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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Real-Time Embedded Systems Concepts and Practices by University of Colorado Boulder

77 ratings

About the Course

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5315, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Course Description: In this course, students will design and build a microprocessor-based embedded system application using a real-time operating system or RT POSIX extensions with Embedded Linux. The course focus is on the process as well as fundamentals of integrating microprocessor-based embedded system elements for digital command and control of typical embedded hardware systems. Lab Description: The course requires the student to install embedded Linux on the Raspberry Pi ARM A-Series System-on-Chip processor. This course must be completed using a Raspberry Pi as an embedded system (headless) not a PC running Linux. You will however find Linux as a useful host development system or Windows with an SSH terminal access tool such as Putty, MobaXterm, or equivalent....

Top reviews


Jun 13, 2023

Excellent course with many real-world examples you can start using right off the bat.


Nov 18, 2022

An excellent course,very practical, rigorous and very well explained. 

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1 - 25 of 36 Reviews for Real-Time Embedded Systems Concepts and Practices

By Brent M


Feb 9, 2022

I really like the course subject, but this is the most disorganized Coursera class I've ever taken. The lecture videos seem like they were randomly selected from a collection taken over a couple year period -- as such they're very redundant and there's no real continuity between them. Additionally, the quizes don't really seem to cover the lecture material and are out of sync with what is being taught in the current week.

The peer-graded assignments are just busy work and don't really enforce the course material or give the learner an oppuirtunity to apply what they just learned -- It's just taking some hacky sample code and making a couple modifications to it.

The professor seems like he really knows his stuff, and this is such important material for people working with hard real time systems to know. As such, it feels like Coursera and the Univeristy of Boulder are doing everyone taking this clas a diservice by puting this material out there in such a hacky way. If someone just took the time to make the lectures and quizes a little more coherent and refined the programming assignments a bit more, this could truly be a wonderful class.

By Kell S


Dec 12, 2020

This course is the worst stay away!

The structure is a mess, a lot of videos without even a hint of why the solution is good.

Lots and lots references to #read the manual", so why do I need the course? I already knew where to find tons of hard to read texts,

No credentials to download material needed to pass exams

I've wasted countless hours trying to understand what to do. It's not the subject matter that is hard, this course makes it hard :-c

I'll try to get a refund

By Robert S


Oct 10, 2021

The course has great potential and the professor knows what he is talking about however, the Coursera implementation of it is lacking. It looks like they took his materials from other courses and put it up in somewhat random order. I.e. talking about things that haven't happened yet in the course timeline as though they have. Many of the resources have broken links and/or are mismatched with the assignments/topics. The assignments have very poor definition of the expectations. In at least one case a practical assignment is duplicated exactly. The quiz questions generally are good except they often cover topics which haven't been talked about. If the issues mentioned were fixed, it would move to 4 or 5 stars. Even with the flaws, I did learn something and hope that I do not find the same flaws in the second course of the four course series.

By David J


Feb 9, 2021

This course is horrible! In the first week, the "instructor" provides very little actual information, provides you four of his own projects that you can review all on your own with no guidance. Oh wait, you can only access own of the projects, the other four are locked away on the university's FTP server. But don't worry, your frustration isn't over yet, when you attempt to work with the one that is actually available, the instructions are so vague and unclear that you'll spend more time trying to figure out what you're supposed to be doing, and how to submit it in a way that is successful, that you'll have spent more time on that, then listening to the instructor. Complete waste of time and effort!!

By Cesar O


Feb 21, 2021

Excelent practical & introductory course about RT embedded system and how to implement a Rate Monotonic schedule and see his feasibility, by his LUB and exact study, whithout getting too much in detail about the teory. Using POSIX extension in Linux, AMP emulation with affinity with the easy to get going Raspberry Pi.

