Jul 27, 2020
A really amazing course that does not only provide you with useful and relevant information, but also GIVES you the tools to locally implement that information and feel inspired to motivate change.
Aug 9, 2023
I loved this course! While I am not a formal educator, I ally train across the state of Michigan and am part of the community myself. It was an incredible course and learning experience.
By Jo K
•Dec 30, 2020
a very detailed and thoroughly presented course that has given me many tools for implementation into my own school context. thank you
By Jacob N
•Jun 15, 2021
This class was horrible. It is about trying to force your own views that you as an authority figure have(over your students) onto people with less power than you do.
That is the whole point.
By Eoin S
•Jun 25, 2021
As someone currently pursuing a Masters in Secondary Education, a priority of mine is to make my classroom as inclusive as possible for students coming from all walks of life. While I would already consider myself aware of the issues facing LGBTQ+ youth, this course excellently reinforced my existing knowledge and did much to further my learning. The content was well delivered and engaging, as were many of the suggested readings. The resources included are also very useful to my future teaching. One aspect I will point out is that most of the content comes from an American context. While this is still very useful, if you are, like me, coming to this course from somewhere else you will need to take this into account and apply your learning appropriately.
By Vivek S
•Aug 12, 2020
This course helped me learn the ways in which I could try to create awareness to the people around me and act as an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. Very well presented course.
By Mireille P
•Jul 23, 2021
For it being a US based course, I was still able to learn a lot even though I do not live in the US. Some of the links for optional readings are dead. This is why it's a 4, and not a 5. I do recommend this course, especially to teachers who are not members of the 2sLGBTQIA+ community. Happy learning!
By Laura M
•Jul 31, 2021
Provides ideas not just for LGBTQ+ inclusion, but inclusion for all minorites and well as a plethora of resources.
By Yvette D
•Dec 10, 2020
Great course. However, you shouldn't have to pay to take the quizzes.
By Zac C
•Mar 25, 2020
This was an excellent course!
I had thought initially that this was going to be a dry recital of all the issues facing LGBTQ+ issues in education, and I was taking it as a general refresher without much expectation. But I was pleasantly surprised by the content that was covered in this lesson. There was a lot more analysis and structure discussed in these lessons than I had anticipated, and I feel like I am leaving this course with a much richer language that I can use to discuss these concepts on an academic level, and communicate with other educators on this topic.
Thank you everyone who put this work together! It has been a real eye-opening experience.
By Aedrian A
•Jan 26, 2021
As I am to be a conscientious educator eventually and before I die, this course is important for me to get a fundamental grasp of a reality that must be recognized and improved - the generally detrimental social experiences of LGBTQ+-identifying people and students as they faultlessly interact with the world around them. I highly recommend this course for aspiring and current educators to enhance their success in productively engaging their students. Hopefully, in doing so, their learners become people who will eventually make the world freer and more accepting of everyone regardless of their sexual and gender identity.
•Jul 2, 2020
It was a great learning experience. This course really widened the horizons of the knowledge regarding LGBTQ Plus Community thereby giving a more multi dimensional and more practical approach to the critical and theory based knowledge of this topic which is in fact a limited and single dimensional viewpoint. All the educators have put a great deal of effort and passion into this course. I wish them all the best and also want to thank them for sharing their knowledge on this platform.
•Jul 20, 2020
Excellent course for all HRM aspirants and teachers who wants to make the workplace more diversified and inclusive by having LGBTQ+ supportive initiatives and making the place more vibrant and accepting in its culture for all people. Thanks to all the professors for making this course...!!! It will help not only in for people in America but globally even in my country such as India by shaping it in the glocally.
By Morgan S
•Oct 7, 2022
This was so full of resources and knowledge. Even before this course, I had considered myself pretty knowledgable about this subject matter, but there was still so much content for me to learn here. It was covered in such a way that someone new to LGBTQ+ issues wouldn't feel lost, but also that those that aren't new, will still benefit from this course.
By Gissella F
•Sep 16, 2021
This is an amazing course for all those educators and non-educators alike to dive in the issues we can see in our schools. Especially if you live in a country/area in which these topics are treated as a taboo. It’s about time we find this kind of courses that can help us or sort of push us to pursue a more inclusive classroom. 100% Recommend.
By Timothy S K L
•Jul 9, 2020
A great course that presents relevant, up to date and digestible information packets to understanding how LGBTQ+ issues are handled in the educational system. As well, this provided a thorough understanding of how educators and really anyone can improve the overall health and society for marginalized communities.
By Michael E
•Apr 30, 2020
I enjoyed taking this course and its definitely extended my knowledge of LGBTQI+ issues in schools. I hope to use it as a basis for further enquiry with the aim of making school a safer place for everyone. It would be great to see more courses on this topic available on Coursera.
By Mertcan K
•Dec 22, 2020
This course has assisted me to gain a better understanding of LGBTI+ inclusivity in education. I highly recommend you to take this course if you are new in the subject of LGBTI+ inclusivity. I also want to remind you that you do not need to be queer to deal with current issues.
By Mariia S
•May 18, 2020
I wish all the schools around the world had a compulsory Queering the Schoolhouse course for teachers. I would recommend it for educators who would like to be more aware of LGBTQ+ issues and are eager to create a positive and healthy atmosphere of mutual respect in the class.
By Lisa S
•Mar 16, 2021
I think this is a great course, especially for people who don't know much about LGBTQ+ issues. As a queer person, it wasn't as useful as I would've liked, but I definitely recommend this course for those who want to be more inclusive but don't know quite where to start.
By Jessa R
•Jul 25, 2021
This had a lot of great information and resources. As a librarian in a high school, I feel much better equipped to help guide students and staff in the right direction when they have questions about LGBTQ+ issues and resources.
By Erica D
•Oct 5, 2022
I've taken multiple LGBTQ+ inclusion and awareness trainings andcourses. This is hands down the best one I have experienced. The examples provided are excellent and the questions asked are relevnt to any level of teaching.
By Zuby E
•May 22, 2020
First of all, Thank you to all the educators that involved in this course.
The course is an eye opening to me and I will definitely applying all the methods that were being suggested in this course to my school.
By Valeria P R
•Jul 28, 2020
A really amazing course that does not only provide you with useful and relevant information, but also GIVES you the tools to locally implement that information and feel inspired to motivate change.
By Reese J
•Aug 10, 2023
I loved this course! While I am not a formal educator, I ally train across the state of Michigan and am part of the community myself. It was an incredible course and learning experience.
By Alberto G S
•Jul 30, 2022
Great course. I loved the explanations and examples the lecturers used, it is a great introduction to the topic. I would recommend this to all my colleagues.
By Gussy H
•Jul 23, 2021
This course was amazing and answered questions I didn't even know I had. I think every educator should take this course.