter in modern programming language. Python is very simple and easy programming language, anybody can learn this. And coursera course on this topic is perfect for good start. I would like to thanks professor Charles Severance for teaching us python in as simple as possible. I really enjoyed this course with Prof. Charles , specially his way of giving examples and funny way to teach.
I have completed course in 7-days free trial period. Thank you Coursera for this course available to us.
By Johns H
•Sep 26, 2021
Thanks for teaching me about python, I have learn a lot of things however there is one disruption i have in the course. The disruption is because time zones, I live from Indonesia (Gmt +7) and the staff only replies in the forum from roughly 9 pm to roughly 6 am, which is my sleep schedule and that i only have a narrow window in the morning to fix my code and reply to her, before i need to wait another day. I would also like to see all the slides that was given during the lectures, because that is all my notes. The lectures are easy to understand and pretty fun actually. I would like to learn more about python during the next course
By Margaret L
•Aug 24, 2018
Dr. Chuck is an amazing instructor who rollouts all the content in an very well structured order, with his own passionate and encouraging style. Throughout the course you can feel that he really cares about your progress. He knows exactly where you may feel frustrated and need to elaborate on. With his lively interpretation, I even felt less rejected when encountered errors :) I am from business background and never known anything about programming before, but Dr. Chuck easily grabbed my attention from the very beginning. I just couldn't put it down and completed in one week. Will continue with other courses under the specialization.
By Chris S
•Jul 19, 2018
I would say this course is amazing, i really enjoyed this course also I learned a lot from prof. Charles. Before I enrolled in this course, I had half-year learning experience in Java, that's probably why sometimes I was very confused between these two, like construction of while loop and for loop were a little bit different. I think Prof. Charles is pretty funny, and his demonstration is pretty clear and concise. I am just wondering if he could spend more time and examples to illustrate the similarity between python and other programming languages, and difference like applications, that would be better. Anyway, i enjoyed this course!
By Nilesh J
•Dec 10, 2020
By Dr S K
•Nov 22, 2018
Dr Severance is a gifted teacher. I enjoy all the videos and educational resources very much. I have rarely come across such a charismatic lecturer and mentor and I have over 18 degrees and have studied extensively in many UK and US universitties including Harvard. Dr Severance is indeed the best teacher I have had so far. I am looking forward to the rest of the online classes. Every day after a hard day's work, I enjoy watching the videos and doing the programming tasks. These are excellent classes, very thorough explanations, and to the point. Well done to all the team at the University of Michigan, but especially to Dr Severance.