By Deleted A


Dec 3, 2021

I hate to give a negative review and I don't want to blame the teachers, I'm sure they were given a very limited time to make this course. But this is unfortunately the worst course I have ever participated in. The lectures are okay at first, but quickly get repetitive. Most of the assignments feel like pointless wastes of time, and there are A LOT of them. There are no teachers in the course, just automated quizzes and students "grading" eachother. This course is a quite bad look for the unversity and american education in general.

By Mohamed H O


Sep 29, 2020

It needs a good knowledge of POSIX in the beginning. That was not stated in the course description. I was searching for resources to learn POSIX. Also the first assignment is asking to submit syslog file. It assumes that all learners know what a syslog file is. Also, the assignment output format is not clear.

By Roberto B


Mar 7, 2023

Course material is disorganized. There are a lot of broken links. The assignments don't explain very well what needs to be done. Very slow feedback through discussions

By L W


Oct 10, 2022

First assignment is unclear even for someone with a background in c and operating systems.

By Jeff D


Aug 21, 2023

The course is abandonware. There are broken links, I report them, nothing happens.

By michael w


Feb 21, 2021

Lecture videos and excises are OK. But please, reorganise the sequence of the quizzes and assignments! Because some of the quizzes cover some points too early, and those points will be mentioned in the future sections one or two weeks later. Also there are some assignments which appears so late, that I thought we should have already finished it up in the previous weeks! (e.g.,Assignment 4 :Pthreads with CPU core affinity in Linux to Emulate AMP, which I think should have been done in Week2 or Week3 already) Other things including the knowledge and skills taught in the lectures are basically quite good, so I will give an total of 5 stars, thanks:)

By Alejandro C C


Sep 30, 2023

Instructions are not clear. I spent more time trying to understand the task objective rather than implementing it

By Dawid B


Jun 14, 2023

Excellent course with many real-world examples you can start using right off the bat.

By Maurice E E


Mar 9, 2021

Assignment descriptions could be clearer



Dec 28, 2021

Had real issues with Peer review policy. There should be a back up always, if peer reviews are getting delayed

By Luca I


Oct 10, 2021

The topic super interesting, the professor a genius, but multiple thing is not well done in the course:

-the Submission requirements/description are often not clear or corresponding to the criteria check

-Most of the time I learn how and what I have to do in submission watching and study the video in next chapter, so when I understood so I watch all the future video before prepare a submissions

-I often learn and understand important concept by reviewing other students, that they explain the code better than the lesson

-Missing files and links broken

-automatic check syslog is good if the requirements are clear and well defined, if don't students must repeat 25 times testing what kind of details are missing in the syslog: check and improve the instructions

By Keith T


Jun 30, 2021

The lesson plan felt haphazard, and for many of the assignments it wasn't clear what was being asked of you until you saw the rubric used to grade someone else's assignment. I expected much better.

By Ryan C


Jun 5, 2024

I finished everything but there are too many Peer Review assignments. The auto grader is very bad. You have to guess at what the solution is. The information is also outdated. they talk about using the pi 3 when the pi 5 is out. It looks like it was made in 2019, It is now half way though 2024. I did not get my certificate because my peer review items are not graded. it may never be graded either. I was ask to grade stuff of 2021.

By Nestor A


May 11, 2024

The auto-grader is a good way to automatically receive feedback from an assignment, but I did not like having to play a guessing game because the auto-grader did not provide good feedback. Expect to spend a few hours on pleasing the auto-grader, instead of actual learning.

By Yaman S


Oct 30, 2022

Very informative, it might need some code updates but everything is alright.

By William S


Nov 19, 2022

An excellent course,very practical, rigorous and very well explained. 

By Tannu


Mar 7, 2025

this course is very helpful to increase my skills and knowledge.

By Shi Z


Mar 21, 2021

Inspiring course contents. Assignments clarity to be improved.

By Weslley O A


Mar 31, 2024

I learned so much in this course, I fully recomend it.

By Mario E B M


Nov 29, 2022

Good Content to understand Real time system.